Chapter 124
"Father, I was very wrong about Donglai."

In the depths of the Temple of Light, a pair of father and son, who are the most respected warriors in Huaguo, were having a conversation while kneeling and sitting.

The kneeling one was Hua Yiqing.

And the one sitting there is the current Holy Monarch, Hua Guorong, the Patriarch of the Hua Family.

Regardless of whether people have been cleaned up or not, the death of children and grandchildren from East China has become an irreversible fact.

So no matter what, Hua Yiqing would kneel down.

"What's wrong?" Hua Guorong, who sat on the chair but turned the back of the chair to him, asked without any emotion.

"First, Dong Lai loves to play, and I, the older brother, let him mess around for so long, so I have the responsibility!"

"Second, I should kill people on the spot regardless of the consequences. I am qualified, but I have too many scruples to do it."

Hua Yiqing took a deep breath, and consecutively stated two of his crimes.

Every sentence is sincere!

"Well, it's good to know." Hua Guorong's nod was blocked by the back of the chair, and Hua Yiqing could only make a rough judgment based on the change in his father's voice.

Even though he is already the crown prince, Hua Yiqing is still afraid from the bottom of his heart when facing his father who is in charge of the Guangming Temple.

He still remembers a sentence he learned when he was a child, which is that people must have a heart of fear. Once there is no fear, it is not far from an accident.

So since growing up, Hua Yiqing has always been afraid of her father.

The pressure is on himself, and he also regards his strong father as a role model for learning and progress.

With the accumulation of great resources in the Holy City of Light, he also fulfilled his talent.

In this age-appropriate freshmen hope competition, he has already regarded the championship as a must.

It's just that the restless younger brother caused trouble again, and even lost his life before the contest started.

This incident somewhat disturbed Hua Yiqing's mind of preparing for the battle, so he knelt down in front of his father to admit his mistake.

After reviewing the incident, he expressed his attitude, Hua Yiqing would not keep things in his heart.

"After this incident, Donglai should understand that it's okay to play with women, but don't just play with each other." Hua Guorong sneered, for people at his level, what is important and what is not important , can already be distinguished clearly.

It was his second son, who was immersed in the lingering relationship with the woman's flesh and blood.

Hua Guorong tried to guide him earlier, but later he found it annoying and the work was too heavy, so he simply left it to Hua Yiqing, the older brother, to decide not to take care of it.

Even, when Hua Donglai started his beauty hunting life a few years ago, Hua Guorong predicted that Hua Donglai would suffer a big loss sooner or later.

It's just that, even he didn't expect that Hua Donglai's loss was not due to the powerful members of the Shengmai family, but the only contestant from Yuyu Villa who had been severely beaten by his will.

Hua Yiqing asked for a description of the scene, and he listened.

Qin Yan's foot was fearless.

If he hadn't figured out Qin Yan's details, Hua Guorong, who is so wise, would have thought that Qin Yan was a representative sent by Youyu Villa to vent his anger.

"Father taught me a lesson. Donglai is now awake in the hospital, but he has been refusing to speak. I think he, as our Chinese family, will think about it and reflect on it."

"En." Hua Guorong nodded, and then the chair finally turned around: "Tell me, Yiqing, how much the situation made you scrupulous at that time, so you didn't act according to your style of action."

Hua Guorong ranks at the top level of Hua Guoxia Yin, and he has the skills to keep his face.

So when his face is revealed, even Hua Yiqing will have the illusion that this is not his father, but his brother.

Dazed for a while, Hua Yiqing quickly lowered his head and said: "Father, at that time, Miss Wu's family and Young Master Yue's family both had the attitude of wanting to protect that person, and Shi Shu was taken away by Rongrong. Check, but can't find it!"

Hua Guorong said: "That's understandable. Maybe that kid named Qin Yan really only met the Wu Yue family at a party. It's normal that you can't find out the reason."

"But father, I don't believe that he, who is only a martial artist at the level of a chivalrous man, can win the favor of both Wu and Yue families at the same time!" Hua Yiqing respected the prince, knowing that those so-called personality charms are all false.

In their circle, the display of strength including means, resources, etc. can truly serve as your quality label on your chest.

