I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1071 The Last Hope

There is no doubt that this battle has far exceeded the expectations of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance.

To be reasonable, shouldn't this be a sweep, just crush the opponent to nothing?

But what happened now?

The golden immortals of all races perished one after another, the creation of the heavenly snake, everyone like a dragon, and the source of nightmares were all resolved!

Even if the commander-in-chief of the other side dies, the only Xuanhuang ship explodes, the energy of the Tianxian Daoyun fleet is greatly consumed, and probably the only Tiandi Xuanhuang grenade is used, hundreds of thousands of members of the fleet died, and Zhenbei City was also destroyed. Zhenfeng can't be a monster for the time being... But, compared to the loss of the Allied Forces, what is this?

Anyone can sense that the Allied Forces of All Races are getting restless.

"Attack with all their strength, all their trump cards have been revealed, push them across!" Han Qiling shouted angrily, and organized the coalition of all races to attack again, "Break down the double formation, they are the ants to be slaughtered!"

Correspondingly, Cai Beiyu also took command of Zhenbei City, and immediately issued the cruelest and most helpless order: "Protect the formation, use your life to block the offensive, and there must be no more than four Daoyun ships." destroy!"

The total number of Daoyun ships in Zhenbei City is 360, and if five ships are destroyed, then there will be no Daoyun fleet.The collapse of Daoyun's network not only means that the suppression of the scene dissipated, but also means that the 94 Celestial Legion was instantly beaten back to its original shape.

That is the game of death!

Thus, what could be called a heroic and shocking scene happened like this.Countless celestial beings formed a human wall, surrounding the edge of the Daoyun fleet, united as one, facing the offensive of all races.

At a glance, every human wall is densely packed with celestial monks.They bloomed with body protection immortals, and even burned their blood, facing the offensive of all races.

"Why do you cherish this body? There is no regret in winning death!"

Victory and death without regret.

As long as he can win the final victory, even if he dies... he will have no regrets.

The neat roar of tens of thousands of people was extremely majestic, passionate and impassioned.The belief in gathering together, the courage to disregard life and death, even suppressed the hymn of the Golden Immortals of all races!

Yin Zi was infected by this atmosphere and was deeply shocked by it, feeling as if something was shaking and trembling in his chest.


A human wall was defeated, and countless celestial monks died tragically.Some were burned by flames and turned into ashes; some were wiped by the sword light, and the ashes flew into smoke; some bodies exploded and turned into thousands of wriggling blood-colored insects and snakes, which fell from the sky; some rotted all over and turned into pus. .....

But after the death of the first group of people, there were countless other immortals and strong men who blocked them!

The Zhenbei City side had no power to fight back anymore, so they could only hold on and hold back the opponent's attack rhythm with the lives of countless monks.The previous energy consumption was too great, if he attacked rashly now, not only would the Golden Immortals of all races join forces to resist, but it would also consume the last energy in vain, which would intensify the speed of destruction.

In the coverage of the Daoyun network, a group of monks died tragically, and the sound of miserable screams kept coming and going.

Even in a gap, two Daoyun ships exploded, almost causing the Daoyun network to be paralyzed.If it weren't for the four spare Daoyun ships that immediately filled the gap before the Daoyun field collapsed, I'm afraid they would be doomed in an instant.

"Kill your mother, I've been cowarded all my life, so I should fight it once, right?!" Yinzi cried and cursed, and was about to rush forward.

But as a member of the City Lord's Mansion, she was located in the center of the Liangyi Formation, and she was in the same row as the Seven Golden Immortals of the Kunpeng Clan, so she couldn't squeeze in front.

"Tianzun, hurry up, Shu Zimo has already sacrificed!" Yin Chenglin roared in his heart.

But he couldn't wait for Lin Fei's return, so he turned into a human-shaped torch in the violent flames.

"Thousands of dog days, grandpa can't swallow this breath!" In the unwilling roar, he turned into ashes and drifted away.

After all, this iron-blooded man who suffered endless suffering followed his brother who died in the north, and also sacrificed for the human race.

"Mother, the unfilial daughter is leaving first, you must live well, witness the victory of Tianzun for me, and watch the human race regain its glory!"

"And Tianzun, Qingqiu can't see your victory anymore, and there is still a sentence I haven't told you in person - being able to meet you is really...the greatest luck in this life." Qingqiu smiled, but the tears couldn't stop Can't stop.

That slender and weak figure rushed forward, becoming a tiny member of the crowd.

What I saw in front of my eyes were thousands of divine lights overwhelming the sky and killing intent, coming towards me like a huge wave.

At the moment before death, Qingqiu seemed to think of many things in a trance.

There are many scenes of fleeing with Shu Zimo, struggling to survive with his mother, falling into the hands of the Tengu tribe, and becoming a prostitute;

The innocence that has been guarded for so many years is defiled by the dirty, disgusting and canine-smelling lord. After he left, he lay on the bed in despair, staring blankly at the gauze screen;

And even more unbearable, thinking of it made her sick, and she felt extremely disgusted and degraded. Those so-called guests crawled on her body, doing all kinds of reckless acts;

It wasn't until she was rescued by Lin Fei that she thought she would be able to settle down in the troubled times; and then moved to Zhenbei City, where she witnessed the prosperity and stability in the city, as well as the thriving growth rate, which was completely different from the outside world, the bright hope in her heart was infinitely magnified.

Our human race has the Ten Thousand Saints!We will rise eventually, not a lowly and weak race!

In an instant, Qingqiu seemed to think of a lot, but also seemed to be unable to think of anything.Those deep memories in the sea of ​​consciousness surged up together, but the feeling was not real.

This miserable woman is despised, ridiculed, and even ridiculed as "how much is it for one night", "selling her body to play with foreigners", "so experienced, why don't you go to Chunfeng Deyi Building to resume your old career" …

Her life came to an end, turning into countless light particles and scattered.

The defeat of the Zhenbei City side is set.

The last hope is only Lin Fei.


And within the virtual universe of the Human Sovereign's authority.

Lin Fei's killing moves frequently made Ye Lingyu terrified, and he used the unique skill of the spirit clan in the other side of the sky to make his body immortal, and he struggled to support and resist.

Heavenly Demon Divine Art!

Grass word swordsmanship!

Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram!

Chaos eye!

The Supreme Heaven Tongtian Yuling Jue!

Yuqing is supremely saved and sealed the heavenly seal!

Lin Fei displayed all kinds of killing moves, like a violent storm that never stopped, with the power of six extinctions, he smashed the indestructible body!


Ye Lingyu's right arm was chopped off by Heaven's Sin, and the white spiritual blood fell like a waterfall, and the severed arm turned into blood mist on the spot.

Lin Fei stretched out his palm and grabbed her head.

It was as if she was going to crush her head on the spot!

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