I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1059 Expecting the enemy to take the lead

"The reason why Tai Yi and I approached you this time is because we have a common enemy." Di Jun bluntly said that he wanted to unite the front when he came up.

"Oh?" Han Qiling couldn't help being a little surprised.

Because before, he felt the hymn of immortality that belonged to the Second Emperor of the East Heaven.

Donghuang Taiyi's hymn to immortality is full of boundless arrogance, majestic and domineering, even the demon ancestor is far from being able to compare with it.At the height of the sun, domineering and majestic.

This kind of Dao rhyme is inseparable from Taiyi's xinxing.If he wanted to take advantage of Lin Fei's fall to the peak and put him to death, so as to seek further good luck, Han Qiling was not surprised at all.

But...Dijun is different.

His hymn to immortality is like the sun rising from the golden ocean.In addition to being solemn and majestic, it gives people a sense of warmth.Although the real content of the misty singing can't be heard clearly, it gives people the implication that "under my protection, all races and common people are equal".

Such a great wish...Han Qiling was moved by it.

If a child has such a dream, it will only make people laugh it off, it is a child's speech;

If a teenager has such an idea, it will only make people feel that he is a second-year-old and naive, and he will not take it seriously;

If an adult has such an idea, it will make people feel that this person is whimsical, dreaming, and treating it as a joke.

But... the existence of a peak immortal emperor, from the heart, and even such thoughts have been integrated into the immortal way?

This inevitably makes people treat it seriously, and dare not take it as a joke anymore.

Such an existence, why put Lin Fei to death?

Such a thought only flashed through Han Qiling's mind, and soon he figured it out - any dream needs corresponding strength to support it!

Dijun's dream wife is too...too big!

If you don't stand on the top of diversity and arbitrarily judge the present and future, you don't even have the foundation for success!

"It's really a blessing for all the people to have two lords join in." Han Qiling made a gesture of invitation, opening the Xuanhu ancestor's formation.

Di Jun nodded in greeting, but Tai Yi didn't respond in the slightest. He just put his hands behind his back, and with the aura of an immortal emperor, he stepped out directly, passing over the heads of many golden fairies and entering the city.

Many Jinxians changed their faces, thinking that he was too arrogant.

If the main body is here, the Golden Immortal of Ten Thousand Races will naturally be silent like a cicada, wishing to kneel down and proclaim his minister immediately.But this is just a ray of incarnation, how dare it be so rampant in front of more than 400 golden immortals? !

"Taiyi has always had such a personality, so don't take offense." Di Jun smiled apologetically, and all the golden fairies also laughed, saying that they could understand it completely and didn't take it to heart.

No matter what thoughts are in his mind, given such a step by Di Jun, he still has to walk down.

The golden immortals of all races and the two emperors of Dongtian soon gathered in the valley.

As the second emperor of Dongtian had just arrived, he naturally wanted to know the current situation the most.Under the imprint of Han Qiling's sea of ​​consciousness, the two quickly understood the current situation.

"It's ridiculous!" Taiyi sneered, with a look of contempt on his face, "120 golden immortals, even the first Taixuan, all fell because of a catastrophe? It's simply a mob, which opened my eyes. I'm afraid tens of thousands I have never heard such a ridiculous joke in years!"

The faces of the many golden fairies present were even uglier.

The words "crowd" sounded like they were being scolded by the way.

"Tai Yi!" Di Jun scolded with a slightly cold face.

Tai Yi and him looked at each other for a moment, seeing that Di Jun's expression was cold and his eyes were firm, and finally he was defeated.

forget it. I'm done here.

But want me to apologize?impossible.

"Then if Lin Fei breaks into the late Golden Immortal stage and attracts the Sanqing Thunder Tribulation again, how should he deal with it?" Di Jun asked.

Han Qiling sighed and spit out a word: "Run."

The scene was very embarrassing.

Think about it, when the time comes, more than 400 golden immortals, together with the two emperors of the East Heaven, will want to kill Lin Fei with great momentum.As a result, the latter led to a catastrophe, and countless golden immortals were frightened and ran wildly...

Just as Tai Yi was about to speak, he saw Di Jun's warning eyes and simply shut up.

Forget it, what kind of "Golden Dream", "Great Harmony of All Races", and "Undisputed World" is what makes him anxious.

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

Taiyi was depressed - this Dijun's words were far more powerful than his hands.

"In fact, not only the ancestors, but many golden immortals at that time had means to escape. Even if they were not as fast as Lin Fei's group, if they escaped separately, the whole army would not be wiped out." Han Qiling sighed regretfully, "I guess They didn't expect this move and were caught off guard."

"Now that we are prepared, it is not difficult to escape for our lives. If Lin Fei really wants to take advantage of the catastrophe to get rid of us, maybe he just throws a stone at our feet. Even if he is to survive such a catastrophe, it is impossible for him to survive such a catastrophe unscathed. A certain degree of weakness."

Di Jun nodded slightly, not denying this.

After all, it was a Heavenly Tribulation tailor-made for Lin Fei. The more outrageous his strength, the higher the Heavenly Tribulation would be.

"Then based on the information I have, let's first calculate Lin Fei's hole cards and possible strategies."

"If you can predict the enemy's opportunities first, the chances of winning will also be improved."

Han Qiling got straight to the point, chatting with the golden immortals of various races, wanting to have a general understanding of the resources that Lin Fei took away.

To his surprise, Di Jun came to a judgment one step faster than him.

"Perhaps it is barely possible to make up the Zhoutian Daoyun fleet. The number of Daoyun ships fluctuates around 360. It is possible to have a few ships or a few more, just as they have on hand."

"A Golden Immortal Xuanhuang ship, there is no doubt about it. I even suspect that this Jinxian Xuanhuang ship is the best, far better than all previous ones."

"The Nine Great Golden Immortals, plus Lin Fei, this is an obvious matter, so there is no need to talk about it."

"Besides, since you said that he made a great wish to seize the throne of the emperor, then I guess he sensed Ye Lingyu's location."

Di Jun spoke eloquently, attracting the astonished gazes of all the golden immortals.

But I don't know why, but Tai Yi has a proud face, as if he is very proud.Even if there is Jinxian secretly complaining, he said in his heart that this is all calculated by the emperor Jun, so what does it matter to you?

"The current situation is already obvious." Di Jun let out a turbid breath, his clear eyes were extremely calm, "Two possibilities lead to Lin Fei's inevitable two completely different actions."

"One, it will take a long time for Ye Lingyu to integrate into the human throne. Lin Fei will definitely not be able to practice hard in Zhenbei City, and strive to win steadily, and strive to break into the realm of the extreme path and sweep the prehistoric world."

"Second, Ye Lingyu will be able to merge with the human emperor in a short time. At this time, he has only one choice—"

"Break the boat and win the battle!"

Han Qiling took a deep look at him, and suddenly wanted to make a joke.

Come on, I will give you my place, and Wanzu will command you to take over?

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