Martial arts life starting from the boundless sea

Chapter 109 The Hope of Dispelling Demons

Chapter 109 The Hope of Dispelling Demons (First Order, 55)

Qin Yan, who told the girl that men usually just work hard, shook the steel frame bed vigorously.

At the same time, the girl was brave enough to cooperate with her.

This surprised Jin Chen and the few half-human girls who were leaning outside the door.

"Sister Chen, has he paid the money? Don't mess it up."

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect this little brother to look young, but my sister, who can't even be coaxed well by us, can be coaxed like this. It really is men who understand women better."

"Isn't there a famous saying in the old world, what to say, the way to a woman's heart is hehehe!"

"Shh, keep your voice down!" Chen Chen shook his hand, and finally stopped eavesdropping.

She's not looking for any excitement, she's an experienced person, she hasn't tasted any tricks and tastes, so she really doesn't have to rely on eavesdropping on other people's affairs to have fun.

Chen Chen was just doing routine work.

After all, the target was found on the street, and the identity information was unknown. Although there were no problems so many times before, routine inspections were still necessary.

It has to be said that the realistic movement made by Qin Yan and the girl together really hid all the veterans outside the door.

Especially when the frequency of the creaking of the bed reached its peak, the girl's voice also reached the corresponding pitch. This made the demigod girls who hadn't lived for a while a little ready to move, thinking of joining the battle for free.

"It's amazing, little brother, mother Jinchen, this distinguished guest needs to follow up and develop more!"

"I know, I know!" Chen Chen expressed his understanding.

After noticing several footsteps leaving outside, Qin Yan slowly slowed down the frequency of shaking the end of the bed, and at the same time signaled the girl to leave the performance state.

In fact, the girl no longer dared to turn her face to Qin Yan.

God knows how she mustered up the courage to cooperate in the few minutes just now.

Although he simply sat on the bed, opened his mouth, and made that sound, everyone knew that this was beyond the normal scale.

The girl would naturally also think that no matter how calm Qin Yan is on the surface, she will definitely have other feelings about her performance in her heart.

Will he think that I'm coquettish and mean?
Still didn't dare to look at Qin Yan.

For a moment, the girl's heart was really messed up.

"Don't think too much, answer the question." Qin Yan's words pulled the girl back.

"Why are there so few Fading Demon Pills? Tell me quickly." Qin Yan's appearance of seeking knowledge was really out of tune with the atmosphere in the room.

The girl was stunned again, which made Qin Yan smile wryly: "I've said it, don't think about it anymore, are you thinking that what you just called will make me think about you, right?"

Being pointed out, the girl panicked and wanted to shake her head in denial, but it was useless.

"It's not a bad thing to care about other people's opinions. It's not your fault that you appear here, so don't think too much after thinking about it."

"It's me, I agreed to take you out, but because there is no window in the room, and there are warriors in charge of the business here, so I just follow the normal procedure."

"People outside are eavesdropping. If there is no movement inside, I will be suspected. There is no way."

"Don't keep thinking about you, you should also think about my arm, it's very tiring!" Qin Yan shook one of his arms to the girl in distress, telling her that you sacrificed your voice and image, and I Also paid the arm.

So under the auspices of fallacies, you and I are even.

The girl watched Qin Yan pause to ask the question that seemed very important to him, and enlightened herself in a very warm way, and suddenly felt a lot easier in her heart.

She stood up, walked to Qin Yan's side, smiled at Qin Yan, and even started to help Qin Yan shake the end of the bed together.

Qin Yan smiled, and gave up a hand to the girl.

"The fading pill must be a demigod that died normally, and then it will appear in the pool of purple-black corpse water that naturally melted away."

"This seems to be God's final compensation for us people. If a half-human demon dies normally, he can get a de-demon pill whose effect depends on the quality, which can eliminate some demonized parts." The girl said As far as the origin of the Fading Demon Pill mentioned above, the little face is more or less sad because of the heavy content.

"Quality? How do you count as high quality?" After learning that the land of demigods does have something to eliminate demonized parts, Qin Yan immediately focused on quality.

After all, as long as the quality is high enough and the quantity is enough, then he will bleed profusely, it is really not enough, and then go frenziedly brushing the knuckles to get treasures, Chaimi may have the hope of recovering health in a short time!
This is the most ideal result!

However, Qin Yan also noticed that the normal lifespan of a person is several decades, let alone a half-human demon who can actually survive like a normal person as long as there are no complications.

Therefore, the quantity of the Fading Demon Pill may not be as expected.

"Strength." The girl replied.

"We also have warriors in the land of half-human demons, and some of them became warriors before they became demons. Therefore, if a powerful half-human demon warrior dies normally, then the demon fading pill he transformed may be able to Eliminate one percent of the demonized parts directly!"

"But... I only know about the Fading Pill, and I haven't eaten it. It's too rare, and it's not something I can touch." The girl shook her head regretfully.

