I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1043 Emperor Seal?I can do it too

There is a saying on Earth that goes, "When gods fight, mortals suffer."

What about Jinxian fighting?Even if one of them is the Ten Thousand Saints, and the other bears a wisp of the Emperor's might?

The mysterious person... no, it should be called Ye Lingyu now.Heaven and earth praise his name, which is a name taboo recognized by heaven, taking Ye Zhenbei's surname and Guan Lingyu's name.

Before the mysterious man and Lin Fei had a real fight, the unlucky creatures with a radius of thousands of miles had already been tossed to death.

Under the oppression of the vast and boundless heavenly power, most of the cultivators could not bear it. Under the protection mechanism of the body's instinct, they passed out to prevent them from feeling such pressure again.

But those celestial monks who were able to stay awake wished they could also faint.They broke out in a cold sweat, their clothes were drenched, and they lay on the ground trembling, all kinds of frightening thoughts flooded their hearts.

"Lin Fei? Ten Thousand Saints?!"

"Ye Lingyu, is this the Emperor's name?"

"Oh my god, is this the Human Sovereign fighting against the Ten Thousand Saints?!"

Countless monks were shocked, and some even gritted their teeth and felt like a cat scratching their hearts, wishing to see what happened.

That's the battle between the Human Sovereign and the Ten Thousand Saints, damn it, it's exciting just thinking about it!If you miss tonight, will you still see such a great battle in this life?

"I'm going to watch it! Even if it's death, I want to watch that level of battle, maybe I can have an epiphany!"

"Chao Wendao, Xi can die!"

"You don't need to be close to their battlefield, you can see it from a distance, it should...shouldn't kill you?!"

Whether it is a fluke mentality or a heart of Taoism.The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, and there are always a few golden fairies who grit their teeth in a daze, even if they are kneeling and unable to get up, they crawl towards the battlefield at top speed!

The scene was once very absurd and funny.

A noble and powerful celestial being in normal times actually landed on his knees like an "extraordinary species", crawling crazily like a streamer, approaching the central battlefield from all directions...

While on the battlefield, Ye Lingyu's eyes flashed a sneer of mockery and pride, and she scolded: "Kneel down!"

The invisible oppressive force was exerted on Lin Fei's body, as if he was carrying the eternal blue sky, the sun, the moon and the stars, trying to crush his spine and force him to kneel down.

Ye Lingyu sneered, her eyes became more intense.

Think about it.

The Ten Thousand Saints, who once stood at the top of the multiverse, will kneel down to him in the next moment...

Just thinking about it, Ye Lingyu felt extremely happy and hearty in her chest.

"Get out!" Lin Fei yelled violently, and the chaotic aura surged all over his body, as if he had escaped from the space between heaven and earth.His eyes were as cold as a knife, his long jet black hair danced wildly in the wind, and his stalwart figure looked like a demon god descending into the world.

Chaos evolves all things, and at this moment they turned into black and white flames to hedge against each other, and two vague and terrifying figures appeared behind him.

A man and a woman, stepping on a twelve-stage lotus platform, are each shrouded in black and white flames.

In an instant, the real fire of the lunar sun and the sun spread, and the prehistoric sun and the moon sympathized.


In an instant, the invisible coercion between heaven and earth was torn apart, and the Taoist voice chanting Ye Lingyu's name stopped abruptly.

After a short period of silence, the gods within a radius of tens of thousands of miles boiled.

"Human Emperor Tianwei...disappeared?!"

"how can that be?!"

And Ye Lingyu's pupils contracted sharply, and she exclaimed: "Ji Du Luohu?!"

how can that be!

Even if it is the Ten Thousand Saints, how could it be possible to evolve the innate demon god 150 billion years ago? !

Lin Fei disintegrated the coercion of the Emperor, but frowned, and the phantom of Ji Du Luohu behind him was also fleeting.

At that moment, he clearly felt the malice between heaven and earth.

On this highest plane closest to the multiple heavenly dao, just the evolution of Kedu Luohu's dao rhyme made it repulsive to the extreme.Lin Fei even suspects that if he wants to continue to deduce, the multi-dimensional way of heaven can deprive him of his blood luck, and even kills him at all costs...

It is also a sin for an innate demon god abandoned by the times to appear in the multiverse.

"It's just an ant who has stolen a trace of the Emperor's mighty power, how dare you speak out here?" Lin Fei's face was cold, and his murderous intent shot up into the sky.The temperature between the sky and the earth dropped sharply, and in an instant, the vast expanse of white snow fell.

But only for a moment.

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drift!

In the sky and on the earth, only Yu Mangmang!

The piercing killing intent made Tianxian feel a sharp pain all over his body, his whole body was cold and sweaty, and he even had the illusion of being surrounded by thousands of fairy swords, and he could hardly breathe.

"I'll let you see if I'm talking nonsense—" Ye Lingyu's expression gradually became serious, she stretched out her hand to hold it in the void, and said sharply, "Kneel down!"


The phantom shadow of the sun and the moon descended from the sky, and the dragon aura of the nine emperors circled and danced. This scene in the sky can be called a shocking spectacle.

Those five unlucky celestial monks were directly oppressed by an invisible force at this moment, and they crashed to the ground.

"It's a pity that you can't shake a big tree!" Lin Fei sneered, his whole body was enveloped in a hazy and chaotic atmosphere, and he didn't feel oppressed at all.

He stepped out, and the golden road stretched out, like a golden rainbow hanging in the sky.

"What? Why aren't you affected?!" Ye Lingyu turned pale with shock, her head jumping wildly.

Seeing Lin Fei rushing to kill him with an indomitable momentum, Ye Lingyu instantly recalled all kinds of myths and deeds about Lin Fei.Coupled with the shock brought about by the scene before him, he subconsciously flew back.

"Human Sovereign... was forced to retreat?!" Seeing this scene, Tianxian exclaimed on the spot, shocked and restless.

But when she reacted, Ye Lingyu felt a burst of embarrassment turn into anger.

He is no longer the Wansheng Tianzun, but he has not been suppressed by the Emperor Tianwei, why is he so timid? !


Ye Lingyu and Lin Fei faced each other's palms, even though the royal dragon's aura was violent, they were still slightly inferior, and their bodies retreated thousands of meters away like a stream of light.

"Why are you not suppressed by the Emperor Tianwei?!" Ye Lingyu was unwilling.

"The Human Sovereign has the constitution of heaven in his mouth, and you are worthy of what he says?" Lin Fei said indifferently, "However, if you have a little control over the general trend of the world, you want to suppress the origin of chaos? Do you know that everything in the world originated from chaos?"

Even if the real emperor is here, or even the dragon emperor or insect emperor, it is wishful thinking to use the imperial aura to overwhelm Lin Fei.

No matter how weak Lin Fei's cultivation realm is, his essence remains the same.If you want to force him to kneel down with the coercion of the strong... I'm afraid it's talking in your sleep.

"Okay! Then I'll kill you!" Ye Lingyu snorted coldly, and then tied the seal of the Emperor with both hands.

"Human Emperor's Seal? I will too." Lin Fei had no expression on his face, and formed the exact same handprint.

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