Martial arts life starting from the boundless sea

Chapter 105 Swimming in the Water of Fish

Chapter 105 Swimming in the Water of Fish

Boom boom boom!
Boom! ! !
As the conflict intensified, the movement caused by the battlefield in Yuyu Mountain Villa was heard more clearly by the warriors on the second line of defense.

Because a small group of "rebel" warriors went to investigate in the name of investigation but there was no news, most of the warriors who were at ease before became worried again.

"When will you be able to join the battle?"

"There must be no trouble at Yuyu Villa. The demons have entered our home. Even if we can drive them out, some demons will be missed. It will be dangerous to sneak into the city!"

"What are our leaders dawdling about?"

More and more people began to feel in danger because once the devil broke through Yuyu Villa, they would be the ones who would be unlucky.

Originally, there was no warrior who planned to be so heroic, and he regretted it a bit.

Ifrit, as the owner of the Yanshen Volcano, is also the top chivalrous and hidden powerhouse in China. At this moment, he has taken over the command of the second line of defense, looking at the distant sky and muttering: "It will be soon."

"This time, it's a chance to clean up and kill the demon girl. It's time to laugh at the You family buried in the ground."

"I'll cover you with the flag"

"Master, at present, only the family members of the warriors from Yuyu Villa and some of the warriors maintaining order have withdrawn outside, and no one has followed the orders of the Holy Monarch." Someone close to Ifrit reported softly.

"Hmph!" Ifrit snorted coldly.

"The secret of immortality, whether it's true or not, is it impossible for this family member to carry it to the burial?"

"That's all, if it's true, the You family won't have not resolved the battle until now."

A trace of regret flashed in Ifrit's eyes.

In the Northeast, there has never been any news of the secret of immortality.

Even if it was fake, he would be happy to check it out himself.

After all, that is the important secret news handed down from the first generation of warriors.

Youyu Villa only half complied with the order given by the Holy King to retaliate against the Chao Banshee.

That is to really stick to it.

This point, here in Ifrit, has become a reason why it is not worth supporting Yuyu Villa immediately.

What's more, the order of the sage is also like this.

"The owner of the mountain, the scout plane sent back information that the first owner of Youyu Villa seems to be alive, has appeared and is fighting fiercely with the tide banshee and the demon army!"

After the people around him received another message, they immediately reported it to Ifrit.

Now Ifrit changed his face: "The first owner?"

Before the man could react, he was slapped to the ground by a fiery slap: "Idiot, keep investigating and report again!"

"How could he have lived so long!"

Ifrit took a breath, dispelling the shock in his eyes.

The scene of the Yuyu Villa battle.

The tidal banshee who launched her fists is already unstoppable.

None of the warriors in the audience retreated.

Perhaps the ancestors were all shocked by it, but they still have the Great Fish Formation that gathers the power of everyone.

Try again, maybe there is still a chance!
But the hero Keyou made the last decision of this battle for the other warriors.

As the first owner of the villa, his first command after he came to this world was to compel.

This is because he, who has already reached the pinnacle of warriors in his cultivation base, felt the surge of power brought by the tide banshee against the perverted attributes of male warriors with her fists, to a level that even he was terrified of.

So... I can't stop it!

Heart sigh.

One is to lament the misfortune of not being able to escape the catastrophe despite the ups and downs that he has seen in Youyu Villa for so many years.

The second is that after living for so long, he still has nostalgia for this world to some extent.

Three. It was given to the kid who was ready at the bottom of the lake.

"Death, everyone must die!!!"

In front of them was the rampant clamor of the fashionable banshee, and You Yingxiong took action.

His sound transmission surprised the big and small village owners and dispelled the power gathered by the god fish unwillingly.

Because they had maintained their power for a long time, the five hidden heroes collectively fell from the sky to the ground.

Then, he opened his hands, and the water in the lakes and mountains behind Youyu Villa seemed to have spirituality, and moved from the sky to the center of the battlefield, for the hero You to use.

Between the tide banshee, there is a huge water curtain rising in place!

At the same time, a large number of carp were mixed in the water, and at the same time, a carp transportation line completed the connection with the lake group in the back mountain of Youyu Villa in the air.

Whoa! ! !
From the water curtain to the defense line of Youyu Villa, a flood began!

You Yingxiong's order to everyone is: Dispel the god fish array, don't resist his water power!


Everyone realized something, and cried out in unison!

Seeing the decisive back and watching the flood that intended to take them away, Qin Yan's heart trembled to the extreme.

The water rushed through.

Qin Yan, who was only at the level of a hero in terms of Le Dou's power, could not resist the force of the flood at all.

He hugged You Yan tightly, slapped the water surface with one hand, and yelled loudly.

"Smelly fish, stinky fish, what the hell are you doing!"

"There are still stones, where did he die!"

You Yan was caught in Qin Yan's arms in a daze, and then she watched this man yelling in such a gaffe for the first time.

