I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1038 Attacking the city is the bottom, attacking the heart is the top

The little girl was different from adults, she had a simpler mind, she cried and asked a very realistic question: "Can't we seek revenge from those people in the sky?!"

"Tell me a fart!" The uncle was so frightened that he even covered her mouth and cursed angrily, "You don't want to die, dare to say such a thing?!"

The brutal fighting continued, and the atmosphere in Zhenbei City became more and more oppressive and gloomy.

Shu Zimo could feel it without turning his head. Countless murderous eyes pierced his back like knives.

Seeing such a tragic situation, not only human beings, but even many alien races in the city were filled with righteous indignation. They felt that Shu Zimo was unreasonable, cold-blooded, and cruel to the extreme!

They didn't know that Shu Zimo's heart was also bleeding.

He saw his sin with his own eyes, trembling all over, but he didn't close his eyes, or turn his head to escape.

Cai Beiyu turned to look at him, sighed slightly, and shook his head.

Among the golden immortals of all races, there was a piercing laughter.

"Interesting, it's really interesting! I've seen many dog-eat-dog scenes, and this is the first time I've seen a scene of thousands of mad dogs fighting to kill each other."

"How about the human being on the opposite side of the city? Seeing this scene, does your conscience feel uneasy?"

"I'd like to see, what other tricks do you have that can reverse the current situation?"

Quite a few Jinxians joked, and the unhappiness that Shu Zimo had calculated before dissipated too much, and they felt very happy.

Shu Zimo didn't have any countermeasures.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a joke.

But for Zhenbei City right now, these more than 200 oppressive Jinxians are absolute strength, absolutely unshakable!

"Zimo, it's you!" Among the crowd who were fighting, a middle-aged man covered in scars suddenly opened his eyes and spoke in disbelief.

"Father?!" Shu Zimo took a sudden step forward, almost rushing out of the formation, but Cai Beiyu frowned and grabbed his collar.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he shut his mouth abruptly, his expression changed drastically, and he knew what a stupid thing he had done on impulse.

"Is he that bastard's father?!"

"kill him!"

"If you can't kill the bastard on the top of the city, can't you kill his father?!"

As for the group of golden fairies who were watching the show at a high altitude, their eyes lit up instantly, and they became interested one after another.

That guy's father is also among the prisoners?

This is really... so interesting.

"Stop." Immortal Ancestor uttered a word, and an invisible force enveloped the world in an instant, immobilizing all the human captives fighting in the field.

He turned to look at Shu Zimo, and said with a half-smile: "Human, I will give you another chance. A Kunpeng from the Celestial Fairyland, in exchange for all the surviving humans on the field—including your father."

At this moment, countless eyes focused on Shu Zimo.

Han Qiling also showed an indistinct smile, looking forward to his answer.

Previously, Shu Zimo was unwilling to exchange the Kunpeng Celestial Immortals, and chose to give up tens of millions of lives.

Now he finds that his father is also among them, if he chooses to exchange because of this...

Your father's life is so precious, 1000 million fellow human beings are insignificant, right?From the perspective of the overall situation, pretending to be dignified, are you going to change your mind now because of your father?

"Change! Shu Zimo, I don't like your mother, change it for me!"

"Did you see those corpses? How long has it been? So many people have died!"

"Seeing your father now, do you want to exchange it? What the hell are you doing? There is no such thing as your father among those who are dead in love!"

"Get down, you are also worthy to replace Tianzun to lead the overall situation?!"

There was also a lot of anger in the city, not only the monks of the human race, but even some foreign races felt the same and were filled with righteous indignation.

However, Shu Zimo still stood at the top of the city, without moving, let alone looking back, with his back to everyone in the city.

"I... won't change." His voice was hoarse, but there was a ruthless determination.

Those people in the city couldn't see the two lines of tears streaming down Shu Zimo's face.

Cai Beiyu saw it clearly and opened his mouth to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything.

There was an uproar on both sides.

Han Qiling showed surprise on his face, as if he was mocking him for his ruthlessness, but also as if he was sincerely praising him: "Is that right Shu Zimo? I remember you, you are a ruthless person."

He still didn't say a word - if you were born in my Qilin clan, the deity will definitely focus on cultivation!

At this moment, the overwhelming curses in Zhenbei City came to Shu Zimo.

"Unfaithful, unrighteous, and unfilial!"

"Beasts are worse, if you don't save tens of millions of human beings, you won't even save your own father!"

"How can this kind of scum deserve to sit in that position?!"

And outside the city, many monks in the Ten Thousand Races Alliance showed disgust and contempt on their faces, as if they spurned him extremely.

But there were also people who frowned and looked at Shu Zimo indifferently - this was also the first time that many golden immortals looked at the ant in this eye so seriously.

"Since that's the case, I will help you over there." Xianzu said coldly, sweeping his sleeves.

In an instant, the frozen human captives fought again.Dozens of people roared and roared, and killed Shu Zimo's father with red eyes.

"You unfilial son! Bastard, bastard!" Shu Zimo's father was frightened and angry, while resisting the offensive with difficulty, he scolded his son, "I really regret that I gave birth to such a scum like you, who has been so cold-blooded and cruel since childhood! "

"You don't save the 1000 million compatriots of the human race, let alone the relationship between father and son. You are so cold-blooded, you are a celestial snake, right?!"

After his words fell, the face of the ancestor of the Heavenly Snake was extremely ugly. Facing the playful eyes of all the Golden Immortals, he could only smile contemptuously: "Don't listen to his nonsense, how can our Heavenly Snake Clan have that cold-blooded Shu Zimo?"

All the Golden Immortals nodded slightly, expressing their agreement.

Shu Zimo's father was brutally killed after all, and the extremely angry people didn't even let his body and soul go.Someone directly condensed his true energy into a big knife, and chopped his body into pieces; someone condensed his true energy into a giant hammer, smashed his bones to pieces, and his body was mutilated with blood and flesh on the ground.

The primordial spirit was even extracted, and was burned by the fire, screaming and scolding Shu Zimo.

Tears welled up in Shu Zimo's eyes, but there was a voice roaring in his heart: "I can't compromise! Once the Allied Forces of All Races force me to give in, there will be a second, third, and fourth time! After repeating this, Kunpeng The alliance has been sacrificed one after another, and some members must rise up, bring disaster to Xiaoqiang, and let Zhenbei City die in civil strife!"

"Bloody Luck is the first hand; this is the second hand. If I compromise again and again, I will force the Kunpeng Alliance to rebel and cause civil strife. If I don't compromise, I will betray my relatives and be kicked from this position, which is what he would like to see scene; if he didn't guess wrong, he still has a third hand!"

"I...underestimated Han Qiling!"

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