Chapter 106 After the Disaster (First Order, 25)

"All the soldiers on the second line of defense listened to the order, and immediately moved forward to the Yuyu Villa, blocking the northwest corner, and strictly preventing evil spirits from sneaking into the city!"

"Youyu Villa has been destroyed. It used to belong to warriors. It will be rebuilt immediately."

"One day if it is not completed, Youyu Villa will not be established as the Northwest Town Motai!"

Ifrit is very cold-blooded.

When so many down-and-out fighters from Yuyu Mountain Villa were sitting on the wet ground and hadn't recovered from the disaster that had just happened, they conveyed the order to deal with it so indifferently.

Even some warriors who had a high sense of belonging to Yanshen Volcano frowned.

"Hmph, hypocritical bastard, the second line of defense is so far away, you think our eyes are made by PY, can't you see what you mean?!"

The conflict finally broke out.

A Xiadi elder from Youyu Villa directly fired at Ifrit.

Speaking of which, Ifrit has the same status as the big and small villa owners of Youyu Mountain Villa, but now because he has received the order from the Temple of Light, he is playing prestige in front of them. What kind of reconstruction order is issued, and who is the show for?

If it wasn't for the ancestor's desperate efforts to stop the maddened banshee, this Ifrit and those other strong men who didn't know when they disappeared would not move at all!

This is clearly to take the lives of their Youyu Villa to forcefully replace the consumption of the tide banshee!
"Are you questioning the order of the emperor?" With so many people present, Ifrit had to avoid the fact that he had a gap with Yuyu Villa.

However, if the people from Yuyu Mountain Villa gave him a handle, then as long as he moved out of the order of the Holy King and stood firm, he would have nothing to avoid.

Ifrit, who had definitely reached the peak of Xiayin, just gave this elder Xiadi his heart shrinking just with a look.

Then, Ifrit actually made a move.

As soon as the palm was turned over, a fiery slap came out, and it slapped fiercely at the elder Xiadi who "said the wrong thing".


Bang! ! !
Just when many warriors thought that this slap was to provoke a bigger conflict, Ifrit's power was broken by a wave of water-blue energy.

Parade, whose clothes were slightly torn, stood up blankly and looked at Ifrit.

Because Yuyu Villa was rushed here by the flood, there were too many warriors, and they were all crowded into a group. Many people forgot that the heroic warrior from Yuyu Villa was also among this group of desperate people.

"Oh, so it's the owner of Parade Gang." Ifrit closed his hands and smiled, "Then, it's up to you to teach your subordinates a lesson. I overstepped my authority."

Parade just doesn't like Ifrit's yin and yang, but he also understands the situation they are in after losing the power of their ancestors that has been hidden for a long time, and without their home in the villa.

If the villa is in good condition and Yuzu is safe, how could he, who is the most powerful person in Yuyu Villa, allow Ifrit to be arrogant like he is now.

Ifrit finally couldn't continue to step on the embarrassing mountain warriors. After all, Yu Zu was the only important figure in this battle.

Others, such as the big and small villa owners, and many elders are still alive.

However, Yuyu Mountain Villa has been destroyed, and in the long process of rebuilding, Yuyu warriors will become the lowest existence in the Huaguo warrior world!
They have no home, and after the witch hunt, they have to bear the big pot of provoking the banshee again.

The most important thing is the heart that originally belonged together.

After this catastrophe, many swimmer warriors feel confused.

Originally, the existing powerful force Youyu Villa protected them, but now they are required to rebuild the villa under such a difficult situation. Many warriors find it difficult to accept this change.

It's not that I'm lazy, the warrior team is actually still there.

Even the tormented heart has changed to some extent.

The warriors on the second line of defense were able to see the occurrence of multiple choices in this rare collision and great change.

Some warriors looked towards the collapsed villa, then towards the city, and finally stood up with their heads down, and walked towards the city silently.

With no organizational system and no restraint in Youyu Villa, they suddenly didn't want to work so hard.

They know that once they return to the comfortable nest of the city, they will violate the heroic power in their bodies and their responsibility to resist demons.

But after all, he experienced a crisis of brushing shoulders with death. Even the elders of the villa, who had always been strict with his disciples, kept silent when he saw his disciples leaving the team with his own eyes.

There are also some who hesitated after seeing the city choices and took no action.

The heartbeat of "shame" was written on his face, and he could only bow his head.

Why be ashamed?
Just because they all know that warriors have responsibilities, and those present are all brothers from Youyu Villa, there is definitely hope for rebuilding the villa, the more people the better.

But on second thought.
You can't ignore yourself, right?
I have paid so much for the villa.

