
Under the shocked eyes of the five golden immortals, two human emperor phantoms towering above the sky suddenly rose up in the sky, almost causing their brains to crash on the spot.

"what's the situation?!"

"Two... two emperors?"

Ye Lingyu was even more enraged on the spot, and the other party actually used the same method to fight. Isn't this a humiliation to herself?


The human emperor's aura is mighty and turbulent. Although Lin Fei does not have the power brought by the real human emperor's personality, he is even better in terms of Shen Yun.Not only does it have the dominance of an emperor, the intention of looking down at the world, and ruling the four directions, but also the awe-inspiring courage that Ye Lingyu does not have-to rule the universe and protect the world and mankind.

In comparison, Ye Lingyu looks like a "fake and shoddy product"...

With one blow, Ye Lingyu's misty palm shattered on the spot.The terrifying power spread tremblingly, causing his arms to spread brilliant golden light, and the mist evaporated.

"You—" He was terrified in his heart, never expecting this to happen.

"I'll give you a chance. Tell me how you escaped from the Paradise, and I'll make your projection die." Lin Fei said in a deep voice, wanting to know what happened to the Paradise.


"Baoshanyin!" Ye Lingyu gritted her teeth and cast her supernatural power in an instant.

The moment the handprint was formed, a huge and wild mountain suddenly appeared in the sky.It is difficult to study its size, but the shadow it casts casts millions of miles in darkness.

The waterfalls on it are like training, the canopy of ancient trees covers the sky and the sun, and there are even birds and beasts, snakes, birds, fish and insects, everything is so lifelike.

And such a terrifying giant mountain of such size was refined to the size of a house in an instant under the blazing and dazzling divine light.Its size remained the same, but it was infused with unparalleled immortal power. Just falling from the sky, the wind pressure caused Lin Fei's clothes and long hair to dance wildly in the wind.

Even the void collapsed at this moment, and the earth collapsed inward.

Ye Lingyu flew up, embracing the fairy mountain, her eyes were sharp and fierce, and she slammed down on the top of Lin Fei's head!

And Lin Fei's actions made his eyes tear apart, and he felt his chest was burning.

Because Lin Fei used the same trick again.

It's still the same trick, if you are at a disadvantage again, how can you save your face? !


Amidst the earth-shattering collision sound, the two fairy mountains collided fiercely.In an instant, smoke and dust filled the sky, and rocks pierced through the sky.

Pieces of shattered stones shot out, tearing apart the space, causing the void to scream mournfully.There was even a celestial strong man who was so frightened that he didn't dare to move a stone - a stone brushed past, and just the force of the wind caused his arm to burst into blood mist in an instant!

This celestial immortal can't imagine what would happen if this piece of gravel rubbed against his head?

"I'm so far away, can't I give a way out!" He was horrified, and already regretted that he came to watch the battle.

You say I'm fine, what kind of stimulation are you looking for?Can't you learn how far those two angels who didn't come here ran as far?

But in the battlefield, after the fairy mountain in Ye Lingyu's hand was completely shattered, there was a section of the mountain in front of him that was directly photographed.


Amidst a muffled sound, the imperial dragon's energy shook and disintegrated, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and instantly spit out a strange mist of blood that scattered in the void, and staggered backwards.

The five celestial beings were deeply shaken by this scene.

Even the Emperor, can it be difficult to resist the Ten Thousand Saints in the Golden Immortal Realm? !

Ye Lingyu was impatient and couldn't find a chance to catch her breath. In front of Lin Fei's face was stern, and he was following the steps, so he had to force his spirits, roaring like a wild beast before launching the killing move.


He and Lin Fei shot the same dao pattern characters almost at the same time, and their celestial power was surging, as if they could overturn the sky!

"Ah——" Ye Lingyu screamed, not only was she sent flying, but her figure even flipped in the air, like a hot wheel.Extremely embarrassed, it can be said that he lost all face.

On the other hand, Lin Fei on the opposite side just staggered slightly and took half a step backward.Even though this step caused the void to tremble violently, causing layers of terrifying fluctuations, he did only take half a step back.

High judgment.

"Strong! It's so fucking strong!" This was almost the common voice of the five gods present, and they all looked at Lin Fei in awe with trembling hearts.

Lin Fei, on the other hand, stared indifferently at Ye Lingyu, who was struggling to get up, covered in mist and trembling restlessly, and said with his hands behind his back: "I gave you these three tricks, do you want to use the same tricks to fight me? Do you think you are Lin Yuan? "

Ye Lingyu was trembling in her heart, clenched her fist tightly, and looked at Lin Fei with grief and indignation.

But even though it shouldn't be, a thought still popped up in his mind - who is Lin Yuan?Why is it worthy of being so highly regarded by Lin Fei?

"Wan Hua Ling Jue!" Ye Lingyu said angrily, suddenly enveloped in a soft spiritual light, and killed Lin Fei like a flying fairy.

The inheritance of the innate spirit clan was imprinted in the sea of ​​consciousness of the pure-blooded spirit clan by the spirit master, and it was born with it.

The inheritance of one of the three innate beings, one can imagine how heavy its weight is!

This tactic is said to be able to dissolve all kinds of magic powers in the world, and every time a magical power is resolved, its "rune formula" can be perfectly analyzed, and a data-based "rune matrix" will be presented in the mind, so that the monks of the spirit race can master and display it Possibility of the opponent's supernatural powers.

in short.

The word "hua" means both resolution and evolution.

Wanhua Lingjue is really extraordinary, Ye Lingyu transforms into freedom and freedom.As ethereal and empty as a breeze, it turns into thousands of white thin threads, criss-crossing between the sky and the earth, like weaving a vast net of death.

The five golden immortals were horrified to realize that where thousands of white silk threads passed, the void was quietly annihilated.Even a string of fine white silk threads intertwined, turning into the shape of a woman's soft and slender palm, brushing gently, silently wiped away the protective energy behind Lin Fei!

There is no shadow of sword, but killing is invisible!

Lin Fei evoked a icy smile, and felt that Ye Lingyu in front of him was like a joke: "Do you know, even your Xiantian Spiritual Venerable was once beaten by me to the point of running away!"

"Wan Hua Ling Jue... I am more familiar with it than you."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fei burst out with brilliant aura, and his figure was extremely elegant and agile.

He just pointed like a sword, and after the vast white light raged violently, the sky and the earth regained clarity again.

The void of annihilation was completely restored, and Ye Lingyu was forcibly retreated from the mysterious state, and even her whole body was dimmed, and she flew out in horror.

"You broke my Ten Thousand Transformations Spirit Art?!" The intertwined voices of men and women seemed so panicked.

Lin Fei used Wanhua Lingjue to remove the supernatural power of his opponent Wanhualingjue.

At this moment, Ye Lingyu finally realized the gap between them deeply.

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