Chapter 110 The Renaissance
The country of Hua fell into turmoil because the Demon Terrace in the Northwest Town was almost captured by a powerful demon.

The closer one lives to the northwest, the more hesitant people feel.

Fortunately, the news that finally came was to hold on.

Some people who have feelings for Youyu Villa because they have lived in the Northwest region for a long time were silenced by an official announcement before they had time to praise Youyu's power.

Due to poor defense, Youyu Villa was attacked by a demon and almost penetrated the defense line.

Fortunately, the support team stepped up in time.

The villa was destroyed and punished. Before the defense line of the villa was built, there was no organizational system for the northwest town of Motai.

As soon as this news came out, it meant that the fact that Youyu Villa was isolated during that war would be covered up by the powerful.

Not giving the system also means that if the ordinary people in the northwest region accidentally awaken their abilities, they will not be able to follow the normal procedure to go to Yuyu Villa to start their martial artist training career.

Although the main body of the villa was destroyed in the latter treatment, so there was no reason for the venue, but some smart people could figure out that this should be regarded as an official punishment notice on the surface.

As for the specific inside story, it is not something they can investigate clearly.

The northwestern region is in turmoil, and the demons have retreated, but there are still people in crisis.

This diverted most of the attention there.

This also made some people in the foreign concessions who were in the same northern corner as the land of the half-humans secretly happy.

"Master Xiaoniao, these days are really good opportunities, the Northwest is in turmoil, we can let go and be bolder!"

A wretched, bow-legged rubbed his hands, and said joyfully to the man who was shaking the office chair in front of him.

"Hold on, don't rush me." The man stretched out his index finger and nodded at the bow leg. Although there was no warning tone, he still made the bow leg obey from the bottom of his heart.


The bow-legged habitually stomped his feet, and then responded, but the man in front of him immediately stood up from the office chair, and then slapped him.

The bandy leg was slapped to the ground, covered his face, suddenly realized what happened and forgot the pain, and quickly lay down on his stomach: "Master Xiaoniao, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

There was a bit of movement here, and some people around who were busy calculating something couldn't help turning their heads to check.

I saw that Lord Xiaoniao, who was leading them, squatted majestically in front of the bow-legged, and said in a ruthless voice: "How dare you speak your native dialect?!"

"Yes, it's okay to say here, but what about outside, eh!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, Lord Xiaoniao, please forgive me!"

The bandy-legged little problem of being easy to get too complacent usually regrets it very much at this moment, why didn't I get rid of it earlier.

At this time, there was turmoil in the Northwest, and the communication category he was in charge of had achieved better results than before under his bold operation with increased efforts, so he forgot the taboo as he asked the adults for credit as soon as he came.

Kowtow is still useful.

When it was confirmed that Lord Xiaoniao had dissipated his killing intent, his bow-legged body went limp.

It was because he was kneeling on the ground that he would not fall down shamefully.


"If you dare to commit the crime again, I will apologize with all my heart!" The man who was called Lord Xiaoniao shook his hands and turned around, returning to the most honored seat in the room and sitting down.

"Master Xiaoniao, after another round of statistics, the Enki A category has reached the top for three consecutive weeks. We have identified their biggest favorite taste during this period, and we can continue to increase the launch of this category."

Some people didn't come forward, and directly shouted and reported.

According to Mr. Bird, this is to improve the efficiency of operations.

"Well, the Intensive Specialist pays attention to the part where the girlfriend's wife is going to make a mistake to get the climax, so as to whet the appetite of those bitches."

"The amount of electronic equipment is still too small, but the release of this part can be done through high-end and boutique routes, and the rest can be done through paper media as usual."

Seeing that Mr. Xiaoniao had entered the familiar working state again, he stood up with a smile on his bowed legs, and received the news report: "Mr. Xiaoniao, we have recently learned a lot of seedlings from our painter training. They have excellent painting skills. Just a few strokes of lines can fascinate people!"

"Are any of these painters good at painting white silk? Tell them to send me some new pictures. Don't be perfunctory about the quality. I'm tired of looking at the ones at home." Master Xiaoniao showed a relaxed smile.

"Ah, yes, yes, Lord Xiaoniao knows it too, for a newcomer, the drawing speed is amazing!" Bowie felt that the conversation with Master Xiaoniao had returned to a rhythm that made him comfortable, and the smile piled on his face again. Full.

Nodding, Master Xiaoniao continued to work: "How is the performance of other categories?"

"Master Xiaoniao, "About Why My Sister Likes Pouting Her Butt So Much" in the category of orthopedics, on the 30th I still want to watch the rate as high as 58%, which has reached a new high. I suggest taking advantage of the recent good time to increase these The strength of the top works, because they are worth taking a little risk for us, and other side dishes can remain as they are for the time being.”

