I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1070 Shu Zimo's Death

If Ye Lingyu's plan has one hundred steps, then she has already reached ninety-nine steps.

She has perfectly integrated with Ye Zhenbei and has become the so-called "spiritual race".Even if she is the leader of the body, the authority of the Human Emperor will judge her as a "spiritual race", and believe that she has half of the blood of the human race in her body, not the spirit race that will definitely be excluded.

Even in two more days, Ye Lingyu would be able to seize the power of the Human Emperor and take advantage of the trend to prove the position of Supreme Dao.With the protection of the emperor's power, even in the Great Desolate Continent, she has the constitution of the sky in her mouth, and the Zixiao Shenlei will definitely not be able to do anything to her!

But...the appearance of Lin Fei broke everything.

How could Lingyu not hate?

I can't wait to hack Lin Fei into pieces and take out the soul to sacrifice and torture him for thousands of years!

Lingyu, who has already stepped into the extreme realm with half of her foot, is in an extremely delicate and powerful state at this time.Although it is not an immortal emperor, it is by no means as simple as the peak of the Golden Immortal.

Primordial spirit, physical body, golden nature... Her entire existence is in the process of qualitative change from Jinxian to Immortal Emperor.Destroying a planet in one hand is as easy as picking something out of a pocket.

But right now.

When the blood suddenly appeared, Ye Lingyu felt a sharp pain in her palm, and her expression changed instantly.

Tian Sin's ferocious and terrifying figure suddenly broke through the back of her hand, flying into the air like a dragon.Lin Fei's bloody figure was stepping on his back.His torn shirt was completely shattered, withered and scattered like pieces of butterflies, floating in space.

Lin Fei revealed his muscular upper body, covered in scars and blood, filled with an endless masculine aura.His face was extremely cold, and his murderous intent was raging in the space. A huge Dharma body suddenly appeared behind him, grabbing Tian Sin.

Like a fairy flying from the sky, a sword was passed to Lingyu.

Grass word swordsmanship!


Wanjian Dao's heavenly sword sound resounded through the empty vacuum environment, completely crushing the scientific law that vacuum cannot transmit sound.Heavenly Sin actually disintegrated at this moment, leaving the main body like a dragon's spine, held by Lin Fei's dharma body, and pierced out with the sword fingers of the main body.

And after the disintegration of Tian Sin, it turned into thousands of terrifying sword storms, each of which was shrouded in bright light as thick as a bucket, swallowing sword light.Under the sword intent of the cursive characters, there is even more fierce sword light all over the sky, gathering like a galaxy galloping.It's like filling the entire space and breaking it.

"Get up!" Lingyu yelled, her silver hair danced wildly, her clothes fluttered, and she made a handprint.


Tens of thousands of white fairy lights emerged from nothingness, rising up like beams of light soaring into the sky.She swept her white palm like a catkin, and the fairy light condensed and turned into a huge shield, which was pushed in front of her with one hand.


Amidst thousands of deafening sounds of gold and iron intersecting, the continuous storm of sword energy hit the shield.The light shield trembled violently, even though the Wanhua Immortal Art greatly defuses the offensive, it is still hard to avoid being hit pitted and sunken inward.

Lingyu gritted her teeth to support, but was also avoided hundreds of meters away.Every inch of space under her feet exploded in an instant, turning into nothingness.


The battlefield where Zhenbei City is located.

At the moment when the special energy of the Heavenly Snake Genesis was purified, the Golden Immortal Xuanhuang Ship slammed into the Ten Thousand Races camp with a desperate momentum, as if there was no return.The Xuanhuang Cannon blasted out crazily, with a huge momentum, such a full-scale fire without sacrificing loss, the lethality was extremely strong.

The Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races saw it clearly before.

The person in the Golden Immortal Xuanhuang Ship is... Shu Zimo.

The Xuanhuang ship broke away from the formation of Liangyi, Sixiang, Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, and the formation of Daoyun. Among them, Shu Zimo looked at the magnificent lineup of the Allied Forces of All Races, but showed a relieved smile, and muttered to himself: "Tianzun, Shu Zimo has little talent and little knowledge, so he can only do this..."

"Let's celebrate the rise of our human race in advance, let's explode the most brilliant fireworks with this black and yellow ship!"

Almost at the same time, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance completely boiled over.

"The person inside is Shu Zimo!"

"Joint suppression, don't let him destroy himself, this black and yellow ship is extraordinary!"

"Take this battleship!"

Countless golden immortals were instantly jealous, and they all shot at this black and yellow ship.Even though he knew that Shu Zimo was going to blew himself up, why would the Golden Immortal of all races be afraid?The Jinxianxuan Yellow Ship is certainly great, but what is it in the current situation?

However, Han Qiling and Di Jun were extremely decisive, showing cruel expressions, they wanted to completely destroy this black and yellow ship just by taking action, they didn't have the slightest bit of greed, and they didn't want the slightest change.

At the moment when the Jinxian Xuanhuang ship rushed out, a thunderbolt exploded in Qingqiu's mind.As a member of the camp of 94 celestial beings, she seemed so small, extremely inconspicuous, and insignificant.

Qingqiu suddenly understood that the time Shu Zimo said...has come.

As a character hated by the coalition of all races, he rushed out to self-destruct so desperately, and he attracted too much attention in an instant.

Qingqiu's eyes were full of hot tears, but he threw the small box violently like lightning.

do not.

Shu Zimo.


The box shot out like a horse, and immediately annihilated under the agitation of the black and yellow qi, revealing a small bead inside.

Heaven and earth black and yellow grenade.

"Not good!" Han Qiling's expression changed instantly, but it was too late.

At the place where dozens of golden immortals gather, where the Xuanhuang ship is.

Shu Zimo was full of endless nostalgia, and glanced back at the military appearance of Zhenbei City.On the vicissitudes and haggard face, two lines of tears flowed down, and the hoarse and weak voice was extremely unwilling: "The general trend of the world must belong to the Heavenly One."

Hateful... I can't see it!


A devastating explosion happened. The Tiandi Xuanhuang grenade not only completely exploded itself, but also detonated the huge and terrifying energy system of the Xuanhuang ship.Under the superimposition of the two, a mushroom cloud condensed with black and yellow qi rose slowly.

Layer upon layer of fluctuations swept across all directions, and the group of golden immortals closest to the center of the explosion bore the brunt.They evaporate in an instant, disappearing into thin air.

The surrounding golden immortals were not spared either. Apart from the dead, those who survived were also severely injured.Some had their bodies destroyed and their souls severely injured; some were completely destroyed, leaving only their golden nature.

And a ray of mysterious yellow breath brushed over, and instantly wiped out a large number of monks from all races, and ceased to exist.If it wasn't for many golden immortals to take action in time, I am afraid that the spreading black and yellow radiant energy would be enough to wipe out countless monks below the golden immortal...

In the pouring rain of blood, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance was furious.

"Shu Zimo!" Even Han Qiling's eyes were red with anger, and hiss almost burst out from his teeth.

As for Zhenbei City, everyone was in an uproar.

Qingqiu even burst into tears, crying uncontrollably.

Shu Zimo just left.

He didn't even say a single last word, and walked very simply and freely, even vigorously.

"It's a man, it's a pity." Di Jun sighed softly, looking at the space where the dark and yellow aura had not dissipated, he murmured.

Although I don't know you, don't worry.

When I stand on the top of diversity in the future, I must ensure that your human race is equal to the diversity of all races, and you will not be bullied in the slightest!

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