I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1045 Ten Thousand Saints, So Terrifying

Ye Lingyu has been aloof for nearly 3000 years, and even Cai Beiyu, the ancestor of Kunpeng, is pitifully weak in front of his projection.It was this kind of experience that gave him the absurd illusion of "I am invincible below the extreme".

So after he condensed another projection, he couldn't wait to find Lin Fei and wanted to get rid of it.After clearing away the biggest obstacle, it is just around the corner to become an emperor, prove the extreme way, and master the flood.

But at this moment, Lin Fei ruthlessly crushed his delusions, making him realize how cruel the reality is.

Such a blow was too cruel for Ye Lingyu to accept.

Before he could react, Lin Fei had already stalked him and used the Myriad Transformation Immortal Art.The palm shrouded in gorgeous aura was not polite, and a big ear scraper was directly drawn towards it.


The bare palm the size of a cattail fan swung and made intimate contact with Ye Lingyu's cheek.The latter was immediately whipped and turned around in the air, with a "poof", spit out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with two teeth, all in the form of a strange mist.

The most frightening thing is that under one palm, the supernatural power that melted all dharmas was manifested, and the mist on his face dissipated.

"Human Emperor, right?"

Lin Fei sneered and grabbed his neck.


It was another loud and crisp slap, which made Ye Lingyu dizzy and dizzy.

"Let me kneel down, will you?"


Lin Fei slapped his face with his forehand.

"I'm dead, right?"


Lin Fei backhanded and slapped again.

Seeing this scene, the five celestial beings opened their mouths wide into an "O" shape, and stared at them even more, with their eyeballs protruding.

What the hell did I see? !

The Human Sovereign was caught by Lin Fei, and he bowed left and right, directly greeting his face with big ears?


Crazy mess!

Is this the All Saints?It's too fierce!

"Ah——Lin Fei, I'm going to kill you!" Ye Lingyu was incapable and furious, struggling hard but in vain.The emperor's true dragon energy that shook the void had just condensed, but was dispersed by the white brilliance, making no waves.

"Kill me, right?" Lin Fei was not polite to him at all, and slapped him again with his backhand.

The mist on Ye Lingyu's head had dissipated seven or eight times, and the emptiness was extremely bleak. Seeing that she was about to be pumped to death, she panicked immediately, and said sternly: "Stop! You are so arrogant. When my body is born, I will let you die." I regret what I did today!"

"Threatening me, right?" The corner of Lin Fei's mouth curled up in a playful arc, and his palm almost turned into a dazzling afterimage.

"Clap clap clap-"

The crisp slaps sounded one after another, resounding like a thunderclap.

Ye Lingyu was so pumped that she was dying, the mist all over her body was dim and misty, and she didn't have any terrifying aura of power, so she was extremely weak.

Such inhuman humiliation caused Ye Lingyu to almost collapse. She no longer had her previous arrogant attitude, and said humblely, almost begging: "Please... please, give me a good time!"

For him who was extremely arrogant, such a situation was worse than death.Anyway, it's just a projection. Although it's a pity to die, it's not enough to hurt the bones.On the contrary, the self-proclaimed existence of the future emperor, how can he accept such aggrieved encounter?

The five celestial beings were completely dumbfounded, and felt that their whole bodies were thrown into disorder by the wind.

Human Sovereign's projection was unbearable to be insulted, and begged for mercy?

The strength of the Ten Thousand Saints... seemed to have shattered their three views from the spiritual level, and they felt that everything they saw was so absurd.Even if I tell others in the future, I'm afraid few people dare to believe it, right? !

"Tell me, how did she escape from the Heavenly Capital on the other side?" Lin Fei asked in a cold voice.

He has no doubt that Ye Lingyu's sea of ​​consciousness has the Emperor's restriction.If it is forced to detect, it will only lead to the death of the other party on the spot.

"I said, the other side of the sky is xxxxxx—" Ye Lingyu was stunned as soon as the words came out.

All the words he uttered behind turned into chaotic and disorderly noises, from which no trace of information could be obtained at all.


Not only that, but there are streaks of lightning surging in the sky.The purple thunder light suddenly appeared, instantly made Ye Lingyu's hair stand on end, even more frightened than facing Lin Fei before!

Lin Fei's face turned cold, and he raised his head to look at the sky, his eyes were cold and deep.

Heavenly shield?

The existence of the Heavenly Capital on the other side is already extremely strange, but now something happened, which even caused the Heavenly Dao to block its information... What secret is buried behind it?

"You see, it's not that I won't say it, it's that I can't!" Ye Lingyu said in a panic.

"What's the use of keeping you?" Lin Fei said impatiently, patting his shoulder with one hand.

Heavenly Demon Bone-Bone Inhalation Technique!


With a crisp sound, Ye Lingyu's arm was dislocated on the spot, and amidst the screams, she was horrified to find that the celestial power of this projection was being crazily drawn.

"Lin Fei, after I die, my cultivation will be returned to heaven and earth, you dare to fight against heaven?!" His roar of frightened anger was like rolling thunder.

"Why don't I dare?" Lin Fei said indifferently, with no expression on his face, "Are you dead now, are you under the control of heaven?"

"You!" Ye Lingyu was so aggrieved that she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

He was completely insane, trying to self-destruct the projection, but found it was futile.The few remaining celestial powers were no longer under his control, and all of them rushed towards Lin Fei's palm and were devoured.

"Okay, okay!" Ye Lingyu was so angry that she lost control of her emotions, "When I come down in person, today's shame will be repaid a hundred times!"

"Are you Big Big Wolf? You have suffered a crushing defeat, and you still didn't forget to yell that you will definitely come back? Does this make you look better?" Lin Fei complained mercilessly.

Although Ye Lingyu didn't understand what "Big Big Wolf" was, but she could understand the sarcasm in the words, she was so angry that she almost died on the spot.

Soon, the mist that condensed his figure dissipated completely, and all of them were swallowed by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei felt the surging immortal essence in his body, and the immortal light burst out all over his body, burning like a divine furnace, completely refining it into his own.

Immediately, his eyes turned.


A mountain crumbled on the spot, and the dust and rubble that shot up into the sky like a storm were completely annihilated in an instant.

The three celestial beings were completely destroyed on the spot, and they disappeared without a trace.

The other two angels were so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed, begging for mercy.

"Back off, you don't have much enmity with the human race, let's just let you live." Lin Fei's voice was extremely calm, but it was no different from the voice of heaven to the two celestial beings.

They immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and kowtowed more reverently: "Thank you for not killing me!"

Lin Fei didn't stop, tearing apart the void in an instant, and fled away.

The goal is Bi Fangzu's land.

Surprise the enemy's rear and win in one battle!

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