I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1050 Did This Fucking Human Do It?

All the Golden Immortals led by Xianzu were furious, they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Hasn't Han Qiling already made arrangements and has a clear division of labor? How could there be such troubles?

"The universe is boundless, trace back to the source!" Xianzu's complexion was cold, as if a vertical eye had been opened between his brows, a celestial light like a sharp sword burst out in an instant, turning into a light curtain and unfolding.

However, within the light curtain, only blurred blood can be seen, covering the scene.

In an instant, the audience was in an uproar.

Although I couldn't see the picture at that time, the blood color was enough to explain everything.

"It turned out to be Lin Fei!"

"It's so brave, you dare to kill us right under our noses!"

"Haha, God helped me, I found you here, I will see where you can escape!"

There was no need for the ancestors to issue orders, and many golden immortals couldn't wait, and they came to the space formation in the city one after another to investigate Lin Fei's whereabouts.

"I haven't gone for too long, chase after me!" Immortal Ancestor's eyes were also bright, and it was difficult to hide the agitation in his chest.

The 120 golden immortals ran wildly, following Lin Fei's footsteps.

They never imagined that Lin Fei was short of resources at this time, and he was waiting for them to "deliver the goods to his door".


After leaving the ancient wasteland city, Lin Fei slaughtered two foreign cities one after another, looting them all.

He really didn't have the slightest bit of mercy when he killed these alien races, and he completely deserved the word "killing".Even compared to the massacres of these alien races on human beings in the past 3000 years, the number of alien races Lin Fei has killed is only a fraction.

As for allowing all races to accumulate bloody luck?Lin Fei didn't care anymore.Anyway, if they don't kill mountains of corpses and seas of blood and improve the luck of all races, they will do it themselves.

It was not until the third foreign city was approached that the golden immortals of all races led by Xianzu chased after them.

Because of Lin Fei's arrival, the aliens in Wangyue City were already terrified to the extreme.And after seeing a group of golden immortals from all races come, such fear disappeared, only the ecstasy that would burst the chest.

"It's the Golden Immortal Venerable of our Ten Thousand Races Alliance!"

"With so many golden fairies acting together, Lin Fei is doomed!"

Being able to witness the fall of Wansheng Tianzun with his own eyes, many monks were too excited to think about it.

Those 120 golden immortals all exuded terrifying auras, surging up and down the sky, as if crushing the eternal blue sky.

However, a scene that they didn't expect happened right before their eyes.

"It's finally here?" Lin Fei turned around to face the many golden fairies with great interest, but he lost interest at first glance, and even seemed a little disappointed: "Just so few golden fairies?"


The whole audience exploded, and many Jinxians stared wide-eyed, with wonderful expressions of "I'm a fucking dog".

"What do you mean just such a little golden fairy?!"

"I'm so fucking stupid! A total of 120 golden immortals, he still thinks it's too small, can't it be a Chinese cabbage to be a golden immortal?"

"This deity is convinced, really. At least when this deity is about to die, he is definitely not so calm, and he can even lose without losing, and say such arrogant words!"

Whether it is in Wangyue City or the Golden Immortal of Ten Thousand Races, they were all stunned by Lin Fei's few words and could not keep calm.

Immortal Ancestor laughed even more out of anger, and teased, "Oh, you really deserve to be the Ten Thousand Saints! Why, I'm waiting for 120 golden immortals to die for you, isn't it worthy of your status as an old man?"

The titles in the words are all honorifics, but in the teasing tone, it is particularly harsh.

However, Lin Fei shook his head: "I wanted to catch all the golden immortals of all races like you, but in the end, only so many came, really..."

Having said that, the regret on his face became more obvious: "It's a pity."

Lin Fei seemed to be talking nonchalantly, and once again stunned the audience.

Many Jinxian were furious on the spot.

"Straight mother thief! Arrogant, too fucking arrogant!"

"You still want to catch me all in one go, are you living in a dream?"

"This deity can't take it anymore! Immortal Ancestor, quickly order, kill him!"

"Okay!" Immortal Ancestor was also full of murderous intent, and immediately shouted loudly, "Siege and kill, don't let him escape!"

Before he finished speaking, he threw out a formation map.

Thousand Immortal Tribulation Killing Formation!

This formation is also an important foundation of the immortal clan, but it is different from the map of the stars in the sky. The latter is a functional magic formation, while the killing formation of Ten Thousand Immortal Tribulation is a veritable killing formation.

Be it the war of ten thousand races or the siege of the Heavenly Court, this formation all displayed monstrous power and terror.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the number one killing formation in the prehistoric world today!


The formation like a jade slip unfolded, and immeasurable celestial light burst out in an instant, covering an extremely wide area, and the aura was vast and majestic, giving people the illusion that the universe, the sun and the moon were included together.

Counting the eyes and feet of the formation, there are a total of 1 positions, which shows the size of the formation.In the past, the immortal ancestor was sitting in the front of the battle, leading the ten thousand immortals to kill a bright and bright universe from the great battle of the ten thousand races. It seemed that he returned to his heart, and his blood boiled in an instant.

At this moment, Xianzu even ignited his ambition again.For at least 3000 years, there has never been such a high-spirited fighting spirit like this moment. It seems that after an unpleasant fight, the breath is stuck in the chest and cannot be dissipated.


"Help me, gentlemen, I want to ask Wan Sheng Tian Zun for advice!" Immortal Ancestor's eyes were burning, and he made a request that shocked many golden immortals.

Xianzu knew that he was a little impulsive.

He shouldn't have acted like this, because the person he was facing was Wan Sheng Tianzun.

But he couldn't help it, also because the other party was the Ten Thousand Saints.

If you miss this time... you will never be able to fight against existence like this in this life, will you leave indelible regrets?

"Oh?" Lin Fei smiled slightly, seeming to be in high spirits, "You are quite interesting, kid."

Xianzu only felt his heart beating wildly, and he was even in a trance for a moment.This kind of emotion was so long absent that it even made him feel strange and novel.

"Haha, Tianzun is laughing at you!" Xian Taixuan's body was full of divine light, like the scorching sun, blood was surging to the sky, and his silver-white long hair danced wildly in the wind. With the array map and the blessings of many golden immortals, although the victory is not martial, but I think Tianzun can understand it?"

Lin Fei's eyes flashed a hint of teasing, but he nodded slightly and said, "It's okay."

"Okay, Tianzun is grand, I will send you on your way!" Xian Taixuan shouted violently, and in an instant, thousands of immortal lights burst out from the formation, turning into tens of thousands of immortal shadows, and they rushed towards Lin Fei together with him .

The endless murderous intent was unparalleled, and the immortal power of 110 nine golden immortals in the field was extracted and condensed in the ten thousand immortal shadows.

But at this moment, there was a thunder in the clear sky, overshadowing the hymn of immortality that was sung for Xian Taixuan just now.

The moment Sanqing Leiguang appeared, Xian Taixuan's eyes were about to burst, and he cursed on the spot: "I'm &*#%@&..."

You still feel that you are dishonorable even if you are at a loss, do you see that all you do are human affairs? !

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