Lin Fei had a slight impression of Shu Zimo. He remembered that he was a slave liberated by passing through Wude Town. He was once used by the Tengu Clan as a counselor.

He was not the first counselor to recommend himself, but he was the first counselor to be personally interviewed by Lin Fei.

There is no other reason. When Shu Zimo was still waiting in the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Fei had already received many letters of recommendation, and he highly respected Shu Zimo. There were also some of his experiences in it, which was enough to show that this person is extraordinary.

At first, Shu Zimo, as a counselor, led more than 1000 humans to survive in the cracks.His mind is delicate, and he can deduce important information through very few clues.It often gives people the feeling of a prophet, avoiding danger many times.

It was such an insignificant little monk who actually formed unequal information between the two alien races through layout, and worsened the relationship between the two alien race territories.With the strategy of driving away tigers and wolves, without a single soldier, the golden monkey and the swamp frog were both injured and suffered heavy losses.

Even if he was later captured by the Tengu of Wude Town, he still became a counselor in the Lord's Mansion.He had several chances to escape but chose to give up, planning to rescue more compatriots.On the one hand, he showed his own value and was reused by Gou Wude; on the other hand, he secretly protected humans, and the reasons given were completely irresistible to the Tengu tribe.

Shu Zimo grasped the key contradictions and saved a large number of human beings in the simplest way-excavating their continuous value, so that human beings could barely gain a foothold in the alien territory.

After being rescued by Lin Fei, Shu Zimo once again showed his caution and strategy on the way to Zhenbei City.Not to mention the preparation of the route for a rainy day, Qingqiu and others were convinced by relying on keen insight and analysis all the way to avoid danger again and again.

Its layout often has a characteristic, that is, it is ruthless-not only to the enemy, but also to itself.

Shu Zimo knew that his team was weak, so he confuses his own side, and it seems reasonable to come to the conclusion that "we must split up and meet at the target point", which makes people believe.However, two teams were directly abandoned, and fell into the hands of two types of aliens, and were pulled out of information, and learned of the so-called "target point".

Immediately afterwards, something interesting happened.

The target point is simply false news. After the two alien forces arrived, they did not see human beings, but saw rather discordant races, and immediately fought.

With the help of Qingqiu's speed advantage, Shu Zimo has already notified the correct information to the ears of human beings divided into several groups, and reunited at the real target point.Because the foreign race occupying the key intersection has already been transferred from the mountain, the journey is extremely smooth, and there is no danger at all.

Of course, those two teams who were regarded as abandoned sons would be scolding Shu Zimo's eighteenth generation ancestors until their death...

Even Qingqiu and others were dissatisfied, thinking that Shu Zimo was too cold-blooded and heartless.But the latter was just a question of "Is there any other way besides this?", which left everyone speechless.

At this time, with Lin Fei's consent, Shu Zimo successfully moved into the City Lord's Mansion as a counselor.

The first request he made was to understand the current detailed combat power in the city: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. If you don't even know our strength, how should we proceed?"

This is a very simple truth.For example, in the strategic plan, it is necessary to send troops to guard a certain checkpoint, or to surprise a certain enemy army, but the troops sent cannot be achieved at all.

Lin Fei had no objection to this point, and asked Ye Wudi to meet him.Not only the strength of Zhenbei City, but also the background of the major powerful clans 3000 years ago, which is very important information.

Zhenbei City is preparing for battle urgently, and the prehistoric peoples are not idle.

More and more strong clans joined the alliance, and even the two clans of immortals and demons went into battle in person.Relying on the "map of stars and stars" of the immortal clan, a meeting among golden immortals was held.

After Immortal Ancestor activated the map of stars and stars in the sky, many Jinxian powerhouses felt something in their hearts and showed astonishment on their faces.They felt a mysterious call, and they all concentrated on it carefully, perceiving it carefully.

And within the vast palace of the Nine Layers Immortal Tower, a phantom of a golden fairy suddenly emerged and projected here.

Countless golden immortals were shocked by what they saw.

At this moment, within the palace, there are actually hundreds of projections of golden immortals gathered!And with the passage of time, there is also a phantom of a golden fairy manifesting, and the scene is extremely exaggerated.

The nine golden immortals of the fairy clan were originally here, so they naturally showed their real bodies to others.They are like statues in temples and Taoist temples, sitting cross-legged directly above the main hall.

And below, there are countless futons, allowing many golden fairy projections to sit one by one.

Seeing that they were almost all there, Xianzu looked at Han Qiling who was sitting in the middle of the first row, and nodded slightly.

It is worth mentioning that he also manifested his real body, and obviously came to the ancestral land of the immortal clan in person.Even today's meeting was planned and initiated by him.

Han Qiling smiled faintly, stood up, and faced the many golden immortals: "I'm calling you all today, we have important matters to discuss!"

The audience suddenly fell silent, and countless pairs of eyes stared at him.

To change someone in such a position, I'm afraid that my legs will be weak on the spot.It is by no means uncommon to be sweating profusely, trembling, and stuttering.

More than 500 golden immortals are present, which is outrageous!I'm afraid that the number of golden immortals from all other planes combined cannot be compared with it.

But for the Great Desolate Continent, this is not the most glorious moment.Jinxian is a strong man who has reached the Dao level, and the quota for each cosmic plane is extremely limited.Only this highest plane is favored by multiple heavens, allowing the number of Dao three thousand.

When there are three thousand golden immortals in the Great Desolate Continent, it has reached the limit of the way of heaven.If there is no fall of the Golden Immortal, no matter how talented the latecomers are, they will not be able to achieve the status of the Golden Immortal.

That is to say, there were three thousand golden immortals in the most glorious moment of the Ten Thousand Clans—only after the Ten Thousand Clans War and the rise of the Heavenly Court, they were killed and withered.

Han Qiling got straight to the point and directly talked about the current situation: "There is no doubt that we have an overwhelming advantage when all races gather."

The ancestor of the Triangle Bull Demon hated him for beating the golden immortals in the clan, and immediately sneered: "Since we have an absolute advantage, why don't we talk about it! Just find where Lin Fei and the others are, and kill them directly?"

Even if there were many golden immortals nodding, they looked at Han Qiling rather unkindly.

"That's the problem," Han Qiling said calmly, unmoved, "We can't give full play to our advantages. Lin Fei occupies Zhenbei City, and is protected by the Sun Moon Emperor Formation."

There was an uproar in the audience, followed by continuous scolding.

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