So they will be "ashamed", no matter how you look at it, choosing to stay is the right thing in the eyes of most people.

Everyone only thinks about themselves, so Yuyu Villa really has no choice but to disperse.

Ifrit, as a bystander, saw the group of people who made the city choice sneer.

He wants more of this to happen.

The strong Xia Yin who went with him came from the Flame God Volcano and the Temple of Light.

The original plan was to catch You Hero and the Banshee at the right time to fight and appear at the right time, and then press so many Xiayin cards, there is a high probability that the Banshee will be killed.

At the same time, by taking advantage of the trendy banshee's revenge, she can punish Youyu Villa who shouldn't have her own temper.

Originally, Youyu Villa was the main anti-magic army in the northwest, so what's wrong with using them to exchange the consumption of the tide banshee?
That's why Ifrit laughed at those "rebellious" warriors, and moved himself to support Youyu Villa in the name of investigation.

Rest assured to wait for him to convey the holy order, they will not go to the flood and come back here again.

Maybe he lost his life for nothing in the middle of the process, which is really ridiculous.

But amidst the catastrophe caused by the trendy banshee's revenge, what was never thought of was that the hidden hero You also had the backhand to fight with her.

At that time, he realized that You Yingxiong was going to fight for his life, and if he led people there, he would be blocked by the terrifying impact energy of the ten thousand carps, and he couldn't "support" immediately.

Ifrit still thought with some trepidation that the power of the Chao Banshee and You Hero who played their trump cards at that moment should have broken through the level of Xia Yin.

After the energy wave weakens, rush forward again. The seriously injured Chao Banshee has already fled under the cover of the demon army who decided to retreat.

Thinking of this, Ifrit let out a heavy cold snort.

Xu Xinggang and Xing Mie stood together, saw some people leaving, some hesitated, but more people still chose to stay, bowed slightly moved: "Thank you everyone."


"Master, we"

As the current ruler of Youyu Villa, Parade Gang and Parade Destroyer are undoubtedly majestic in the eyes of everyone.

Now that they are in the same embarrassment as they are, and they still take the initiative to express their gratitude to them for their choice that is still doubtful, this makes Yuyu Warrior dare not take it.

Qin Yan witnessed the whole process of the separation of people's hearts immediately after the great changes in Youyu Villa.

He hugged You Yan who was still in a coma, and he was very quiet, but after standing up, he pointed towards the direction of the city.

Some warriors who noticed Qin Yan's movements were startled.

Now the high-end combat power of the villa is still retained, but people are panicked, and it is normal for some people to make other choices.

But Qin Yan took away himself and You Yan, two geniuses who were to be cornerstones.

This... This is not very good after all.

Qin Yan is only a high-level chivalrous warrior, but he amazed the warrior audience with his gorgeous fighting style in the qualifiers.

In the battle with the banshee, he even directly asked for the protection of the strong Xia Yin to face the banshee.

These, as long as the villa warriors who have paid attention to it, cannot ignore them.

Therefore, Qin Yan's choice, to a certain extent, deviated from the rhythm that Youyu Villa urgently needed.

As Qin Yan's elder, Feng Zheng stretched out his hand at this moment, paused, but gave up on saying something to Qin Yan.

Because Feng Zheng suddenly thought of Qin Yan's temperament.

Free, absolutely unfettered.

Because he made it clear that Qin Yan's previous behavior not only ruined his own reputation, but also Qin Yibai's reputation, so after he provided a quick way to turn around based on the attributes of the Child Returning Book, Qin Yan chose to return.

At the same time, there is also the factor of wandering smoke.

Qin Yan has made a lot of contributions to the villa that even the knight-errant warriors have not done.

A Battle God Tower even saved the lives of five Hero Emperor squads.

That's why Feng Zheng decided not to put any pressure on Kid Qin Yan. He would not even say such things as you are already a member of Youyu Villa, don't shirk your responsibilities.

Let Qin Yan go by himself.

Da da da!
At this time, someone came over and stopped Qin Yan.

The warriors present were slightly startled.

Because no matter how embarrassing that figure was due to the battle, it was also extremely beautiful.

Her name is Guan Xiuyi.

The third elder of Yuyu Villa.

Is it because she can't understand Qin Yan's decision to leave and wants to forcefully stop it?
Think about it too.

Youyu Villa, whose vitality has been severely injured, can go to the low-level warriors, or people who really don't want to stay here, but You Yan is the big disciple of Guan Xiuyi, and Qin Yan's fighting strength is also the same. Objects worth focusing on.

In addition, some high-level officials already knew that Yuzu was able to launch the earth-shattering move just now, and it was the sacrifice of the son of the great elder You Honglei.