She has fantasized about living a healthy life in the city countless times.

Although the land of half-human demons is already in CD City, the folk customs are fierce. After all, everyone is rejected by the circle of normal people and driven here in the name of safety.

Most half-human demons are cruel to outsiders, and the circle also put forward the slogan of caring for the same kind, but unfortunately enough, she is still swayed by interests, and bad guys with connections in the urban warrior circle abducted her, and she was almost about to pick up customers !
It was a dark day before, but fortunately, I met Qin Yan and declared a temporary end.

So the girl who has overcome some psychological problems is really grateful to Qin Yan.

As long as Qin Yan wants to know, she will do her best to answer.

"Warrior's Fading Demon Pill is only [-]%." Qin Yan was speechless.

If it's a few percent in one breath, it's acceptable.

But possessing the power of a hero can prolong a person's life, so there will be fewer high-quality fading pills!

And in the land of half-human demons, at least every half-human demon has 5.00% demonized parts.

No wonder, it has never been heard that half-human demons have returned to the city.

Just this Fading Demon Pill, I am afraid that [-]% of the half-human demons will not be able to get one, let alone completely remove the number of all demonized parts.

"Then some of you who are better off, will you use the fading pill for yourself?" Qin Yan thought of a key question and asked it immediately.

He thought of the land of half-human demons in CD City, where there must be differences in living standards.

If the landlords and local tyrants inside are dedicated to collecting the magic pills and trying hard to turn themselves back to normal people, then this is another bad news that will hit the remaining number of magic pills.

However, Qin Yan was temporarily relieved by the girl's relatively positive reply.

"probably not."

"Brother, think about it, they are already doing well with us, why do they want to go back to the city?"

"Besides, the demonized parts of those people are very large. It's not cost-effective to use so much demonized pill."

After Qin Yan heard these words, he immediately laughed at his mind that was restrained by anxiety.

Think about it too.

People are living very well inside, so why go out.

It is estimated that getting the faded magic pill will also create greater value.

A demigod who has turned more than ten percent or even dozens of demons for himself can be called a prodigal, regardless of whether the number of demon pills is enough or not!
"Big brother, did you understand?" The girl smiled slightly. She was quite satisfied with her relatively detailed explanation, but she didn't know Qin Yan's attitude.

"Thank you, big brother?" Qin Yan noticed the address the girl used for him.

"Did I say something wrong?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, then asked cautiously.

But she didn't think Qin Yan was a moody person, so she wasn't overly nervous.

"No, it's just that there are two girls in my family who are much younger than you. They used to call me Master, but now they call me Brother." Thinking of Yunjuan Yunshu who was helping share the labor at home, Qin Yan explained with a smile.

"Big brother is also a warrior!" The girl's eyes sparkled.

Although she unfortunately suffered from the demonization of her chest, she is still affected by the theme of this era and has a good impression of warriors who slay demons.

She doesn't know how to tell whether a person is a warrior or not.

It was only when Qin Yan was able to confirm that there were warriors sitting here, and then personally said that he had been a master, that the girl was able to confirm it.

"Well, it's just a weak scum, just don't worship it."

Qin Yan's modest appearance made the girl who had been in a depressed state giggle, and her mushroom-headed short hair danced along with her.


Talking about this, Qin Yan felt that it was almost the same.

He stopped the rocking bed by himself, motioned for the girl to stop, stretched his waist, and said, "Let's stop here. If it takes longer, he won't be a normal man."

The girl blushed.

Speaking of which, when she was locked up here and was taught by those vicious sisters, the rare respite time was spent leaning against the wall and mentally calculating the movement of other rooms.

So she naturally understood what Qin Yan said.

The girl couldn't help thinking wildly again.

Qin Yan touched his chin at this moment, and then took out his beloved squirrel under the watchful eye of the girl who covered her mouth so as not to scream.

"Just use my blood, and they won't be able to see it, hehehe!" Qin Yan finished, and then let the squirrel bite his arm, and began to drip blood on the center of the bed sheet.

A few seconds later, Qin Yan nodded in satisfaction after watching the blood drift into a small blush.

"Big brother, what are you doing?" The girl didn't react for a while.

It was Qin Yan who suddenly pulled out a scary big mouse out of thin air, and let the big mouse bite him, which attracted her too much attention.

"Hmm? Then mother said you are the one, aren't you?" Qin Yan turned his head in doubt.

The girl's thoughts were shocked by Qin Yan's directness, and she stood stiffly in place.

At the critical moment, it was still not easy for Qin Yan to be able to measure the woman, so he stopped teasing the girl for not acting properly, which would cause accidents and omissions.

However, there is still a play to be done.

Qin Yan clearly sensed the presence of chivalrous warriors sitting on the second floor.

Here is close to the devil's flower language, so the nature of the real hands-on has changed.