You Yingxiong turned his head slightly at this moment, Qin Yan could only see half of his face.

That is, the half-mouth that appeared in sight opened and closed slightly, and Qin Yan heard the words: "Boy, just pretend that we never existed."

His voice had never looked so old.

Because he resolutely launched the power he had accumulated.

You Yingxiong existed as a carp until he appeared in the sky. Some people envied his longevity, but few saw the loneliness and patience he paid for his protection.

At this moment, swimming in the water of fish, the world is over!

"Dad, why are we going to swim here?"

"Hey, this fish can talk, Dad!"

"Do you want me to put my head on this rock?"

"It's so heavy, can I?"

"Wow, Dad, I did what the talking fish did, and I saw a lot of little fish under the rock!"

The young You Honglei used his hands to brush the wet hair on the forehead of the children who were having fun in the water in the back mountain and lake group: "Son, you must stick to it from now on, because you are the only one who is the most suitable to hold the event in the whole villa. That rock."

"Okay, but that stone looks soft and red, why is it so heavy, but I can actually lift it under the water!"

Facing the pride gained from the child's first step, You Honglei affirmed: "That stone is a gift from God to our villa, and so is that fish. Son, you have to respect them."

"My dad, that fish sounds like a not-so-old grandpa, you and mom taught me to respect the old, so. Hey hey!"

"It's so cute!"

You Honglei smiled.

Later, another child came to play in the back mountain and lake group.

"Brother Yan, this is my favorite lake No. 88, I want to go to the world every day. Well, I like diving here!"

"You are a red-haired monster, no wonder no one wants to play with you, slightly!"

"I'm not a monster. My name is hair dyeing. It's fashionable in the old world. Brother Yan, you don't understand!"

"You understand it very well? Do you understand the king!"

"Brother Yan, come quickly, there are beautiful carp in this lake, by the way, soak in the water here for a longer time, the chance of awakening the power of a hero is greater, Brother Yan, come and try!"

Having seen a strong Xia Zun take action in the martial arts arena, the eyes of the kid called Brother Yan lit up.

He jumped into the water with a splash.

The red-haired monster now has a water partner.

And the only one.

There are countless carp struggling to swim upwards.

You Hongyan whose body was impacted by the huge fish and water energy, in the process of pressing his head against the stone, scenes of childhood memories flashed in his mind.

He said goodbye to his family in his heart.

Nowadays, the strength of a genius can only be possessed by Yu Zu who has been tempered since he was a child, so he is grateful to the senior You Hero who was disrespectfully called a stinky fish by Qin Yan.

Speaking of Qin Yan, You Hongyan would also like to thank him.

Because the child's hair was red when he was young, even his forehead was red, and he had the responsibility of lifting stones, so he didn't gain much friendship from his peers.

Many children are saying that he is a monster, similar to a demon from outside the realm.

The father who loved him didn't want him to wander around with his red hair. After all, he fully accepted the secret of the lake after he became sensible, which can be described as shocking.

Qin Yan's mouth is full of disgust, but in fact, he bestowed a friendship on him with heart-warming actions, which he will never forget.

After that, the power of chivalry was awakened, and the hair could no longer be dyed by the red soft stone.

However, Qin Yan also moved out of the villa as the Qin family grew old.

So that time, when Qin Yan secretly found out that the returned Qin Yan didn't even remember Lake No. 88, and it was probably a fake, You Hongyan was so angry that he wanted to kill him.

Fortunately, it was closed. Fortunately, it was a misunderstanding in the end.

Recalling these anecdotes, You Hongyan's pain from being torn apart eased a lot.

God's gift to Youyu Villa is the red soft stone on top of his head.

When a generation is born, the senior management of the villa has to select someone to show to the Yu Zu who guards the villa, and finally select the most suitable new stone-carrier.

The origin of the mysterious red soft stone is unknown, but it can be turned into the strongest plug in the world, accumulating power in the space at the bottom of the lake, sealing it and never letting it out.

You Yingxiong hibernates at the bottom of the lake, dissipating the strength of his cultivation again and again, turning into countless energy carp, buried under the red soft stone.

If one day a crisis comes, the stone bearer has to use the most tenacious will to bear the huge red boulder and rush out with huge energy until he cooperates with You Hero to complete the mission.

You Hongyan received the signal.

He was only slightly moved by fate, and he resolutely pushed up the red soft stone that he had practiced countless times in his childhood.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

You Honglei felt that his body was being cut and separated, but the boulder above his head never fell.

In the end, the roar of Lake No. 88 was completely drowned out by the movement of the lake water and carp.


Whoa! ! !
A group of fighters on the second line of defense stared dumbfounded at a flood that seemed to be weakening but was frighteningly large and was rushing towards the position.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !
Ifrit secretly said "It's broken" and leaped away in the air.

At the same time, four figures with terrifyingly strong aura also flew out to follow!
They have not been exposed since their arrival.

