I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1062 Don't hide anymore, it's a showdown

At first glance, in the virtual screen, it is a scene more terrifying than the end of the world, and it looks extremely disgusting.

Immortals all over the sky turned into twisted and wriggling snakes and earthworms, without skin, full of fleshy texture, splashing from the sky like a tide.

The surging river and the vast forest also failed to escape the catastrophe, and they all turned into such things.They squirmed and piled up together, densely packed like a tide, enough to make the scalp of trypophobia patients numb and suffocate.

As long as it is a living thing, it will suffer catastrophe under this white light.


The entire audience was shocked by Jinxian, and even Han Qiling and Di Jun's expressions changed.

Except for the silence of the Heavenly Snake Clan Golden Immortals, all the other Golden Immortals were shocked.

None of them could have imagined that the ranking had dropped to eighty, and the Heavenly Snake Clan, which was inconspicuous among the top [-] races, would still have such a terrifying trump card hidden!

"Hidden well, you lazy snake." Long Zu's expression was not good, showing a dangerous smile.

If you think about it with your toes, you can understand that the Celestial Snake Clan has great ambitions. I'm afraid they want to secretly build this big killer to a more terrifying level and make big news.Therefore, it was hidden extremely thoroughly, and even avoided imprinting it with the mark of the Serpent Clan, causing the race ranking to soar.

All of them present were strong Jinxians with extremely vicious eyesight.They had no doubt that if the previous white light condensed, it would be enough to instantly kill ordinary golden immortals!

Many golden immortals showed greed and covetousness, looking at the heavenly snake clan golden immortals present.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Di Jun said coldly, "Why, do you still want to fight among yourself at this juncture?"

All the Golden Immortals laughed and skipped this topic.

"Since Laipi Snake has taken the lead and our Dragon Clan didn't say anything, isn't that a joke?" Long Zu showed arrogance on his face, and swept his sleeves, making a grand picture appear in the void.

At a glance, it turned out to be a phantom of a small world.

The sky is cold and the ice is thick, covering mountains and rivers and freezing rivers.And there are densely packed...human beings in it.

The profound ice condensed into a large number of coffins, each of which contained a human being.Looking around, it is simply a coffin so densely packed that it is difficult to count.

Seeing the image of human beings in it through the thick black ice shocked many golden immortals present.

"These humans...why do they all look the same?!"

"No, it's not all the same. There seems to be some templates, and they all grow according to the templates!"

Most of the golden immortals didn't understand, but the golden immortals of the Heavenly Snake Race changed their expressions instantly and looked at Long Zu in shock.

The Heavenly Snake Patriarch even exclaimed instantly: "Everyone is like a dragon?!"

The Celestial Snakes have obtained half of the fragments of "Everyone is Like a Dragon", but they are still in the initial stage of planning and have no actual strategic significance.He once also guessed where the other half scroll was, but he never expected it to be in the hands of the Dragon Clan!

Damn, are they all hidden so deep? !

"That's right, everyone is like a dragon." Long Zu glanced at him, "It seems that the other half of the wordless book is in your hands. Hehe, this half of the cheats were missing at the beginning, but it cost my family a lot of money. It took painstaking efforts to deduce it."

"You rascally snake, you really should have your skin removed and your bones stewed!"

After the voice fell, the void vibrated slightly, and the emerging picture changed again.

Suddenly, an ice coffin exploded, and ice crystals shot out violently.

The sturdy, naked man opened his eyes, stood up like a marionette with a blank expression on his face.

"A mere celestial being, what's the point?" Tai Yi sneered, with a sarcasm on his face.

Longzu frowned, but said displeasedly: "Then please His Majesty Donghuang look behind."

The strong man stretched out his hand to the void, and in an instant a lightsaber condensed in his hand, and it went straight into the sky with a chirping sound.

The murderous intent soared to the sky, and the sword energy stretched across hundreds of thousands of miles.

There is even a little bit of golden light, which suddenly appeared from the depths of his primordial spirit!


With one blow of the sword, Xiaotiandi was completely split open, and the phantom in the air was torn apart like a scroll, and there was nothing left in an instant!

"Golden Immortal?!"

"how is this possible!"

"What the hell is that bit of gold?"

Countless Golden Immortals shook, and Tai Yi also showed a hint of astonishment, greatly surprised.

Although from his point of view, Jinxian is nothing more than an ant, but this is indeed paradoxical!Even with his experience, he was unheard of and unseen!

"This is everyone is like a dragon," Long Zu stroked the dragon's beard, unable to hide his pride, "After endless precipitation, at the cost of life, just to burst out a blow far beyond his own realm."

"This plan requires a long time to accumulate. Fortunately, my Dragon Clan has accumulated it for nearly 3000 years. Although there are still very few people who can perform the Golden Immortal Strike, but...a puppet who can perform the Celestial Strike, I am afraid that I can form An army of nearly ten thousand people."

The audience was horrified.

The dragon race is already terrifying, and even if it is just his race, nearly ten thousand gods can be produced with one cannon fodder!

Think about it, tens of thousands of heavenly immortals join forces to strike, the horror of that moment...

Hearing this, the ancestor of Tiangou couldn't help asking: "Then what are these humans with the same appearance?"

Long Zu sneered: "It's terrible to be uneducated. You have never been to the world of mortals, and you have never seen technological civilization, so you have never been enlightened. You must have never heard of cloning, right? Simple life factor reproduction, even the lowest level The scientific and technological civilization can do it, so what is so difficult for Jinxian?"

The ancestor of Tiangou was ridiculed for being uneducated, but he just dared not speak out, and smiled awkwardly.

"Then our Phoenix Clan has a showdown." Feng Hechu casually rolled up his hair, and inserted a purple sycamore branch into it, "My clan has the ancient tree of life after the disaster of the Zixiao God."

After her words fell, all the golden fairies in the audience changed their expressions again and looked over in unison.

"The elf tree?!"

"It was not struck to death by the ray of purple sky lightning, but was snatched by you?"

In the long history, the ranking of Wanzu has undergone too many major changes.When Ye Wudi was still in the Immortal Realm, the elves once became the second race in the wild.

In the early days of the Immortal Emperor, the ancestor of the elves once delusionally wanted to take refuge in the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, coveted the position of the first clan, and secretly plotted against the prehistoric human race at the stage of being out of date.Then......

He was slapped to death by Lin Fei.

Since then, the elves have been in a slump, and no matter how the ranking changes, they have never returned to the ranks of the prehistoric and powerful.

Who would have thought that the Ancient Tree of Life would actually be in the hands of the Phoenix Clan?

At this moment, Han Qiling smiled.

The background of Wanzu is far deeper than imagined.

How did you lose this battle?

Han Qiling really couldn't think of it.

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