I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1069 There is heaven and earth in it

Under this palm, the layer upon layer of diamond-shaped royal dragon energy around Ye Lingyu's body was broken.

In an instant, white fairy light gushed out like thousands of silks, wrapping him tightly around his body and covering it.

However, even the Wanhualing Jue cannot remove that overbearing and incomparable mighty power.

For Ye Lingyu, the situation is precarious.He is trapped in the position of the emperor and cannot escape. If he wants to get rid of this passive and beaten situation, there is only one way...

Drag Lin Fei into the power of the Emperor, and fight to the death!


At the same time as the white aura dissipated, a terrifying huge vortex appeared around Ye Lingyu's body, as if it could swallow the universe, the sun and the moon.

He and Lin Fei were swallowed by it at the same time, and his body disappeared into this void and dead world, and entered the virtual universe in the power of the emperor.

This is an ancient and wild world, where there are huge pterosaurs, archeopteryx and other creatures in the sky.

The boundless sea is clear and blue, with ichthyosaurs revealing their scales and sea crocodiles emerging from the water.

The jungle is a rich emerald green, full of gymnosperms and ferns, lush and lush.Countless leaves flutter and surge in the wind, like a green ocean.There are herbivorous dinosaurs on the run, and there are carnivorous dinosaurs hunting for food.

This world looks similar to the earth in the Jurassic era, except that the aura is abundant and rich, and the area of ​​the entire planet is several times larger.

Under such circumstances, there was a fire in the sky.Amidst a thunderous bang, the sky and the earth trembled, and a meteor fell down impressively.It dragged a long fire tail, causing the void to burn, and the fire light instantly enveloped thousands of miles of light.

Countless dinosaurs panicked and ran away in a hurry, making all kinds of shrill and desperate screams.


The meteor finally fell down.When it was several thousand meters away from the ground, its high temperature caused the vast and boundless wild forest to burn like a sea of ​​fire and purgatory.

But it's not actually a shooting star.

It was Ye Lingyu.

He crashed to the ground, causing tens of thousands of layers of terrifying waves.Destroying all the way, sweeping away all tangible things.Dinosaurs with a height of more than ten meters, large trees and plants, boulders weighing tens of thousands of catties, and even mountain peaks weighing millions of catties, all turned into powder at this moment.

"Pfft!" Ye Lingyu spit out a mouthful of strange red and white blood, the white blood in it has a luster like fine white jade, containing majestic spirituality.It seemed to be so heavy that it collapsed the space.

With this smash, he pierced the earth's crust deeply, and he barely stabilized himself after going deep down more than 1 meters.All the rocks and minerals encountered on the way are instantly shattered and evaporated.

But Ye Lingyu is not dead yet.

"Lin Fei!" He let out a heart-piercing roar, stepped out with one step, and his figure was already on the ground.

At this time, Ye Lingyu has revealed her true face, which is a strange appearance of half man and half woman.He was covered in blood, his body was distorted into an incredible image, and his bones were either broken or twisted.

The majestic Dragon Qi of the Emperor's Path was soaring that it made his bones crack and he was recovering at a very fast speed.

Lin Fei descended from the sky, and its oppressive force caused the ground to collapse. Ye Lingyu was about to lose her eyesight, clenched her teeth tightly, and propped up a golden light curtain in front of her.Among them is the brand of Kowloon, which is as lifelike as a living thing, and is even swimming.


Lin Fei stretched out his hand to hold it, and thousands of fierce black lights appeared in all directions.The black rays of light were like knives and swords, thousands of them were pieced together in one place in an instant, and turned into a black metal-like mad dragon, which was trampled under his feet.

Its foot is as thick as a millstone and [-] meters long.Each scale is like a weapon made of fairy gold, exuding an unparalleled evil spirit.There is also an indescribable grief, anger, and hatred as deep as a bloody ocean, filling the space between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ye Lingyu seemed to see countless souls of human beings suffering, crying, and roaring.They questioned why the way of heaven is so unfair and why human beings should suffer such a fate. The endless hatred seems to pull all races into the eternal abyss of pain, sinking forever.

This black metal mad dragon is covered with three-foot-long barb spikes all over its body, and it has a pair of blood-colored pupils. It is the most bloodthirsty and terrifying prehistoric beast, and it is far less terrifying than the evil spirit it emits.

The billowing black demonic energy surged, covering the sky and the sun, and flooding the earth in a vast expanse.

Ye Lingyu's face was horrified, her eyes were about to pop out, and her heart was beating wildly.

Such a suffocating and desperate sense of oppression made him unable to muster up the courage to fight, and only thought about how to keep himself alive!

Yes, hold on!The Ten Thousand Races Golden Immortal will definitely come to save me!

"What is this?!" Ye Lingyu exclaimed in surprise.

This is Lin Fei's trump card weapon, neither a knife nor a sword, but more like a living beast.In today's prehistoric world, there is no other weapon that is more murderous than it.

Its name is sin.

But Lin Fei obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and immediately used his ultimate move.


Amidst the terrifying roar of the dragon, the sin of heaven was mobilized by Lin Fei with immeasurable immortal energy.The black dragon shadow pierced through the void and hit Ye Lingyu straight.

"It's useless! I'm about to completely merge with the human emperor's personality. With its protection, you can't kill—" His words came to an abrupt end, interrupted by a shrill scream like killing a pig.


Tian Sin was indomitable and invincible, smashed the light curtain, and even penetrated his chest and waist.

"This is impossible!" Ye Lingyu roared angrily, unable to accept all this.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.He cheated to steal human blood luck, in an attempt to seize the human throne.But when another more orthodox and justifiable candidate for the Emperor appeared, this person's throne no longer favored him so much.

With one blow, the hatred of human beings towards him was detonated, and the monstrous fate that Ye Lingyu had captured was backlashed back.

"Trash, what use are you for?!" A single angry female voice sounded, it was Lingyu's voice.

"I'll kill you!" Lingyu completely dominated this body, and under one palm, the celestial light was as gorgeous as a star.


The white palm the size of a mountain slapped it down, and it knocked Heaven's Sin into the air.In the bang, the terrifying power penetrated thousands of miles, causing the space to explode into pieces one after another.

"It's only two days away! I'm only two days away from attaining the Supreme Path!"

"Lin Fei, don't even think about spoiling my affairs, die!"

Ye Lingyu's appearance and body changed rapidly, Ye Zhenbei's appearance was no longer seen, only Lingyu's female appearance remained.She had a ferocious face, and her long silver-white hair danced wildly in the wind.

In the space beyond the planet, a figure of light that was even bigger than it suddenly appeared, and the scene was extremely shocking.

She reached out and shook it.


The entire planet exploded in her palm, turning into countless planetary fragments and scattering into space.

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