I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1051 This is called 3 Thunder Tribulation

The Heavenly Tribulation came so suddenly that the Golden Immortals of all races were a little dazed, but when they understood what happened, these great figures were extremely resolute and decisive after the instant shock.Like a group of big white geese jumping into the water, they all jumped down from the sky.

The demeanor of a golden fairy and the demeanor of a strong man are all jokes at this moment.

"Bastard, you actually crossed the catastrophe at this time!"

"Send down the Thunder of Dutian God, and just smash him to death!"

Everyone cursed, but they were extremely decisive. They didn't care about besieging and killing Lin Fei, they only wanted to save their lives.

Even though Lin Fei had only broken through to the mid-stage of Golden Immortals, the Sanqing Thunder Tribulation he attracted was so powerful and majestic that it made the scalps of all the Golden Immortals go numb.Even the most powerful Golden Immortal like the Immortal Ancestor, his Thunder Tribulation in the later stage of the Golden Immortal cannot be compared with it.

However, there were also a few confident Jinxian who gritted their teeth and refused to retreat, and wanted to kill Lin Fei here even if they resisted the catastrophe.Without the slightest exception, those who remained within the scope of the Sanqing Thunder Tribulation were at least the late Jinxian strongmen, and some of them had already cultivated to perfection.

Xian Taixuan was also one of them, his murderous aura soared to the sky, and his aura was shocking.He uttered the word killing sound, shaking the universe, and was unparalleled in ferocity.


The catastrophe has come.First, the jade-blue thunder struck down overwhelmingly, submerging the entire array in an instant.

Under the thunderstorm, Lin Fei remained motionless, bathing in the thunder and running the "Wanhua Lingjue", without me and nothing, the aura was immortal, and the chaotic atmosphere permeated the whole body.He was actually attracting lightning into his body, refining it with the breath of chaos and the magic formula of myriad transformations.

Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, the sea of ​​thunder and jade is blue, and the meaning of clarity fills the sky and the earth, as if to wash away the dust of the chaotic world, turn everything into nothingness, and restore the clarity of the universe.


The sound was crisp and lingering, and the Ten Thousand Immortal Tribulation and Killing Formation actually cracked, and the immortal light leaked out.

"No!" Xian Taixuan was startled and angry, and felt that his heart was bleeding.Even Jinxian, who overestimated himself, was severely injured in an instant, his body was shattered, his soul was injured, and he was terrified.

Lin Fei was even more determined to strike like a chestnut in a fire, taking the precious treasure from his opponent's sea of ​​consciousness before he disappeared.

"This damn is the Thunder Tribulation of the Golden Immortal Middle Stage?!"

"Crossing robbery? I'll cross your mother!"

"He even dared to make a fortune!"

The few golden immortals collapsed, their intestines turned green in an instant, but it was too late.They have already attracted the same thunder calamity, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, this thunder calamity will follow like a shadow and cannot be avoided.

"My lords, we will work together, and we will definitely be able to turn around!"


As expected, Xian Taixuan was the strongest person closest to the Immortal Emperor, but he forcibly took down this piece of Jade Purity Divine Lightning, and teamed up with the Jinxian in the field to kill Lin Fei.

But at the same time, the white Taiqing Divine Thunder smashed down again. Amidst the horrified screams, the two golden immortals were wiped out on the spot, leaving only a little golden light struggling.

Then came the pitch-black and deep black upper god thunder, filled with an unparalleled aura of destruction, crushing the eternal blue sky.Those two golden immortals could no longer support them, the golden light was annihilated, they were completely strangled, and they disappeared without a trace.

From a distance, it was completely submerged.This is a sea of ​​catastrophe, the terrifying sea of ​​electricity spreads in all directions, destroying everything.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Tribulation Killing Formation, which can be called the number one killing formation in the prehistoric era, is also fragmented, torn apart, and difficult to support.

Lin Fei didn't open his eyes, but turned his hand and slapped it out.Under one palm, it is actually wrapped with blue, white, and black three-color divine thunder.There is also the Wanhua Immortal Art, and the atmosphere of chaos is pervasive, like flying immortals rushing from the sky.


Immortal Ancestor met him with a palm, and the terrifying fluctuations exploded, annihilating the void.A golden fairy who had been severely injured by the catastrophe was so far away at this moment that he was the first to bear the brunt and died on the spot.

In fact, there was a rain of blood surging in the air, but it was all thunder's aura that evaporated in an instant, not even a single drop could fall.

"This is your Sanqing Thunder Calamity? From my own point of view, it's nothing more than that. When I get through this calamity, I must—" Xian Taixuan's words were halfway through, and suddenly his eyes widened, and his voice broke down in shock. Call Me#%[email protected]*! "

Amidst the three-color thunder light, a vague and dim phantom suddenly emerged.

Inside the jade-blue thunder, the figure is clear and clear, holding the jade wishful in his hands, with long fluttering beard, bone bones and immortal wind, peerless in the world;

Inside the pure white thunder, that figure is majestic and majestic, behind him is a taiji diagram, holding a small pagoda in his hand, filled with black and yellow aura;

And the most terrifying thing is the figure in the pitch-black thunder.As soon as it emerges, the killing intent will spread for thousands of miles.Four hazy sword shadows appeared around him, and even Jin Xian was terrified by them at first glance, as if he had seen a nemesis, a natural enemy, a supreme weapon destined to kill him.

"Four Swords of Zhuxian!" Xianzu almost collapsed, and once wanted to scold his mother.

Sanqing Leijie, in this prehistoric continent, got its name just because it was consistent with the Dao rhyme of the three immortal emperors.But damn it, who ever really saw the phantoms of these three immortal emperors appear during the tribulation?

You really came here to live up to the name, manifesting the image of Sanqing? !

Almost only in an instant, the whispering sound resounded through the heaven and earth. It came from nowhere, and it was hard to find the end, but it resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness of many golden immortals.

"It is neither copper nor iron nor steel, it was once hidden under Mount Sumeru.

Without reversing yin and yang, how can there be no water and fire to quench the edge?

Zhu Xianli, slaughtered the immortals and perished, and the trapped immortals glowed red everywhere.

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Immortal are blood-stained. "

At this moment, countless golden immortals who were watching outside were terrified, and a terrible thought arose in their hearts: I am afraid that this time, the immortal ancestors will fall here...

"Flee!" I don't know which golden fairy was the first to react, and he didn't have the extravagant hope of waiting for the catastrophe to kill Lin Fei, so he just wanted to tear the void and escape.

"No one can escape." Lin Fei sneered, and turned into tens of thousands at this moment.

Looking around, the sky is full of his avatars, densely packed, next to all the golden immortals present.

Myriad Illusions Tribulate the World!

Lin Fei was going through the catastrophe at this time, so it would be tantamount to expanding the scope of the catastrophe, dragging all the golden immortals into the water.

120 What kind of terrifying scene will a golden immortal pass through the catastrophe in one place?

There is no doubt that it is enough to destroy the middle universe plane.

"Damn it! Crazy! Are you really desperate to die with us?!"

"Okay, if you don't let us live, just be buried with us!"

"Rush over, even if you die, you will bring your own catastrophe!"

Many golden fairies were ruthless, but in vain.Because the monks in the early and middle stages of Jinxian died almost instantly, and their golden nature was annihilated.

Even a monk in the later stage of Jinxian suffered heavy injuries when he approached Lin Fei.

Yuqing Xuying moved first, and the three jewels condensed by the jade-blue thunder thunder smashed out.

The wind and thunder shook the sky, shaking the sky and the earth!

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