I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1026 I'm Shu Zimo!

For such "historical issues", Cai Beiyu did not evade, but faced it directly.

And her act of rising up against the alien race is obvious to all.

If Cai Beiyu had not stood by Lin Fei, but had chosen to help the person behind the first clan, Lin Fei would have died at the hands of the Sky Mastiff King long ago, and nothing would happen afterwards.

"Get up," Lin Fei stretched out his hand to help Cai Beiyu, and said in a deep voice, "Since I rescued you and brought you back to Zhenbei City, then you are my own people, so don't mention it again in the future. "

"and also......"

Lin Fei sighed softly, rubbed Cai Beiyu's hair, and his voice softened two points: "These 3000 years will be difficult for you, and I will not let anyone force you to do things you don't want to do. "

Hearing that it was dazzling, Cai Beiyu was shocked, his eyes were red, and he just bit his lip and nodded.

Looking at this scene, Ji Yaoguang looked a little puzzled, sighed secretly, and suddenly felt empty in his heart.

She was surprised to find that this time it was not because of jealousy, but because of a questioning of herself - Cai Beiyu can do this for Lin Fei, what about me?What can I do for him?

Ji Yaoguang found sadly that he seemed to be unable to do anything.

It's not unwillingness, but powerlessness!

At this moment, Ji Yaoguang hated her own weakness like never before.

Lin Fei's voice interrupted her turbulent thoughts: "Now the enemy is the first, and I invite you to discuss the matter of preparing for the battle against the enemy!"

When such a serious matter was mentioned, everyone present looked solemn and sat upright.

In the following meeting, Lin Fei highlighted three points.

One is about the resource utilization of 33 Chongtian.Restore the strength of the golden immortals of the Kunpeng clan as soon as possible; even for the most powerful and most accumulated mid-term golden immortal monks, we can give the spiritual root of the Dao to help them achieve the late golden immortals!

The second is about the resource utilization of the Eighty-Nine Xuanbing Land.The Kunpeng Alliance not only brought in people, but also brought in a huge and rich resource that shocked the world.It is completely possible to invest in the eighty-nine mysterious soldiers and strive to create important strategic weapons.Magical treasures, armors, even Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Grenades, Jinxian Xuanhuang Ships.

Not to mention the other races in the alliance, the accumulation of the Kunpeng clan is astonishing just because the Kunpeng clan occupies the fourth place in the wild all the year round and occupies the vast and boundless North Sea.It's no wonder that the coalition forces of the alien races are so mobilizing and mobilizing their troops, they seem crazy and want to force the Kunpeng tribe to sign an unequal treaty-all kinds of resources are really enviable.

Of course, this is not an empty-handed white wolf, trying to rely on the fact that the Kunpeng Alliance has no choice and force them to give selflessly.Lin Fei was willing to exchange 33 heavenly elixir, and even gave away the Dao Linggen!

As for the third point... that is the talents who execute strategies and tactics, that is, the so-called military divisions.

"Han Qiling should not be underestimated!" Cai Beiyu said, "During the battle to destroy the Heavenly Court, Han Qiling served as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. It was because of his various vicious schemes that the loss of the ten thousand races was minimized." At least, it has brought too much trouble to Heaven."

"But if Tianzun personally commands..."

From what she said, it seemed that Lin Fei was omnipotent, there was nothing he couldn't do.

It's like chasing stars.

Lin Fei shook his head and rejected her proposal: "Do you think I have done such a thing as commanding?"

Cai Beiyu laughed dumbfounded for a moment, and pushed the hair from his sideburns behind his ears: "Should...not."

Does Tianzun need to command his monks?

No matter how powerful your enemy is, as long as it is not the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, isn't it a situation where you will be wiped out in a glance?

And when you meet the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, let alone a strong duel, whoever gets involved will die.In the purest senseless situation, the only way to break the situation is by force, so what kind of strategic command is needed...

"But even if you are inexperienced, as long as the master is willing to direct the overall situation, you will definitely be able to beat Han Qi Ling down!" Yin Zi seized the opportunity and immediately flattered him.

"Then I will take an overview of the situation in the rear and be in charge of commanding. You will fight for me against the strongest group of golden immortals in the Allied Forces?" Lin Fei glanced at her and said lightly.

Yinzi just pretended to be stupid, giggling.

"There may be geniuses in Zhenbei City!" Lin Fei said firmly, "Spread the news to the whole city, and I'll just wait for the talents to come!"

Everyone should claim that there is no objection, and no one will feel that it is unnecessary to find such a counselor.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, what Zhenbei City has to face is the prehistoric peoples. Overall, it is at a huge disadvantage, and if it is not careful, the city will be destroyed.If you want to talk about the advantages of being alone in a certain aspect, it may be that the combat power of a single player is unrivaled, and the Sun Moon Human Emperor Formation temporarily protects and comprehensively protects and so on.

But how to make use of its own advantages, make full use of its strengths and circumvent its weaknesses, and attack the enemy in pain, so as to achieve the greatest results at the least cost, this must require excellent strategic guidance!

In this way, the meeting ended, everyone dispersed, and each got busy.


In the early morning of the second day, Lin Fei started his inspection work.

Eighty-Nine Profound Armies are already in operation, and many natural materials and earthly treasures have been invested in it.Such as Beiming Xuantie, Taiyin Immortal Jade, Kunlin Pengyu, Xuanyin Jade Coral, Frost Crayfish Shell......

Of course, there is also a large amount of fairy stones invested, which can be called the most expensive material.

For a while, the clouds and clouds here are billowing, and the fairy light is endless.A large piece of rune is imprinted in the void, containing a mysterious dao rhyme.

Ye Wudi has a deep understanding of the Bajiu Xuanbing, and once again played a role, guiding many monks to carry out production work.This place has already turned into a large-scale arsenal. God knows how many weapons will be produced, and what role it will play in the Great War of Ten Thousand Races.

On the other hand, Jinxian of the Kunpeng Alliance also used the 33rd Heaven, consumed a lot of resources, and seized the time to restore combat power, and did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

At the same time, a man in a large white robe walked on the street with Qingqiu.

At the place where the crowd gathered, the man stopped and looked at the notice surrounded by them.

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, and crossed the fingers in his sleeves together: "The war of all races is imminent, and Tianzun is going to find a counselor?"

Qingqiu saw yearning and emotion in his eyes.

"I don't know if I can do it?" Shu Zimo smiled slightly, not at all panicked by most residents, but feeling excited.

It's time to get out of this fuss!

I, a weak and nameless monk, should be of use!


Shu Zimo tore off the notice, straightened his clothes, held his head high, and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

After a quarter of an hour.

When Shu Zimo met Lin Fei, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"I'm Shu Zimo, I'm willing to smear the ground for Tianzun!"

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