Time flies, like a white horse passing by.

In the intensive preparations for the battle in Zhenbei City, it was already the last day before the decisive battle.

During this period, Lin Fei had already refined the last two spiritual roots of the 33rd Heaven.Although his cultivation base has been greatly improved, he failed to reach the threshold of Jinxian's later stage.

According to Lin Fei, this matter is harmless, after all, it only needs to use the Mysterious Immortal Transformation to show the strength of the Golden Immortal in the later stage.

In addition, the resources in the city to manufacture the Tianxian Daoyun ship have been exhausted.

The Bajiu Xuanbing has completely stopped functioning, and the Lingxiao Bagua Mountain can only devour the essence of the sun and the moon, at best it can only slowly produce low-grade fairy stones.There is no need to expect that these two places of good fortune will be able to produce any strategic weapons on the last day.

But at the same time, the current background of Zhenbei City has reached an unprecedented level of glory!

360 nine Tianxian Daoyun ships, one top-grade Jinxian Xuanhuang ship, and ten sets of Jinxian Lingbao-level battle armor and weapons.Including Lin Fei, all the golden immortals in the city were armed to the greatest extent.

And Lin Fei, as a vital combat force, cannot tolerate the slightest carelessness, and must work hard on Lingbao.

It's a pity that the resources at the Golden Immortal level are too rare, and they built a perfect-looking Xuanhuang Ship, and refined weapons and armor for the other nine Golden Immortals.When Lin Fei came here, he could only choose one of the weapons and armor to build it to the most outstanding level.

On this point, the high-level has also launched a fierce discussion and debate.

"Armor, it must be armor! Tianzun must not make any mistakes!" This was Cai Beiyu's determined voice, and even once suggested that she didn't need any spirit treasures, and could leave all resources to Lin Fei.

Shu Zimo broke his tongue, and tried to persuade Cai Beiyu again and again: Cai Beiyu must have a set of Lingbao, and they are the greatest help to Lin Fei by supporting him in front.

But Cai Beiyu refused to listen, and Shu Zimo had nothing against her.The other golden immortals in the Kunpeng Alliance did not have the slightest effect in admonishing them, it was like eating a weight to make up their minds.

However, after Lin Fei refined the two Dao Spiritual Roots and left the customs, he only took a deep look at her, and said concisely: "You don't want it, I will give it to you."

Cai Beiyu changed his words very simply: "Okay."

Everyone was dumbfounded at the time.

Cai Beiyu, the ancestor of Kunpeng...why is he so talkative?

This led to the later situation. Everyone was arguing about Lin Fei's armor and weapons.

"I disagree," Ye Wudi said bluntly as a radical, "Offense is the best defense. As long as you kill the enemy, you won't be hurt by the enemy."

Ji Yaoguang felt that it was so reasonable that she couldn't refute it.

Shu Zimo nodded, and echoed: "The main purpose of this time is a blitzkrieg. Tianzun must take down Ye Lingyu as quickly as possible. Otherwise, once our front line collapses and falls, everything will be closed. To put it bluntly, in my 37 deduction Of all the situations, we were able to hold off for a quarter of an hour only nine times."

Ye Wudi glanced at his hair, showing sympathy.

In just four days, Shu Zimo's hair volume was already in jeopardy.Dry, messy, sparse, draped behind in a mess, not taken care of at all.A pair of eyes were also red and bloodshot, with deep dark circles, as if they had been severely punched.

Those who don't know at a glance may think that he is a bad old man who is dying.

Compared with the high-spirited, strategizing and calm talk and laughing appearance when he first entered the city lord's mansion, it is completely different, which makes people feel embarrassed.

And this kind of debate was also interrupted by Lin Fei, who said with a final word: "Weapons."

In this way, all the Golden Immortals invested, Ye Wudi, who is most familiar with the Bajiuxuan Army, and Shu Zimo participated in the conception. Lin Fei started with the blood of chaos, refined and nurtured repeatedly, and forged a mysterious strategic giant. Killer.

Except for those who participated in the manufacture, even the whole city only knew that there was a secret weapon in Lin Fei's hands, but they didn't know what it looked like or what kind of power it had.

The most bizarre thing is that the blood of prehistoric humans was collected in a large scale in the city that day.Although the reason was not explained, it was unavoidable to make people fantasize and speculate.Many people think that Lin Fei wants to refine the magic weapon, and only uses the blood of human monks, which may have something to do with the human emperor's status and blood luck.

It was already the last night before the decisive battle.

For Zhenbeicheng, this is destined to be a sleepless night.

Under the auspices of Shu Zimo, a large-scale military exercise was held in the city.

"Zhou Tian Dao Yun formation, get up!" Following Shu Zimo's order, the whistling sound of "Chi Chi" piercing through the air was endless.

Daoyun warships lined up in the air like streams of light, and the streamlined silver-white hulls were engulfed in profound light.

Men, women and children in the city, no matter what race they come from, are all looking forward to the magnificent and majestic battleship, their chests are filled with endless agitation, nervous and anticipating.

At a glance, there are huge crowds of people.On the street, on the roof, in the courtyard, and even on the green trees on both sides of the street, there are humanoid residents looking forward to it.

There is an elderly man with a cane, trying to widen his cloudy eyes, trying to straighten his stooped back;

There was a young and lovely woman leaning against the door with her child in her arms, her eyes were shining like stars, she looked at the sky without blinking her eyes;

There were also children who shouted excitedly, shouting the names of their friends, wanting to share the excitement at this time, and kept shouting "too majestic" and so on...

The fleet has been formed, and the invisible Daoyun network interweaves and stretches in an instant, connecting them as one, completely natural.


The endless dao rhyme burst out and spread, and the city was boiling and noisy in an instant.

"Oh my god! I can't use my celestial power anymore, it's as if my whole body has disappeared!"

"Is this the suppressing power of the Tianxian Daoyun fleet? How terrifying, not only the cultivation base, but also the strength of the physical body has been disintegrated, just like an ordinary person!"

Within the coverage of the Dao Yun network, children in the early stage of body training, and even the strong in the consummation of heavenly immortals, all were shocked to find that they were pitifully weak as if they had never been in contact with cultivation.

The huge gap in strength even caused countless creatures to feel instinctive fear, and they seriously lacked the sense of security stemming from their own strength.

At this moment, countless creatures looked at Lin Fei in unison, with expressions of shock and admiration on their faces.

Just losing their own great power for a moment makes them feel uneasy, terrified, and unacceptable.But Lin Fei fell from the top of the multiverse, but accepted it calmly and calmly, and even hit the current level again... Is this the heart of the strongest?

Many people secretly marveled and felt ashamed.

After the first attempt, the field suppression of the Daoyun fleet showed terrifying power.Even the strong Jinxian was among them, and his cultivation was greatly suppressed.

This alone is enough to cheer up the residents of the city.

Lin Fei looked at this scene calmly, and said lightly: "It's more than that."

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