I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1064 The outbreak of war

The golden immortals from many prehistoric beast clans formed a heavy encirclement next to Zhenbei City.

Among them are two figures standing side by side. One exudes majesty and majesty, and his hymn to immortality is overbearing, which makes the hymn of other golden immortals seem weak and insignificant.But the other one was calm and calm, without any trace of Golden Immortal aura, and just looked at Lin Fei with a complicated and obscure expression.

These two attracted Lin Fei's attention to the greatest extent, so that his eyes narrowed slightly.

The Second Emperor of the Eastern Heaven.

There is still a small amount of chaos blood flowing in the body.

Behind the luxurious lineup of more than 400 golden immortals, there is a dense army of immortals and demons.Either in human form, or in the form of various ferocious wild beasts.Tens of thousands of strong men spread out like a tide, and the figures in the distance seemed to meet the sky, forming a long black line.

In the square formations and groups of formations, the formation flags fluttered and fluttered in the wind.The murderous aura soars to the sky, and the sword is like a forest.

The warships and warships of various races, as well as the chariots pulled by various beasts, are also innumerable in such a scene.

Among them, there was an army of dragons composed of clones, each with expressionless faces and empty eyes, motionless like a dead thing, letting the energy in the field stir and blowing their long hair.

Like an emotionless killing machine.It accumulates energy like a storage battery on weekdays, just to bloom vigorously and gorgeously at the critical moment, and then completely disappear from the world.

In the phalanx of the Heavenly Snake Clan, there are strands of strange light blooming.It seems to be filled with endless life energy, but in fact it gives people a strange and cold feeling.Under the fine perception of any living being, one can feel the creepy fear.

In the camp of the Phoenix Clan, a wave of flames as gorgeous as sunset glow formed and completely submerged it.Feng Hechu stood in the front, spread out his palms, and a small tree emerged.

It rose against the wind, and if more than half of it hadn't been broken, it might be comparable to the Kunpeng ancestral tree, a giant tree connecting heaven and earth.Not only that, but the remaining half of the tree is also scorched black, looking seriously lacking in vitality.It's just that on the tree full of silence and death, a little bud has sprouted again.

The buds are plump and green.It is only the size of a grain of rice, but it is full of incomparable majestic vitality. It always gives people the illusion that "even if you die, you can be saved again", which is unavoidable.

And in the scorched black and dead tree body, there seemed to be some kind of terrifying and destructive aura hidden, even Jinxian was terrified by it.

The golden immortals of many strong clans are all old foxes, and they have hidden their backgrounds very deeply.On the one hand, he does not want to attract the world's covetousness, and on the other hand, he wants to make a fortune silently, hoping to strengthen his own foundation, so that he can play a key role at special moments in the future.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the Dragon Clan's "everyone is like a dragon" plan.Nearly 3000 years of dormancy has such a scale, so... 3 years?Thinking about it a little bit will make all races shudder—I'm afraid that the dragon clan's ambition is so great that it has not changed, thinking about accumulating strength all the time, and finally unifying the prehistoric and desolate, making such feats as humans did back then!

If it wasn't for the appearance of Lin Fei, which completely broke their plan, God knows how long these ruthless characters can endure, and what kind of actions they will finally make.

"Hurry up and break free!" Shu Zimo gave the order, looking extremely anxious.

boom -

The strength of the Tianxian Daoyun fleet actually loosened the restraints, and countless chains of order trembled and made a "crash" sound.

Many Golden Immortals showed sarcasm, and the Demon Ancestor even sneered and said, "Wishful thinking! It's just a little slack, do you really think you can escape?"

"No!" Di Jun and Han Qiling shouted almost at the same time.

It's just how fast Jinxian is?As soon as their words came out, they had already worked together to strengthen the blockade again.

This is the moment.

The peak combat power in the city came out without any reservations.


The Tianxian Daoyun Cannon was used as a long-range bombardment barrage, and the Jinxian Xuanhuang Cannon was used as the main naval artillery to attack. With such a large number of bombardments, Jinxian had to dodge immediately.If it is true, ordinary golden immortals will definitely not even be able to resist, and they will be beaten out of their bodies and traumatized.

Although they were not completely destroyed, they were still seriously injured. At least in this war, they had no influence on the situation.

Not only that, under the coverage of Daoyun network, a large number of celestial monks emerged in Zhenbei City instantly.The number of them is so exaggerated and outrageous, looking around, the sky of Zhenbei City is densely packed and dotted with stars, and they are all fucking gods!

Let's not talk about other things, just talk about the Kunpeng Alliance that once occupied the entire North Sea, how many monks of Human Immortal and above are there?

Human immortals are as numerous as dogs, and earth immortals walk all over the ground, only heavenly immortals can shake.

Even after the Battle of Beihai, more than 94 cultivators who were immortal or above survived and came to this town of Beicheng!Although most of them are ants-like immortals, but... so what?

Under the coverage of Daoyun network, there are more than 94 angels!

More than 94 angels used magical powers to carry out long-range strikes.There were also three rounds of Tianxian Daoyun cannons fired in succession, several guns of the Xuanhuang Ship fired at the same time, and the Nine Golden Immortals and Lin Fei shot together. Taking advantage of the momentary gap, they focused their fire on the due west direction!

The terrifying energy shattered everything, time and space where it passed were shattered.

Dozens of Golden Immortals were still attacking to block Zhenbei City, but they were caught off guard and annihilated on the spot without even being able to react.

This is almost certain.

Such a terrifying attack was concentrated in a small space, and the superposition of this kind of power was extremely terrifying. Such a saturated attack had not been seen on the Primordial Continent for 3000 years.

Not only that, but the array behind these golden fairies was also swept away.The blazing and dazzling light filled the universe, swept away and annihilated everything.

The battle had just begun, and the menacing Ten Thousand Clans Alliance suffered such a tragic blow. I don't know how many Jinxian felt a bang in their minds, and they were beaten to doubt their lives!

The guts of Lin Fei and the others are so damn bold!Who would have thought that they dared to leave the Sun Moon Emperor Formation to make a surprise attack?Well, although Han Qiling and Di Jun thought about it, they couldn't change anything after all.

You say that Lin Fei and the nine golden immortals of the Kunpeng clan are so courageous, but how can the Daoyun fleet and the monks in it be so bold?

In the vast sea of ​​people, it is not surprising that a person is not afraid of death.It is not surprising that ten, hundred, thousand, or even ten thousand are not afraid of death.

But... all the staff are not afraid of death, dare to take such risks and desperately, is this fucking reasonable?

The Ten Thousand Races Alliance was completely enraged.

"Cut off their retreat, don't let them go back to the city!"

"It's so daring to go out of the city to make a surprise attack!"

"Since you've come out, don't even think about going back, let's all die here!"

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