"Well, tell me a few more statistics, I'll listen." Master Xiaoniao closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the beauty of the dividends brought by the turmoil in the northwest brought by the recent work results.

""I Picked Up a Bus on the Way Home" performed well in the category of gods and treats. There have been similar cases in the old world to prove its market, and it can be the head of the next issue."


One after another, the reports of the operation commissioners, just relying on listening, the brain is not bad, and the management ability is not bad, otherwise it is impossible to sit in the leadership position, Master Xiaoniao laughed

"Not bad, not bad. Although the battle in the Northwest gave us a chance, we still can't be proud." Master Xiaoniao glanced at the audience.

"Think about it, in our generation, there will definitely be many demonic chaos in the future. Take good care of it. Our great cause may be carried forward in our hands!"

The passionate words inspired everyone's enthusiasm for work, and some of them even took out a pen and paper from the drawer after finishing the collected statistics.

For this great cause, they are not only responsible for operations, but also for the production of works.

Taking into account both technical and non-technical work, the boss's favorite!

This day, everyone is working hard at work, and Mr. Xiaoniao sees it in his eyes.

He is proud of being able to lead such an operation team!
"Master Xiaoniao, under your leadership, we will definitely get out of this shitty place!" The bow-legged man became energetic again when he saw the leader, and hurried forward to express his loyalty.

"That's right, this shitty place was rented to us by those bastards. To pay the rent, we have to work hard day and night." Master Xiaoniao covered his face with his hands and looked up to the sky with emotion.

When the word "rent" was mentioned, the bandy legs were also stabbed severely.

You know, in the old world, those bastards didn't dare to make a sound when they were robbed.

But now, they have become tenants, and they are tenants who have to pay a lot of money to stay here!

If it weren't for the wise Lord Eight Snakes who led the Renaissance movement, they might never be able to hold their heads up in this concession!
Fortunately, they have inherited the fine qualities and skills of their ancestors in the Old World.

Up to today, they have successfully made the foreign concessions radiate out dozens of kilometers, and they have all been affected by what they spread.

Don't underestimate the scope of this spread, it may still be a little smaller compared to the square Huaguo.

But a single spark can start a prairie fire, they are working hard, they are acting!
It must be successful!
In the process of dissemination, the phenomenon that most of the successes are few and the failures are few also proves that even today, Chinese people still cannot refuse the stimulation they created!

Although Xiaoniao-sama is sad about their current situation, he is extremely proud of the results of his current work: "Hmph! They talk about boycotting and disgusting, but they will still take it secretly!"

"I don't just want them to watch, I want them to be obsessed with it, do you understand, huh?!" Speaking of excitement, Master Xiaoniao asked bow-legged.

Bow-legged was overwhelmed by this enthusiasm for work.

He had been foolishly puzzled at the beginning of the cold start of the Renaissance.

He thought: Isn't this giving those bastards our source of happiness for nothing?
Why should we share our good things with them?

But after joining, Lord Xiaoniao led him to witness many changes in the audience of the communication, and he finally understood the power of the weapon of culture.

"Master Xiaoniao, they can't reject our adults, and they can't reject our paper figurines. I only realized later that they regard our things as spiritual food!"

"That's right!" Master Xiaoniao mentioned the sharp weapon in his hand, and said with great pride: "This is a new world, and everything in the old world has been completely broken."

"But we know how to pick up things from our ancestors!"

"Our stuff is so popular in the old world. After those bastards are obsessed with it, they will quarrel with other people for these food, and even for renewal, they don't have to breathe the outside air!"

Lord Xiaoniao clenched his hands tightly: "Try to assimilate us by confining us in the concession?"


"As everyone knows, we are also assimilating them!"

Faced with Mr. Xiaoniao's passionate speech from the heart, everyone in the room stood up and applauded unanimously.

Then, they collectively bent down at ninety degrees.


"Long live the little bird!"

"Long live Eight Snakes!"

Holy City of Light.

The office that handles the affairs of freshmen Hope Dabi.

A group of bright natives who were very lucky to be admitted to the civil servants of the most valuable holy capital office, but they were in a dilemma about one thing.

That's because, due to the chaos in the Northwest, Yuyu Villa only held a round of preliminary rounds!

Then, the tide banshee arrived, and the main body of the villa was destroyed. If you think about it with your feet, you can tell that the qualifiers in the northwest area should not be able to start again.

However, when they asked the leader about this matter, the leader told him to temporarily suspend the data processing of the contestants in the Northwest, and he could not let it go, and he would ask the higher-level leader for instructions.

It sounded weird to them.

Because their leaders started to get too busy with this matter.

