I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1073 I'm alone!

Many Golden Immortals of Ten Thousand Races also reacted. Although Lin Fei at this moment gave people a sense of overwhelming coercion, oppressing them almost breathless, but...

This is not extreme power!

Otherwise, given the current situation, Lin Fei would have killed them all before he came up, how could they still be alive?

"Ye Lingyu is dead, Lin Fei has seized the throne of the emperor, but he has not merged it in haste!"

"He didn't do anything, he was trying his best to fuse the throne of the emperor with the golden nature of the primordial spirit!"

"Kill, never let him succeed!"

Wanzu Jinxian panicked, deeply aware of the seriousness of the matter.They never dreamed that Lin Fei and the forces under his control would be able to do this!

When Lin Fei completely controls the authority of the Human Emperor, it will be the end of the Allied Forces!

"Mazu, do you dare?!" Under such circumstances, Han Qiling showed a ruthless expression, and did not attack with the coalition of all races, his eyes flashed with almost crazy light.

"Why don't you dare?!" Mo Taixu gritted his teeth, as if he was going all out.

"Count me in!" Feng Hechu's voice fell, and it turned into a fire phoenix in an instant, and the gorgeous flames flashed in the air, and they had already penetrated the void to go elsewhere.

The best of these golden immortals of all races, in a hurry, no longer spared their lives, and prepared to escape the catastrophe of a narrow escape.

Zixiao Shenlei.

Extreme calamity.

Before this battle, no one had the guts—ninety-nine out of ten golden immortals who had courage throughout the ages had already been turned into ashes under the thunder of the Zixiao God, which repeatedly sounded the alarm for them.

From their point of view at the time, this battle must be won, so how can they lose?That being the case, why bother to take the [-]% risk of perishing to cross the catastrophe?

It is normal logic to win this battle honestly, carve up all of Lin Fei's legacy, continue to accumulate it over the long years, and wait until the grasp is higher to hit the ultimate way!

But they were wrong, and very wrong.

Although Lin Fei hadn't fully merged with the Human Sovereign status, he was considered a half-step Human Sovereign.As for what kind of terrifying existence this is... Thinking about the horror of Ye Lingyu's condensed projection, you can roughly guess one or two.

As for the half-step human emperor in her body, Lin Fei has personally experienced it, and he can best perceive its horror.

Even Wansheng Tianzun didn't hold back at all, holding the sin of heaven in his hand, he fought fiercely for a long time before beheading him.Moreover, Lin Fei still has the status of a human emperor candidate, so he largely ignored the mighty power of the human emperor's authority, basically waiting to fight against the innate spirit race who is half a human emperor.

The ups and downs of the world are unpredictable.

Who in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races would have thought that just a quarter of an hour ago, Zhenbei City was forced to fight to the death, and now it was the turn of the Ten Thousand Races Golden Immortal to make the same decision?

"If you want to survive the Zixiao Thunder Tribulation, you need to gather at least ten of them? I suspect that this is the rule of multi-dimensional heaven, which limits the number of immortal emperors in the Great Desolate Continent." Di Jun said suddenly. Dialogue with the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal Clan.

If there is no emperor-level protection, only one of the ten powerhouses who can attack the ultimate status can succeed, then... let's take the life of a monk at the top of the Golden Immortal.

Among the allied forces of all races, the existence of the peak Jinxian changed his face.Some people gritted their teeth and chose to leave the battlefield directly. With endless ambitions and ambitions, their blood boiled and they decided to risk their lives to make a run for it!

If it fails, it will naturally be irreversible, and the good fortune of eternal penance will be destroyed in one day.Whether you are the ancestor of a powerful clan, or you have been the top of the prehistoric pyramid for 3000 years, everything will be annihilated and dissipated.

But if it succeeds, it will illuminate the entire Great Desolate Continent, leave a name in the heavens and worlds, and be admired by thousands of cosmic planes.

The extreme realm, the end of the avenue!How glorious and magnificent!

It has to be said that the background strength of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is too strong.After Di Jun opened his mouth, there were twenty strong Jinxian peaks who chose to tear the void and leave, looking for other places to attack the extreme realm!

Even if Di Jun hadn't told him to stop, there might still be Jin Xian who would run away.

"We can't go all the way," Di Jun took a deep breath, and a brilliant golden sun rose behind him, "otherwise we won't be able to fight against Lin Fei."

"Come on, we are here to prevent Lin Fei from merging with the Emperor's authority and buy them time."


The moment his words fell, the strong Jinxians who had already surrounded Lin Fei in all directions launched an offensive in unison.

There were even some people who thought they were smart and chose to attack Cai Beiyu and others in the rear, "surround Wei and save Zhao", trying to make Lin Fei fall into the trap.

And such an insidious and vicious action instantly made Lin Fei burst out with a murderous intent.

Heavenly Sin was sacrificed by him first, and turned into a black mad dragon, tearing open a hole in the encirclement, and the two golden immortals standing in front of him were knocked out instantly.The unparalleled killing intent penetrated into their primordial spirits like tarsal maggots, not only eroding the primordial spirits, but also destroying their golden nature.

"Kill until you die."

Under Lin Fei's blow, Tian Sin revealed such a terrifying and brutal aura.

"Ah!" The two golden immortals screamed like pigs being killed, and the primordial spirit was wailing and crying.

Tian Zui cleared the way, Lin Fei followed closely, and landed firmly on the dragon's head with a "snap". His body was straight and slender, his long hair danced wildly in the wind, his face was cold and cold, but he didn't turn his head.

Behind him, the chaotic lotus pond was surging with huge waves, and even the sun and the moon were soaring to the sky, successfully resolving the terrifying attack.


Lin Fei suddenly shot out from the dragon's head, as if there was a universe in his palm, the light flashed, and all the monks in Zhenbei City below Jinxian were included in it.

At the same time, Tian Zui roared and roared, his mighty and majestic figure burst out, and slaughtered a golden fairy on the spot.

Instant kill!

With a flash of Lin Fei's figure, he stretched out an arm impressively, and embraced Cai Beiyu, who was in crisis, into his arms.With one step, he crushed the void and jumped into the sky.

Tears welled up in Cai Beiyu's eyes, and he looked at Lin Fei bewilderedly.Without saying anything, he suddenly jumped into Lin Fei's arms, and even wrapped his slender and straight legs around his back, hugging Lin Fei tightly, as if he wanted to rub himself into his chest , Crystal teardrops dripping down.

The two hugged each other in the air, but the sin of heaven dispersed with buzzing and trembling, turning into thousands of fierce and brilliant sword shadows, attacking and killing the golden immortals of all races like a storm of sword energy.

"Thanks for your hard work." