I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1039 The Desolation of the Weak

Shu Zimo's eyes were bloodshot, as if his eyes were about to burst open, and Han Qiling's figure was clearly reflected in his pupils.

The latter sat firmly on the back of the water unicorn, and only smiled faintly at his gaze full of monstrous resentment.

Shu Zimo's teeth were almost broken, and he turned to look at the human captives who were fighting in the city.

Thousands of people spread out like a tide, and the figures in the distance seemed to meet the sky, forming a long black line.Sword light, sword energy, and fist gang criss-crossed, and the sound of killing, roaring, and crying went straight to the sky.The ground was stained red with blood, and a large number of broken corpses fell on the ground. You could even see stumps and broken arms, brains dripping in pools of blood, and broken organs soaked in blood...

And the most heinous thing is the desolate and tragic death of those young children.

He saw the sword light passing by, and the heads of people flew up.

He heard the wind whistling and howling everywhere.

He smelled blood and poured it into his nostrils.

But until the end of this tragic fight, Shu Zimo still did not waver.

Cai Beiyu remained silent with a heavy expression on his face.

In Zhenbei City, the hoarse curses never stopped.Some humans were even dazzled by anger and wanted to rush to the top of the city to kill Shu Zimo.But under the thought of Jinxian of the Kunpeng clan, he fainted on the spot and became unconscious.

"Enough, don't kill any more!" Cai Beiyu said coldly, "You have less than a million people, why don't you stop?!"

Her keen sense of spirit has already noticed that there are less than a million human captives in the field.But these human beings are still clueless, and are still fighting desperately.

As for the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races... how could they be so kind as to remind them?

Looking around, the air was shrouded in a faint blood-colored mist.The corpses on the ground piled up like a mountain, and the survivors also looked in a trance, and some even went crazy.

Amongst the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, an old man with injuries all over his body and a broken arm fell to his knees with a "plop".After the tense heartstrings were loosened, he immediately prostrated himself on the ground and howled bitterly: "This old man has sinned deeply! He has sinned deeply!"

The old man's clothes, cheeks, and even his gray hair were soaked in the blood on the ground, stained with minced meat and organ fragments, and he couldn't cry.

"I survived? I survived, hahaha!" A middle-aged strong man ran wildly in the pool of corpses and blood, laughing wildly.

"Uncle Luo, Uncle Luo, don't die... woo woo woo——" Lan Lan's face was covered with blood, her clothes were ragged, and she was shaking the middle-aged uncle's body.

"Bastard, there are only a million people left. Why don't you speak?!" A young man looked up to the sky and screamed, the burning sensation in his chest seemed to be on fire.

"Ants are worthy of asking how this deity behaves?" Han Qiling said lightly, and cast a sidelong glance at the young man.

Not seeing any movement from him, the young man immediately turned into a puddle of clear water with a bang.

"Clear the field, the next batch." Han Qiling raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Shu Zimo again, as if he wanted to see the scene where the latter was completely crushed.

He really wanted to see how long this frail young human being could last.

As soon as Han Qiling's words fell, the town of Zhenbei City erupted even more, and countless people were outraged on the spot.

He said next batch!

At this moment, there is no distinction between races in the city, and too many residents have condemned Shu Zimo, and all kinds of foul language are simply unbearable and extremely unpleasant.Some people even started a strike on the spot, trying to force Shu Zimo to make a deal with the Allied Forces of All Races so that the second batch of prisoners could survive.

But at this moment, Shu Zimo received a voice transmission from Cai Beipeng, the sect of the Kunpeng: "Our Kunpeng Alliance has turned against the Ten Thousand Races, and we are under great pressure to solve the problem for the Heavenly Lord, and even hand over all the treasures of heaven and earth, just to suppress The growth of Beicheng."

"Shu Zimo, I hope you understand. The Kunpeng Alliance didn't do this as a sacrificial bargaining chip!"

This is already a blunt beating and warning.

In other words, if Shu Zimo really chooses to exchange, Cai Beipeng will be the first to refuse.

Shu Zimo didn't respond, but showed a mournful smile.

In the arena, countless prehistoric ferocious beasts appeared in their original form, roaring excitedly, and bloodthirsty light shone in their huge pupils.After driving away the more than 90 surviving captives, they opened their bloody mouths and devoured the broken corpses of more than 900 million human beings!

Immediately afterwards, the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races invested another 1000 million captives, and came to the reddish-brown land that was clotted with blood.

Han Qiling's voice was particularly concise: "Change, or not?"

Shu Zimo's voice was hoarse, and two words almost popped out from between his teeth: "No change!"

Civil strife had already occurred in the city, and those who were close to Shu Zimo were implicated. Qingqiu was not spared, and was knocked to the ground with a slap.Some people even spit at her, scolded "cousin" and other ugly words with red eyes.

In desperation, the Kunpeng Clan's Celestial Immortal took action and forcibly suppressed such civil strife.

However, under the anger, some residents have been dazzled, and even the gods are no longer afraid, and they even speak rudely.

"Why don't you fucking die?!"

"Go to hell, bastard! If you die, you can save tens of millions of people. Why don't you die?!"

"Do you have a conscience?"

When the Kunpeng Celestial Immortal heard this, he was furious, and roared angrily with red eyes: "Presumptuous! In order to hold back the Golden Immortals of all races and buy time for the Celestial Venerable, my daughter died, and so did my father! In order to cast the immortal Taoism Ship, I have used my natal Pengyu Kunlin, and handed over all the natural materials and earthly treasures on my body!"

"What's my crime? What the hell did I do wrong, and what I'm sorry for you? Why should I die?!"

"Will the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races stop after I die? They will only make progress, and want us to hand over the second, third, and fourth angels! Even now we want to exchange angels, and if we exchange golden immortals later, you will also Are you forcing my patriarch to die?!"

"You are kidnapping morality and forcing us to death with the so-called justice! You dare not be cruel to the coalition of all races, why dare you force us to sacrifice? Just because we won't kill you?"

He gritted his teeth and yelled so many words in one breath, which showed that he was aggrieved and angry.

The crowd was noisy, and there were all kinds of reactions, but the city was indeed in chaos, and the order was no longer stable.

Outside the city, Han Qiling changed the rules of the game: "Let's kill each other. Tens of thousands of prisoners, I hope I can only see 10 people in the end."

Many people trembled in their hearts, almost unable to breathe.

"Wait!" Cai Beiyu said suddenly, attracting the attention of all the Golden Immortals from all races.

She took a deep breath, took off the crown on her head, smiled at Cai Beipeng, and put it on his head.

"I, in exchange for [-] million human captives."


The audience was in an uproar, and both sides seemed to explode in an instant!

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