Youyu Mountain Villa is down and out, it’s not that the best disciple came to Guangming Shengdu to compete alone, Hua Yiqing can imagine such a situation, but he can’t think of it except to bite the bullet and participate in the competition, then go back to the northwest in despair Outside of my hometown, what other solution is there!
Qin Yan was fine, not only was he not alone, but he also made good friends with the Wu and Yue families.

It seems that the progress was made only at the meeting for the first time.

How can Hua Yiqing believe this.

"Yi Qing, if Qin Yan's kick was not supported by the Wu and Yue families, do you think he would have dared to step on it?" Hua Guorong smiled slightly.

Hua Yiqing was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

At this time, he was actually substituting himself to think, whether his wife and daughter are important, or if he steps on it, he will suffer terrible revenge.

Thinking of the collective pressure he and Bai Shishu put on, that Qin Yan had never shown cowardice or retreat, Hua Yiqing got the answer.

Regardless of whether the Wuyue family knew Qin Yan or not, what Hua Donglai did touched the bad luck of that Qin Yan.

That kick is a must!

Hua Yiqing confessed his mistake to his father for not getting rid of Qin Yan immediately, but he always had a contemptuous attitude towards Qin Yan.

There is no way, who knows that the gap between the two is so big no matter their status or their own strength.

However, Hua Guorong's question made Hua Yiqing understand a little bit.

Father pointed out some of the frightening things Qin Yan showed. He wanted to make himself understand, because he was concerned about the situation at the scene and did not immediately carry out a reckless kill. If he wanted to kill him later, it would not be as easy as he imagined. .

"Father, I understand, I was wrong again!" Hua Yiqing said in a deep voice.

"Yiqing, just think about it clearly. The Bai family boy is willing to put himself in the second place and follow you. Then he is a resource that you have but others don't. You should be smarter when you use him."

"The girl from the Bai family looks good to me. Since the Bai family also has that meaning, I think you should quickly show your charm. My Hua family's man, which daughter doesn't like it!"

"I'll watch you deal with Donglai's matter. You don't need to ask me later. I think you can handle it well."

Hua Guorong's words that seemed to throw his hands away, but in fact roughly arranged the task, made Hua Yiqing's eyes shine.

The father who is like a god-man has been like this since he took the position of the sage king.

He didn't even show much anger about Huadonglai cutting off his children and grandchildren.

There are reasons why Huadong is really disappointing, and there are also reasons why I believe that I can handle it well.

Hua Yiqing felt a heavy burden on her body.

This kind of oppression, not only did not make me feel oppressed, but also felt full of motivation.

It’s been a while since I’ve had so many conversations with my father, and a lot of things can be added to the storage room called “Harvest”.

"Well, thank you father!" Hua Yiqing stood up and said solemnly.


Just as he was about to retreat, Hua Yiqing was suddenly stopped by Hua Guorong, looking a little abrupt.

Because there seemed to be nothing that Hua Yiqing could think of to ask, and what his father wanted to explain.

Turning around, Hua Yiqing asked: "Father, is there anything else?"

Hua Guorong smiled and said, "Actually, this is something you shouldn't want to talk about."

"As a sage, I have kept everything from you, so I am curious."

"You said, the Miss Wu family supported Qin Yan, and recently the holy capital has been spreading the rumor that Miss Wu's family is a rotten crotch, Yi Qing, the reason for this, my father is not very clear, but I probably know that it is related to you, and That kid from the Bai family has something to do with it."

"There are things I don't know about this, Yiqing, can you open my father's eyes?"

Hua Yiqing was stunned and then smiled wryly.

He knew that Wu Hanxue would tell his father sooner or later.

It's just that at the beginning, he thought that a matter that turned out to be a failure, since he knew it in front of that person, he would not say anything, but holding on to his promise in his own hands, he would have a kind of grasp of a small handle Sense of achievement in hands.

That person is also very powerful. After he really didn't say anything, he really let his father have no accurate news.

However, now that his father asked, Hua Yiqing, who had been in his hand for a while, thought about it and decided to tell her.

Especially when Wu Hanxue insisted on pointing at what Bai Shishu said, it made Hua Yiqing feel that holding on to it was not worth much.


Hua Yiqing briefly explained it.

After hearing this, Hua Guorong's eyes shined brightly, and he immediately laughed out loud: "Hahaha, good, what a substitute for my father!"