It's not that he can't afford the money, since he got so much information he wants from the girl, then Qin Yan will be a good person to the end, and follow the normal procedure to take the girl away.

This is a thank you gift from Qin Yan.

You know, before Qin Yan and Na Jinchen came here, they racked their brains thinking about how to explain to the battle-hardened half-human girl that he didn't come here to play a friendly match, but to ask questions involving half-human demons. information in the circle.

There are warriors sitting in the town, it must be to prevent trouble.

The surprisingly shrewd and normal employee would doubt the purpose of paying so strangely without carrying a gun.

So when he first entered the door and found that there was a young child being bullied here, Qin Yan took advantage of the situation and ordered it, which made the rest of the journey smooth.

"Big Brother!" The girl lowered her head, annoyed at Qin Yan's directness.

Qin Yan really couldn't help laughing, patted the girl on the head, and then asked quite seriously: "Then it's up to you to choose, you say, a girl who is completely conquered by me and wants to go with me , what method should I use to go out with me, so that people outside can be convinced?"

Although Qin Yan changed his method, these words are still so direct.

The girl blushed so much that it was impossible to answer.

"Look, if you don't speak, then do as I say!"

As soon as the words were finished, the girl was surprised to see Qin Yan stretching out a pair of big hands, hugging her domineeringly in front of her, and hugging her in front of her.

"Adjust your expression, you're going out. Or, you hide your face and don't make trouble if you want to leave here."

The girl was struggling slightly because of her shy instinct, Qin Yan's not very harsh words made the girl realize that she almost became a drag bottle.

He hesitated and said sorry to the ear that was close at hand, and the girl buried her face in Qin Yan's arms.

At first, it was not very adaptable.

The body is completely stiff.

But gradually, the girl who was in such intimate contact with the opposite sex for the first time was slowly relieved of the embarrassment shown by Qin Yan's body.

Maybe it was because she finally felt the warmth after being in the dark for so long, the girl's nose was sour, and she shed tears uncontrollably.

Hiding inside, no one found out.

"Hey, handsome boy, we don't allow takeout here!"

Seeing that the door finally opened and Qin Yan was about to go out with the girl in one hand, Chen Chen hurriedly explained the rules to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan put on a very happy expression afterwards, and said leisurely: "Sister, I know, so let's make a price. I am very satisfied with her and want to take her away."

"Hey, this is the first time you two met, and you developed feelings for each other. Hey, it's rare, but I've seen it too!" Chen Chen expressed surprise, but his heart was filled with joy.

Before, although this girl had the attractiveness of being unbroken and having a pretty pure face, but because she was brought in by force, before Qin Yan came, she was still in the stage of combining lessons and training.

Since the results were minimal, Chen Chen, who had been running the business for so many years, naturally judged that the girl's potential value was only that low.

It turned out that the first customer was going to buy it out and take it away. If he made a big deal, it would definitely break the original estimated profit!

Besides, she didn't have to be afraid of Qin Yan's repudiation at all, the watchers upstairs were not vegetarians.

What followed was Qin Yan's heartache moment.

Fortunately, in Youyu Mountain Villa, a small treasury was accumulated by relying on demon hunting operations.

When the girl really breathed the fresh air outside, under Qin Yan's gaze, she couldn't hold back the tears that made herself ugly.

When she came outside, no one would stare at her anymore, and no one would try to catch her anymore
"Aren't you going to come down? My hands are sore!" Qin Yan's big hand supporting the girl's buttocks supported up with his arms.

Feeling strange, the girl shyly jumped to the ground.

Looking at the girl's face, maybe Qin Yan suddenly discovered his concern for some poor people and things. Rather than being too entangled in the accidental encounter, it is better to break up simply under the result of the doomed separation.

So Qin Yan no longer took too much care of the girl's emotions, and even the words he used became inexplicably formal: "Remember, this is what you got in exchange for seizing the opportunity, go home well, hide your differences, you have to be brave , and live in the city.”

This change was so fast that the girl's reluctance to Qin Yan that she shouldn't have had was cruelly cut off in an instant.

She thought clearly, and then made Qin Yan kneel down without reacting.

Qin Yan's complexion changed and he took a step forward, but he couldn't stop him.

The hand stopped halfway out awkwardly.

"Xiao Nian kowtows to my brother, if we can still meet each other, Xiao Nian is willing to be a cow and a horse for my brother, and repay my brother's great kindness!"

Qin Yan, who had never received such a big gift from others, frowned and then sighed: "No need."

The girl knelt down, Qin Yan supported her shoulders, and pulled her up by force.

"Your name is Xiao Nian?"


"My name is Qin Yan."

"Brother Qin Yan, goodbye!" The girl stuffed Qin Yan's sponsorship for going home into her pocket and tightly covered it.

She took one more look, then turned and ran away as Qin Yan wished.

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(End of this chapter)

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