The warrior who witnessed this was a little dazed.

"They're all chivalrous?"

"Then why... didn't you go early?"

If the true intentions from the Temple of Light are revealed to the world, then

In the torrential flood that swept inward, Qin Yan, who was swept far away, felt desperate.

You Yan wrapped his arms around his neck tightly, his voice choked up: "Qin Yan."

girl is crying.

Because someone made a sacrifice to keep them alive.

I'm also sad, since the war so far, I haven't seen much support.

It's really like Master said that the Temple of Light has given up on them.
"Qin Yan, why didn't they make a move...?!" Pointing at the five strong figures standing still in the sky who seemed to be watching, You Yan, who was drenched all over, felt the coldness deep in his soul.

Qin Yan could not answer this.

The flames piled up in the chest were even more chaotic because of the vision of the water curtain bursting.

The distance was so far that Qin Yan could finally see the old figure that had been blurred and could not be seen clearly at this moment.

Because the stinky fish turned into a huge carp, rushed to the sky together with countless companions, and suppressed the power accumulated for a long time towards the tide banshee.

"Thousands of carp are facing the sky!"

Stinkfish's voice has never been louder.

At this moment, at least Qin Yan is sure.

It can be heard in the world.

boom! ! !

When being impacted farther by the greater energy accompanied by the flood, the five figures above the head just happened to move.

Qin Yan, who caught this scene while his vision was turbulent, felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Pick up the leak! ! !

Only then do it.

It doesn't matter whether Qin Yan recognizes the five strong men or not, and which force they correspond to.

Based on what he saw with his own eyes, Qin Yan couldn't figure out why there was no support.
Who did you offend at Yuyu Villa? !
"Qin Yan!"


An exclamation sounded in front of him.

Qin Yan woke up, and blamed himself again in a panic.

Because of the stinky fish's sacrifice, he was thinking wildly, and he didn't control the march of the two hugging each other.

The chaotic energy combined with the impact of the flood, even You Yan, who has become a hero, couldn't control it.

Without Qin Yan's help, You Yan saw that the two of them were about to hit a small hill, so she forcibly turned around and let her alone be the impact surface.

This time it hit hard.

The thing had already happened, Qin Yan, who realized that he could no longer be like this, woke up, and saw You Yan's most terrifying moment when his eyes rolled white.

Qin Yan, whose heart was cut by a knife, quickly hugged You Yan and turned around, caressing her face in panic and asked, "Are you all right?!"

"Xiao Yanyan?"

"You Yan!!!"

no respond.

hit the head
He raised a hand to caress the back of his head.

It's all blood!

Immediately afterwards, it was washed away by the surging water waves.

Qin Yan quickly took out the golden sore medicine from his backpack and gave it to You Yan, then hugged her into his arms, turned his back to Hong Shui and said, "I'm sorry Xiao Yanyan, I'm sorry."

When the flood subsided automatically like a fine spirit, Qin Yan saw dejected mountain warriors all over the place, each of them refusing to comfort the warriors who came out of the second line of defense.

Some scolded: "Where were you when we needed you?!"

Some held their heads in their hands in annoyance and cried.

The home is gone.

The ancestors still miss them, and use their last strength to send them away.

Everyone can know the movement just now, the ancestor used his life to fight the trendy banshee.

Holding You Yan, who was still awake, Qin Yan looked around in confusion.

His ears were blocked by water, he was obviously a warrior, but he didn't use his strength to unclog it, but let it be blocked.

Therefore, everything around is buzzing to Qin Yan.
In the sky, those five figures came back unexpectedly.

Their mouths are moving.

Qin Yan could only see the shape of their mouths.

Even though they were far away, it was impossible for Qin Yan to hear the voices, but Qin Yan knew what they were talking about.

"I didn't catch this, that demon girl escaped really fast!"

"Give two aces to Youyu Villa, and keep one for yourself to save your life and escape. You would do the same."

"What the fuck, what kind of bullshit Yuzu is making such a big noise, yet he still hasn't killed the demon girl, what a rotten one!"

"Hmph, I just didn't expect that he can live until now, and I don't know what method he used."

He listened to all these harsh words.

Qin Yan's shoulders trembled violently.

He wanted to explode, but he realized the strength of those five people, and the level they were at still had You Yan who was unconscious in his arms.
Qin Yan forcibly calmed down.

When a little carp that seemed to be closely related to Qin Yan rushed to the front of the remaining water waves and jumped, Qin Yan finally suppressed his unrealistic heart.

"Smelly fish?"

Qin Yan was taken aback for a moment, and was pleasantly surprised when he saw the little carp that was much smaller, but its body shape was very similar to that of the stinky fish.

He knelt on the ground, gently picked up the little carp with one hand, and held it up.

Some warriors who wanted to make up for it stopped in surprise. They saw Qin Yan staring at the palm of his hand in a daze, like an idiot.

 Beg for the first order and ticket support, let's update Chapter 1! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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