"Yiqing, those who follow you are indeed kind!"

Hua Yiqing said softly: "Father, I don't want to be scolded by Uncle Bai, look."

Hua Guorong said with a smile: "Yiqing, it's good that father knows, just take it as satisfying father's curiosity once, go, I won't make things difficult for you."

"Thank you father!" Hua Yiqing was overjoyed, and then retreated.

In the room, Hua Guorong was in a good mood because he finally knew the matter that even the old man was hiding from him.

It seemed that the fact that his second son was cut off from his children and grandchildren was not considered a top priority.

"Women's bodies really have that much magical power?" Hua Guorong suddenly muttered to himself.

At the same time, he also brought back some romantic pasts that he experienced when he was young.

He is the supreme being, and he is getting older. In fact, he has not actively thought about it for a long time.

After a busy day, I returned home, gave birth to two sons for myself, and nourished the mother-in-law who worked hard to maintain her appearance by relying on the heroic power I passed down. Every time I was rejected by myself, I would sigh behind my back.

I want it.

But he just refused to give it!

The longer he stayed in the position of the sage, the more he had the desire to manipulate others.

Including my own wife!

He gradually reduces his desires for the sake of a big career, and then silently enjoys the alternative pleasure of his wife being tortured by his indifference when he returns home.

It's fine if you can't solve it yourself, I'm not free, I don't want to wait for the ruthless words, he said again and again.

This is the embodiment of his family-style yin and yang.

He even wondered how long his dear wife could last with such torture.

Endure to the limit, will you make a mistake?
Or can you really get through it all by yourself?

Looking at this expected question again, Hua Guorong would never admit that he was affected by that.

He did not immediately suppress the movement in the concession area because he had never had the joy of reaping it from it.

His old buddy thought the same way.

Hua Guorong deliberately avoided his own problems, but he was able to treat them normally on the old man's side.

Thinking back to the days before, when the old man was relaxing, he preferred to see sexy and glamorous people in the things he looked at. Hua Guorong, who had just learned the inside story of the matter, suddenly nodded after making the connection.

"However, I have to say that the female doll of the Wu family is indeed quite interesting, Saint Master, you are too easy to be poked, right?"

"The choice of person is also very wrong. Wu Gaishi, if you know what you are doing, I am afraid that you really dare to bombard your house."

"Hehehe, it's really exciting!"

Hua Guorong laughed again.

"My lord, is there anything happy today?"

The door was pushed open, and a familiar figure walked in.

He seemed to be infected by Hua Guorong's smile, and he also smiled: "I bumped into Yiqing, he came to tell you something good. Er."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ransheng realized something was wrong.

He almost forgot the sudden incident in which Hua Donglai was trampled to death and sent to the hospital.

But Hua Guorong's smile at this time really gave him the illusion that nothing happened.

"Holy Master, the matter of my youngest son is not a big deal. I even feel that he has brought it upon himself. Look, he is concerned about the families of the contestants. It is good that he didn't bring me into trouble." Facing the old man Buddy Bai Ransheng and Hua Guorong even made a joke.

Hua Guorong saw the old man's short speech, and knew exactly what he meant.

"I heard that the smell of gunpowder was quite strong at the time. That kid was called Qin Yan. I was very concerned about his fighting spirit, and he dared to act like this. I don't think he was a good idea. It just looks like it."

Bai Ransheng did not come to the scene in person, but he knew that his precious daughter took Bai Shishu away to embarrass the young master of the Hua family.

But he knew that Hua Guorong would not lower his status to blame the juniors, and he was still a junior in his own family, so he said it very frankly.

"Well, the strength is only at the level of a high-level knight, but I feel the same as what you said, so just now I told Yiqing not to be careless." Hua Guorong said, "I let him deal with it , exercise him."

"Both the Wu and Yue families get involved, but it's not as simple as imagined."

"Sheng Jun, it seems that you are busy enough today, relax?" Bai Ransheng suddenly suggested.

Hua Guorong smiled and nodded: "That's exactly what I mean!"

It was Bai Ransheng who went to choose the taste again.

When he saw the cover of the work selected by the old man first-hand, Hua Guorong said intentionally or unintentionally: "The taste has changed?"

Bai Ransheng paused, then said with a smile, "Yeah."

" happy."

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(End of this chapter)

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