I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1021 The Ten Thousand Races Alliance is imminent!

Lin Fei rushed all the way to Beihai, and his speed was extremely fast, which can be called terrifying.

He did not hesitate to step into the state of immortality and demon transformation, and temporarily raised his cultivation realm to the late golden immortal stage.Tear the void with hands all the way, open up the space channel, and you will be fifty light-years away in an instant.

Then, using the teleportation formation along the way, the distance to the North Sea was shortened extremely quickly.

On the way, he even encountered the strong Jinxian three times and had a brief confrontation.

Shi Zijing, the Jinxian of the Nine-Headed Lion Clan who was frightened by a single glance and ran for his life on the spot, found his ancestor in horror and was about to report the matter.

The ancestors and ancestors of the nine-headed lion clan are sitting cross-legged on the side of the clear pool under the waterfall.The waterfall roared like a hundred-foot-long angry dragon and fell into the clear pool, splashing a large amount of water, the mist was misty, and the air was slightly cool, refreshing.

Seeing Shi Zijing's panic-stricken expression, the two ancestors immediately opened their eyes, frowned and asked him why he lost his composure.

"What I'm going to say next..." Shi Zijing swallowed his saliva, still in shock, "Don't be afraid!"

The two ancestors looked at each other, and the ancestor laughed and said: "We are ancestors, we will not be afraid, but you just say it's okay."

"I saw the Ten Thousand Saints just now!" Shi Zijing said in a trembling voice, trembling even in his body.

Just recalling that Lin Fei came tearing apart the void and came with the power of a monstrous fairy and demon, his aura of breaking through mountains and rivers still made him feel unparalleled fear.

"Wansheng Tianzun?!" The two ancestors who had agreed to "not be afraid" showed horror almost at the same time, and stood up suddenly.

The water pool behind him exploded into the sky with a bang, like a water dragon roaring into the sky.

Shi Zijing nodded hastily, and talked about the situation at that time, including his speculation: Judging from the overwhelming power Lin Fei displayed at that time, it may be Jinxian's late stage cultivation.

Shi Zijing bluntly said that he was able to escape purely because of the long distance.And Lin Fei looked extremely urgent, without stopping at all, he directly used the space teleportation formation and left.

"Golden Immortal Late Stage?!" The ancestor of the Nine-headed Lion Clan changed color again and exclaimed.

"If this is the case, the problem will be serious!" The ancestor's face was gloomy and extremely solemn, "Based on what our clan has done to human beings in the past 3000 years, I'm afraid we will be bloodbathed!"

The Nine-Headed Lion Sect gritted its teeth and said resolutely: "Old Ancestor, this matter is no small matter! Now the Ten Thousand Saints and Heavenly Venerables have returned with Tianwei, and all races will be doomed. If they fight on their own, they will inevitably be defeated one by one! "

"That's right," the ancestor said with a ruthless expression, "Immediately tell all the golden immortals of my clan about this matter, run around the various races, and promote the alliance of ten thousand clans, the first strike is the best!"


It has to be said that Shi Zijing's luck is considered excellent.

Among the other two golden immortals that Lin Fei met on the way, one was knocked out of shape, and the other was completely annihilated, and another bloody rain fell.The city and the nearby towns and villages were all in panic, as if the sky had collapsed.

In just one day, Lin Fei killed four golden immortals.If the news spread, it would be enough to shake the entire Great Desolate Continent.

And speaking of it, the two golden immortals were terribly aggrieved.

The first golden fairy only heard a loud shout of "whoever blocks me will die", and felt the overwhelming intent to kill.In the sky, the spirit of immortals and demons is mighty and turbulent, and the black clouds are pressing down on the city, ready to destroy it.Immediately following is a Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram, with phantoms wrapped in six rounds of rotation pressing down in the air.

Instant kill!

Under such a crushing gap, he didn't even figure out who the murderer was until he died...

If the first golden fairy stood in the way and died suddenly from the sky, then the second golden fairy took the initiative to hit the muzzle of the gun.Lin Fei took out the Eighty-nine Profound Weapons, causing strange images to appear in the sky for a while.

It is a phantom of countless rays of light, as real as it is illusory.There are tens of thousands of fairy swords volleying through the sky, converging like swords in the vast ocean and river, making sonorous sounds, and the sword energy soaring into the sky; there are magnificent pieces of immortal Taoist rhyme ships rising in the sky, and the Taoist rhymes are intertwined like a net, forming a special field ; There is even a corner of the Jinxian Xuanhuang ship exposed, and the Xuanhuang aura sweeps across...

This golden fairy happened to be nearby, and when he noticed such a vision, he was dazzled on the spot. There was only one thought in his mind: Eight or nine mysterious soldiers!

So he rushed to his destination at high speed... to die.

Fortunately, this golden fairy has extraordinary cultivation, and he quickly recognized the situation after a moment of confrontation.Fear completely overwhelmed greed, allowing reason to return to the brain again.He didn't say anything else, he didn't hesitate to lose the origin of the immortal way, and he also wanted to tear the void away.

The reason why he was able to escape was the reason why Lin Fei didn't pursue him.

Even so, the figure of the strong golden fairy was also destroyed.Coupled with the loss of the origin of the immortal way, if there is not enough supply of heaven, material and earth treasures, it may take two to three thousand years of sleep to recover.

"Wan Sheng Tianzun! Damn it, it's Wan Sheng Tianzun!" After escaped by chance, the soul of this golden fairy was still in shock and terrified.

After he calmed down a little, he immediately said anxiously: "No, I can't rush back to the territory to sleep! My life and death are minor matters, and this matter must not be delayed at all. I must report to my ancestors and immediately formulate a plan for the unity of all races!"

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, and immediately tore apart the void and left.

Under the calm appearance of the Great Desolate Continent, there is already an undercurrent turbulent, and a drastic change will erupt at any time.


How terrifying is the burden that the transformation of immortals and demons brings to users?

Except for Lin Fei, no one seems to be able to personally experience it, lacking a clear understanding.

But with a little comparison, you can guess one or two.For example, Jiang Qingyue, the sixth disciple of the Heavenly Demon God Palace, with the body of the Taiyin, the capital of the sky, and the best among the monks of the human race, it is no exaggeration to call him the Tianjiao-with a human background, his talent can be compared to that of a unicorn.

But even he couldn't continue to perform the Heavenly Demon Transformation battle, and couldn't exceed three quarters of an hour at most.This is almost a life-and-death line, beyond this time, is to seek death.Even if Jiang Qingyue's own cultivation base improves, this cannot be changed: after all, as the tide rises, all boats rise, and the burden brought by the Heavenly Demon Transformation will also be even greater.

A self-proclaimed genius like Su Tianshuang is slightly inferior, and it is even more difficult for him to last for a quarter of an hour.

What about the magic transformation?

If it can be used, Su Tianshuang will die suddenly on the spot.This kind of mighty power even exceeds the carrying limit of the Taiyin body, Jiang Qingyue can only use it as a trick to burn everything together. If she uses this trick, she will treat herself as a one-time consumable...

But Lin Fei persisted for a full hour in the state of fairy transformation!

After that, he had to settle for the next best thing, and hurry on his way in the state of Xuanxian Transformation.

After a long day and midnight, he finally arrived at his destination.

North Sea!

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