Chapter 104
The book at zero o'clock is going to be on the shelves today!
This is Lan Xiang's third book on the shelves!
But there are only less than 600 favorites!

I'm Pow Street Pow Street Da Pounce Street!

I will still finish the book normally!
and so!
Ask for subscription, ask for votes, ask for support!
About the number of words in a single chapter:

In the future, it will tentatively become 4000+ words, which is equal to the amount of the previous 2 chapters!
About the explosive update on the shelves:

Explosive 5 chapters 2W+ words!
About Jiageng:

There are no dead rules, give me older and bigger support, and I will name and update the book friends who support me!

About the dragon set:

In the book review area, there is a play building. Book friends who want to be on TV in the book, please go to my post and leave a name. They will be requisitioned. I will also reply the coordinates of the chapter where the play is played. It is easy to check. The play can even be used as a chapter. Oh!
About the book club:
My book friend group number is: 648283720, if you think the things I wrote are still eye-catching, you can join the group to chat and play!
Thank you to the book friends who have read my little broken book!
Thank you thank you thank you!

 Ask for the support of the first order, ask for the support of the ticket, and it will be put on the shelves at zero o'clock today, la la la la! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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