The bitter gourd face I see every day, I can tell when I think about it, it is because the higher-level leaders have repeatedly rejected it, which makes this blue sun, who is known as the sun son in the civil servant circle of the bright capital, look bad every day.

In fact, it shouldn't be.

It stands to reason that the four major demon towns are fighting each other. As the natives of the Holy City of Light, they naturally have the superiority of the central natives.

They also became the safest civil servants who were guarded in the middle. Although they lacked the power of a hero, their self-conscious status was not much worse than the warriors of the four major demon-suppressing platforms.

With this kind of pride, when they deal with the affairs of the freshman hope competition, they will discuss that in this competition, the warrior geniuses of their holy capital will definitely exert their strength to win the laurels in one fell swoop, so that they can all feel comfortable for a while Son.

But Blue Sun is doing the opposite.

With Yuyu Mountain Villa gone, wouldn't it be less of a threat if they were crossed out from the competition?

Moreover, this is not what they mean, but what some people above mean!
In the last Grand Competition, Youyu Villa ranked second, only to lose to Yanshen Volcano.

No matter how proud they are, they have to admit that the disciples of Youyu Villa are well trained.

However, with such benefits, Blue Sun is still fighting for the young fighters in Yuyu Mountain Villa to reserve the competition places. Could it be that Mr. Sun was instigated to "surrender to the enemy"?

The blue sun with an excellent face is called Mr. Sun in the Holy City of Light because he treats people kindly and has friends wherever he goes.

Now that the holy capital is full of popularity, some people are teasing that even if the Lan family is lonely, even if they go to eat Baijiafan to live, it will be a luxurious meal of Baijiafan.

The friends he has made are really too many.

Therefore, people gave him the nickname Sun Gongzi.

It is the blue sun, like the sun that hung high in the sky in the past, shining its warm light on everyone.

But it is such a high-quality young master who has fought for the matter of Youyu Villa many times, and he can't say the reason, which is of course puzzling.

Lan Sun, who was sitting on his office chair, sighed inwardly.

He's done everything he can, and if it doesn't work, there's really nothing he can do.

The places in Youyu Mountain Villa should have been reserved, but it was someone with a ulterior motive who wanted to take advantage of the Northwest Rebellion to directly take away their places.

Yuyu Mountain Villa is gone, and the hearts of the people have lost a lot, but Lan Sun still believes that among the many young warriors who passed the first round of preliminary selection, there must be someone who will stand up.

No one knew that he had received the life-saving grace of Youyu Villa during the rare business trips.

Once, in a city in the northwest area, I happened to encounter a stealth demon who would only encounter bad luck.

This kind of demon has a super invisibility ability, and often every few days, a fish that slips through the net will jump over the high wall, pass through the defense line of the warrior, and sneak into the city to kill.

This is also the reason why even though the square line of defense has stabilized today, there are still people who are bitten to death by demons, or are unfortunately bitten and turned into half-human demons.

The ability of this kind of demon is too powerful, and its lethality is not strong, but it is the headache of being a stealth assassin.

The official characterization of this is that this is the despicable method sent by the demon group to disgust humans!

When Lan Sun was in danger that time, it was the warrior with the ability of the water system who saved him. That was the first good impression he left on Youyu Villa.

One is not enough, in fact there are more.

Still on a business trip to a city in the northwest region, he once stumbled across a stone with no words but extremely weird patterns in a corner of the road.

At that time, it was still a warrior from Yuyu Villa who rushed out and snatched his stone.

He was quite angry when he was inexplicably robbed of something at that moment, but then the stone exploded in the arms of the warrior!

He also deliberately turned around, with his back facing the warrior who was supposed to be protecting him, and immediately opened up the water shield defense, so as to avoid the greatest damage.

After the warrior recovered, he told Lan Sun that he had picked up a treasure left over from the old world with unstable energy. Fortunately, he happened to pass by and saw it, otherwise you would have been blown to pieces at least half of your body.

The frightened Lan Sun immediately made a big gift to thank the lifesavers in Youyu Villa.

Here it is again.

On a business trip to the Northwest, he has also received help from the warriors of Youyu Villa many times. The blue sun, who already has good morals, naturally keeps it in his heart.

Therefore, whether it is in accordance with the original regulations or out of personal emotions, he will work hard to reserve the quota for the Northwest Region.

Another call to announce the result rang.

After the hopeless Lan Sun picked it up, the bitter face that had been hanging on for several days finally disappeared.

"Your persistence has been passed on to the holy master."

"Come on, the sage will approve it for you with just one sentence, so don't bother me every day, it's annoying!"

"Thank you!" Blue Sun replied with a bright smile.

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(End of this chapter)

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