I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1025 Jin Xian apologizes!

Han Qiling withdrew his hands, and the terrifying vision behind him disappeared, as if the power that was about to crush the world also disappeared.

Although many golden immortals didn't want to admit it, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Han Qiling didn't say a word anymore, but no one dared to lie and act rashly. He was surprisingly quiet and well-behaved. It's hard to imagine that they are all the golden immortals who are usually crazy and boundless...

About a quarter of an hour later, Han Qiling said in a deep voice: "You can leave. Tell the golden immortals of all races as soon as possible, saying that we are waiting for a catastrophe and we have a common enemy. If you still want to survive, you should abandon all the prejudices in the past. "

"Now the only way to win is the alliance! With the strength of all races, let's defeat Lin Fei together!"

All the golden immortals in the audience were shocked, and then responded one after another, each using their magical powers to carry their own monks, tearing apart the void and fleeing.

After everyone left, Han Qiling turned his head and looked to the north with deep eyes.

"The land of the extreme north...isn't it in Zhenbei City? That's right, with Ye Wudi here, it's not difficult to complete the Sun Moon Emperor Formation." He thought to himself and frowned slightly.

It's a pity that I don't know when the person behind the first family will appear.Otherwise, breaking through the Sun Moon Human Sovereign Formation would be as easy as pie.

"It's okay, I have my own strategy to win!" Han Qiling's eyes were burning, and the corner of his mouth curved into a cold arc.

Tianzun, let's fight between you and my master and apprentice.

Just be optimistic about how I can use the power of all races to end your eternal glory!


When Lin Fei arrived in Zhenbei City, the night was already very deep.

What he saw made him even more dumbfounded.

The vast number of creatures in the Kunpeng Alliance, even the nine golden immortals including Cai Beiyu, were turned away and could only stare blankly.

No matter how you think about it, it's unbelievable - the strongest monk in the city is only in the realm of human immortality, and he can lock the nine golden immortals out?

But that's what it is.

With the existence of the Sun Moon Human Sovereign Formation, even the Golden Immortal would not be able to cross the thunder pool half a step.

As for the reason why You Yue and the others didn't open the city gate, it couldn't be simpler - who the hell would dare to open the gate?In case the Kunpeng Alliance has evil intentions, wouldn't it be to lure wolves into the house?

Even their arrival caused the residents of the city to fall into boundless fear.No matter how Cai Beiyu and others explained, no one dared to take the risk of imprinting the memory of the Sea of ​​Consciousness into the void.

This is not only responsible for oneself, but also responsible for all residents in the city!

It wasn't until Lin Fei returned and opened the door with his own restriction authority that many creatures from the Kunpeng Alliance were able to swarm in, confirming that what Cai Beiyu and others said earlier was true, and there was a lot of voices and discussions for a while.

During Lin Fei's departure from Zhenbei City, too many things happened, which made it difficult for them to digest.

"How did the Kunpeng clan change their sex?"

"I still find it inconceivable that the Kunpeng clan, who have killed countless humans, are suddenly on our side?"

"Oh my God! Tianzun has really cultivated into a golden immortal, and Qilin Patriarch and many golden immortals can't do anything to him!"

"If the Kunpeng Alliance really joins in sincerity, then it will be a great help! I'm afraid they have evil intentions and use bitter tricks, and at the critical moment, they will stab Tianzun in the back..."

About the Kunpeng Clan, about Lin Fei, about 33 Chongtian, Eighty-Nine Xuan Bingdi, the next reaction of the Wanzu, and the situation in Zhenbei City...for a while, there were all kinds of topics discussed. Residents are both excited and nervous.

The first thing Lin Fei did when he returned to the city was to let the Kunpeng Alliance settle down here.

After registration, you can choose where to live, and relevant people will popularize the rules and regulations, work, benefits, etc. in the city.Although there were many chores, Lin Fei couldn't bother him.After all, Zhenbei City is already operating normally, organized and responsible for all aspects.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fei returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and gathered together with Ji Yaoguang, Ye Wudi, Yinzi, and the nine golden immortals of the Kunpeng Alliance.

"How much do you know about the first race?" Lin Fei looked at Cai Beiyu and asked aloud.

This is very important information.

"He has the power to add to him, and it cannot be said." Cai Beiyu said in a deep voice, looking extremely afraid.

Lin Fei nodded slightly, not surprised by this: "Then change the question, when will he show up?"

Cai Beiyu sighed, shook his head and said, "Recently, the bloody luck of the human race has exploded, and it must not only be benefited by Tianzun and Ye Tiandi. I am afraid that his projection will come again in less than a month. Even in the worst case ..."

Lin Fei sneered and said, "He can integrate the power of the Human Emperor and hit the realm of the Immortal Emperor, right?"

Hearing such a topic, the atmosphere of the audience has already become dignified.

"He doesn't dare to show his face easily, at least he doesn't dare to see me." Ye Wudi suddenly interjected, attracting everyone's attention.

"I once owned the power of the emperor, and I might fight for it. I dare to bet, but does he dare?" He said calmly, making Cai Beiyu and others look at him with admiration.

Sure enough, the existence of Ye Wudi should not be underestimated even if his cultivation base is close to crippled and he loses the position of Emperor.

"I don't want to lose the throne of the emperor, but I must not fall into such a small hand!" Ye Wudi's divine thoughts were filled with killing intent, "Forcing many powerful clans to slaughter human beings, just to accumulate blood luck for their own use, that is to kill them." Even [-] times it will be difficult to solve the hatred in my heart!"

Cai Beiyu was silent for a moment and did not answer the question.

After all... She was also forced by that person's power to let the Kunpeng tribe massacre human beings.Although they all let humans die happily, did not do any humiliation, and all kinds of insane things, the killing of humans by the Kunpeng tribe is an indelible fact.

"Since that person can condense the projection, then—" Lin Fei sighed softly, then turned to look at Cai Beiyu, "Where's his last projection?"

"I'll kill it." Cai Beiyu only had three words in a calm manner, and he didn't mention the 3000 years of forbearance behind him, and the thrilling danger that he had never seen before.

Ji Yaoguang and others were all shocked.

"In the past 3000 years, the Kunpeng Alliance has killed countless prehistoric human races. Bei Yu is unwilling to argue, let alone find a reason for his guilt. He only asks the Heavenly Lord to punish me and give the Kunpeng Alliance a chance to atone for their crimes."

Having said that, Cai Beiyu stood up and solemnly knelt down towards Lin Fei.

The ancestor of Kunpeng just knelt down in front of the crowd and pressed his forehead to the floor!

There was an uproar!

And after Cai Beiyu took the lead, the eight Golden Immortals of the Kunpeng Alliance felt like they were sitting on pins and needles, and they didn't dare to neglect in the slightest. They all knelt down amidst the sound of thumping almost at the same time.

Even the ancestor of Kunpeng knelt down, how dare they sit still?

"I am willing to make up for my mistakes, and I implore the gods to forgive my sins!"

Yinzi swallowed, feeling that everything he saw was so dreamy and bizarre.

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