I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1063 Falling into a Siege

The four quarters of the child have passed.

In just one day, another major change occurred in the Ten Thousand Races Ranking.Except for the first race, the rankings of all races have changed.

Because of the ranking of human beings, he suddenly jumped up and proudly came to the No.2 position!

Although this was expected, it still made Zhenbei City feel excited and filled with an unparalleled sense of collective honor.

Similarly, even if the rise of the ranking of the human race is inevitable, the Golden Immortal of the Ten Thousand Races will still inevitably feel a little bit shocked and uneasy.

too fast!

What kind of outrageous boost speed is this?

Think about it, when Lin Fei first came to the Great Desolate Continent, the human race was only ranked nearly [-]!

"Lin Fei has the Bajiuxuan Bingdi, the Lingxiao Bagua Mountain, and all kinds of spoils from looting. As Di Jun said, it is only natural for him to create a big killer such as the Tianxian Daoyun fleet." Han Qi's eyes were cold and deep, and he said in a deep voice, "But he was too anxious, as if he was on fire."

Di Jun took over the conversation, and said calmly: "That proves that Ye Lingyu's integration into the throne is in sight, and he has no choice."

He looked around at all the golden immortals present, and said earnestly, "Masters, a great battle is coming."


When the first ray of dawn pierced through the deep darkness of the night, Zhenbei City was already in a state of readiness.

There are a total of 360 five ships in the Tianxian Daoyun fleet, arranged according to the number of stars in the sky.Magnificent and magnificent, filled with a cold and chilling atmosphere.

There is also a warship the size of an aircraft carrier, above the center of the fleet, spraying black and yellow air.The terrifying aura it emitted made the void tremble and roar, as if it had crushed the eternal blue sky.

Even Jin Xian of the Kunpeng Alliance felt this aura, and also felt an unspeakable sense of oppression.At a glance, the Golden Immortal Xuanhuang Ship was as magnificent and majestic as a star.

Finally the moment has come!

Countless residents in the city were emotionally agitated, looking at the figures on the top of the city with burning eyes.

Lin Fei stood at the forefront, with the thin figure of Shu Zimo bowing slightly beside him, followed by the Nine Golden Immortals of the Kunpeng Alliance and Ye Wudi.

With the body of a mortal, stand beside Lin Fei, ranking in front of the Nine Golden Immortals!

This honor alone has made many people jealous and envious.

"Attack!" Lin Fei only had two concise words, but they were sonorous and forceful, shaking the universe like rolling thunder.

boom -

At this moment, the entire town north of the town suddenly rose from the ground, causing the void to emit a shrill neigh.It was as if the whole world was mourning and weeping, begging this city not to leave, and continue to guard one side of this prehistoric continent.

Zhenbei City, which is the size of a land plate on the earth, rises slowly and penetrates into the sky.Just the air waves it raised caused the surrounding luxuriant trees to collapse one by one, and were thrown away like surging waves.

And there was a shocking and terrifying crack on the ground, extremely hideous, deep and dark.It was as if the covered up wound of the Great Desolate Continent was being torn open again.

The terrifying space-time chaotic air machine burst out, slowly expanding the already extremely vast crack, swallowing everything around it.

The formation in the city is manifested, with the sun and the moon on the side, guarding the phantom of the emperor in the center.The entire city was reduced to the size of a small mountain, smashed into the void with a bang, fell into the space channel, and disappeared in this extreme north.

Zhenbei City, no longer guarding the north.

At the same time, more than 400 golden immortals in the Ten Thousand Races Alliance shook.Han Qiling shrank his pupils even more, and said with a murderous intent: "Zhenbei City has moved!"

With the protection of the Sun-Moon Human Sovereign Formation, they were indeed unable to spy on the movement in the city, but they could sense the shielding of their divine sense by the Human Sovereign Sun-Moon Formation.Now, this shielding area rises from the ground, tearing the void again and moving at a high speed... Who can be fooled by this?

"Catch up! Whoever dares to go out of the city, kill him without a piece of armor!" Feng Hechu was extremely determined, and with a "Peng" sound behind him, he spread out a pair of gorgeous wind wings.

Many spiritual treasures such as the Zixia Wu wooden boat and the nine-day volley were sacrificed, and there were many visions and brilliant lights.Many golden immortals of strong clans showed their supernatural powers, leading all the golden immortals of all races to rush towards Zhenbei City.

At this time, Zhenbei City shattered the void again, opened a passage to shuttle through it, and rushed towards the location of Xie Lingyu at high speed.

"The golden immortals of all races may not have no choice but to suppress Beicheng temporarily, whether it is temporarily suppressed and imprisoned, or blocked all directions, in short, in my deduction, they will definitely attack with thunder."

Shu Zimo conveyed his words with his spiritual thoughts, speaking extremely fast: "When their first round of offensive falls, there must be a gap. No matter how small the gap is, that is the moment for our first round of counterattack!"

As soon as his words fell, a huge and unparalleled force rushed violently, causing the void passage to collapse instantly!

The void of the highest plane collapsed, this scene was truly terrifying.The terrifying death storm raged and swept across, and the breath suffocated countless people in the city, and they were completely overwhelmed by layers of fear of death.

It's just that under the protection of the Sun Moon Emperor Formation, everyone in the city was unscathed, but they were forced out of the space passage.

After the sonorous metallic tremolo, chains of avenue order chains condensed with immortal light and demon energy suddenly emerged.Tens of thousands, almost becoming a net of death, manifested from all directions, intertwined layer by layer between the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, all directions were blocked.

Not only are more than 400 golden immortals performing great supernatural powers together, but there are also many space and time spirit treasures.Among them, there are nine Qiankun Immortal Chains that originally belonged to the Heavenly Court, which were sacrificed by the Demon Ancestor at this moment.

Such a lineup teamed up to attack, even though it was only the first manifestation of supernatural power, it also shocked countless monks in Zhenbei City.

No matter how brilliant the sun-moon human emperor formation blooms, the sun and the moon tremble as if they want to lift the entire sky, but it is still difficult to break through.

No matter which angle you look at from the city, you can see the suffocating and desperate spectacle.

There are more than 400 golden immortals, each of which is as bright as a star, surrounding Zhenbei City.

The whole body is like a Baizhang Tianlong made of fairy gold, and only two dragon whiskers are like a bucket-thick dragon, fluttering and dancing slightly in the surging fairy power.A dragon's chant shattered the mountains, filled the air with smoke and dust, and rocks soared into the sky;

A water unicorn is lifelike, about the size of an elephant, majestic and strong, with its head held high.Han Qiling sat on top in the shape of a human, his eyes were cold and deep, a chilling smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, and he looked straight at Shu Zimo;

A phantom is so tall that it is difficult to see its true face, with its fierce demonic energy surging in the sky.In the pitch darkness, looking up, you can only see a pair of blood-colored pupils, hanging high in the sky like two lanterns, as indifferent as looking down on thousands of ants.

True dragon, unicorn, phoenix, mysterious tiger, sky-cracking butterfly, golden crow, nine-tailed fox...  

Zhenbei City has already fallen under siege.

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