So if Qin Yan and You Yan leave together, there will definitely be a big fault in the younger generation of Youyu Villa.

Then it is inconvenient for those who sit in high positions to come forward, so it is just right for the third elder, Guan Xiuyi, to come forward.

The onlookers on the second line of defense warriors thought so.

Even the warriors in the villa can't help but think so.

However, Guan Xiuyi slapped them in the face.

"Qin Yan! Yan'er's coma, won't you give me an explanation?" Guan Xiuyi's face turned cold in front of Qin Yan, and anger radiated from his whole body.

The first sentence she spoke was the purpose of her visit this time.

"Sorry, sir."

Qin Yan bowed his head to accept the reprimand from Guan Xiuyi, who resembled a beautiful teacher.

"You said you would love her forever, but you didn't protect her well!"

Guan Xiuyi was really angry because of You Yan's state, and she raised her hand to slap Qin Yan.

Qin Yan felt a strong wind blowing from the side of his face, and his heart skipped a beat. He closed his eyes and wanted to bear it silently.

However, the blood-stained palm of the official embroidered clothes suddenly stopped less than one centimeter from Qin Yan's side face.

Qin Yan opened his eyes, puzzled.

As a warrior, he is absolutely sure that Guan Xiuyi, who is angry at You Yan, will hit him if he says to hit him.

But what does it mean to stop suddenly now?
Still stuck at such a small distance to stop.

This will embarrass Guan Xiuyi.

After all, this is not a scene to compete how subtle the strength is, and Qin Yan's face is not a prop for the competition.

Qin Yan looked at each other, and unexpectedly saw the unbearable expression flashing in the eyes of Guan Xiuyi under the messy black hair on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, Elder Guan!" Although he still had doubts, Qin Yan said solemnly again.

Guan Xiuyi's hand that was about to slap Qin Yan moved down and stroked You Yan's head.

"Take her back to have a good rest."

Guan Xiuyi suppressed his anger and said softly.

"You want to go?" She looked at Qin Yan and asked.

"I will only be away for a while." Qin Yan said something that stabilized the hearts of the warriors in Youyu Villa.

After apologizing to Guan Xiuyi and saying goodbye to everyone, Qin Yan left a sentence, but it almost made the warriors present laugh.

"I will cut off the head of that fashionable banshee with my own hands!"

After going through such a catastrophe, how can you be so crazy?
Those who are not warriors in Yuyu Mountain Villa have actually heard a little about the mystery of Qin Yan's joy fighting power because Qin Yan is famous in the villa.

Now, they have lowered their impression points because of Qin Yan's indiscriminate madness.

That's not what big talk is about.

There are so many chivalrous and strong men present, but none of them can kill the tide banshee, how can Qin Yan be a chivalrous man?
It's not because he lost his wits because he was stimulated by the destruction of the villa.

That's a pity.

It suddenly occurred to Qin Yan's age group that he was going to participate in the Freshman Hope Competition.

Now that Yuyu Villa has been destroyed, is it possible that there will be one less young and strong player participating in this competition?
A group of warriors shook their heads again and again.

Now no matter what, the most important thing is to block the wide opening in the northwest corner.

Some demons who are good at hiding may sneak into the city without telling them and endanger the people.

When the warriors of the second line of defense were heading towards the damaged villa, You Honglei sat on the ground in a daze, with a painful expression on his face.

"Don't be too sad, that kid Hongyan is a good guy."

"Both he and Yuzu made the greatest sacrifice for our survival." Second Elder Youfeng patted his old partner on the shoulder.

Feng Zheng walked over, glanced at the side, then lowered his voice and said: "The secret of immortality, is it really handed over to Kid Qin Yan?"

"Well, because the elder officials personally asked the disciples to do it, and I can ask someone later to confirm." You Feng nodded.

"That's good, that book without words doesn't completely give up hope like the previous Secret of Immortality."

"Return it to its original owner, maybe a miracle will happen to Kid Qin Yan who got it." Feng Zheng sighed.

Speaking of it, the current series of events seem to have something to do with the wordless scriptures.

After all, it is the legendary immortal skill.

"Yuyu belongs to the order!"

Following the shout of the small villa owner Xing Mi, all You Yu's disciples stood up solemnly.

"Whether to go or stay, we all understand."

"But if we decide to stay, then we must work together to rebuild the villa!"


Hearing the neat answer, everyone was discouraged, except the big and small villa owners who couldn't get discouraged, nodded in satisfaction.

The resulting scene is also for Ifrit to see.

How could Yuyu Villa fall down so easily!

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(End of this chapter)

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