I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1020 Beihai, here I come!

Lin Fei let the three of them stay in the 33rd Heaven, but he left it and returned to the bottom of the East China Sea.

He was about to bring the entire 33rd Heaven into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, when he noticed that the bottom of the sea was turbulent.

At a glance, two figures could be seen breaking through the water all the way and attacking towards the bottom of the sea at extreme speed.

It was Gou Zong and You Jiuling.

"Ninety-nine heavens!"

"Lin Fei!"

The two were almost crazy, and under the excitement, they sent out a roar-like divine thought.

"Death!" Gou Zong showed a ruthless expression on his face, and he was about to kill Lin Fei, not wanting to delay any nonsense.

In his opinion, no matter how fast Lin Fei practiced, he was only a celestial monk.

As for the first or ninth rank of Celestial Immortal... is there a difference?Anyway, they are all ants, and they can be crushed to death easily.

Gou Zong showed an excited and cruel smile when he thought of killing the supreme Ten Thousand Saints.Such brilliant results, let alone the Great Desolate Continent, are even enough to disdain the multiverse, right? !


Gou Zong slapped it with one claw, and it turned into a blood-colored devil claw the size of a mountain, attacking Lin Fei brazenly.The terrifying power even caused the sea water to part with a bang, forming a large vacuum area.

The devil's claw reveals a cold and evil atmosphere, one blow is enough to turn a person into blood, and it has a mighty power comparable to that of a blood-melting sword.

If it was normal, Lin Fei might be free to play with him.

but now......

"Get out!" Lin Fei yelled violently, and terrifying waves burst out.

The repulsive force was born from the bottom of the sea, but it caused a loud bang on the surface of the sea, shaking countless water columns, and surging waves.


That terrifying demon claw unexpectedly shattered in an instant, leaving nothing left.

Caught off guard, Gou Zong was sent flying out by the shock, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"What?!" Gou Zong showed a horrified look, and You Jiuling's eyes almost popped out in an instant!

what's the situation? !

It was just a roar that disintegrated Gou Zong's blood-melting demon claws, and even made him vomit blood and fly backwards?

"Damn you! Jinxian!" You Jiuling exclaimed in shock.

His reaction was the fastest, and almost at the moment when he sent out his divine thoughts, he burned his blood on the spot and fled without looking back.

That's right, the other party is a first-time Golden Immortal, and there is only one person.

But who is he?All Saints!

As long as there is still a little brain, You Jiuling will not be so inflated that he and Gou Zong are enough to rival Lin Fei who is also in the Golden Immortal realm...

"Wait—" Seeing Lin Fei approaching with a cold face, Gou Zong was frightened and yelled in terror.

But nothing can be changed.


Lin Fei slapped Gou Zong's head like a watermelon!

One-shot kill!

The sea waves boiled violently, and blood rained down from the sky.The rain was continuous, and the sound of crashing was deafening, dyeing the sea blood red.

"Escape?" Lin Fei sneered, put away Gou Zong's body and 33 Chongtian together, and swung a punch wrapped in surging immortal power on the spot.


The void was shattered by a punch, forming a space channel.

Lin Fei moved like a thunder, and stepped into it in an instant.Breaking through the void three times in succession and constructing a space channel shuttle, almost only happened in an instant.

Before You Jiuling had time to catch his breath, he was shocked to see Lin Fei's figure descending from the sky, striking down like a giant axe.Such overwhelming courage made him stop thinking almost instantly.


With a radius of hundreds of miles, it collapsed suddenly, rocks pierced through the sky, and smoke and dust filled the sky.

You Jiuling was crushed by one foot and turned into a blood mist, and Yuanshen was not spared, and died on the spot.

What about Jinxian?

"Vulnerable" in the true sense.

It was also the early stage of Golden Immortal, the gap between them and Die Feiyun was too big to be worth mentioning.


It was another rain of blood, and the atmosphere of sorrow and grief permeated and spread, covering the sky and the earth, covering a radius of tens of millions of miles.

Countless creatures are terrified and terrified, as if the doomsday is approaching.

"Blood rain! It's blood rain!"

"Oh my God, has the Golden Immortal Venerable fallen?!"

"Could it be that the discovery of the 33rd Heaven caused the two golden immortals to fight?!"

Amidst the panic and fear of the crowd, Lin Fei made a fist seal, shattered the void once again, and shuttled through it.

"Beihai, Cai Beiyu..."

"I am coming!"


The situation in Beihai is extremely delicate.

This place has been unable to attack for a long time, which has attracted the doubts of the golden immortals of various races from the outside world. There are three golden immortals before and after, including Han Qiling, the ancestor of the unicorn.

The Qilin tribe was also one of the races that were notified, but because the ancestral land of the Qilin tribe was too far away, they could only be notified to nearby territories, which prevented him from arriving with the coalition forces of various tribes.

"I've met Patriarch Qilin!" The other two golden immortals didn't dare to neglect him, and hurriedly saluted him.

Han Qiling appeared in human form, he looked like a handsome young man who was so handsome.Those eyes are as crystal clear as sapphires, and their eyes are extremely deep, as if they have the wisdom to see everything.

"En." Han Qiling responded lightly, without even looking at the two golden fairies.He sat down on the soft Beihai beach, quietly looking at the still Beihai in front of him, without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Dare to ask the ancestor of Qilin," Jin Xian from the cockroach clan bowed behind him and asked respectfully, "Now that the North Sea is fixed by Yin and Yang time and space, does the ancestor have any countermeasures?"

"No." Han Qiling replied simply, and even closed his eyes to recuperate, letting his long blue hair flutter slightly in the wind, "Cai Beiyu's mastery of the laws of time and space is unrivaled, and with the help of the whole family, Not to mention burning the Kunpeng ancestral tree..."

"If I can break it open, then I will be the Immortal Emperor."

The golden fairy of the cockroach family glanced at Beihai unwillingly, and saw a huge Yin-Yang Taiji diagram covering the sky, and there was a pillar of fire connecting to it—that was the ancestral Kunpeng tree that was still burning.

He sighed, and wanted to say something more, but Han Qiling said coldly: "Stay away from me."

Jin Xian of the cockroach family froze, and Han Qiling added indifferently: "Don't you understand? You have a dirty stench on your body."

Hearing this, not only the golden immortals of the cockroach clan, but even the golden immortals of the Xuanhu clan changed their expressions.

This is... completely disrespectful!

However, the cockroach clan Jinxian could only smile sarcastically, and obediently stepped aside.

There was silence on the beach for a while, except for the sound of the wind, which made the leaves of coconut trees and other plants flutter and make a soft "squeak".

Even in such a quiet situation, Han Qiling suddenly said: "I thought Cai Beiyu was stupid before, but now I realize that I was wrong. I am the one who is stupid."

The two golden fairies looked at each other, not understanding what he meant.

But Han Qiling didn't seem to expect them to understand, he just looked up at the blue sky, and muttered to himself: "How can there be an arrow back when you open the bow?"

I'm sorry Tianzun.

This time... Qiling is opposite you.

Never die.

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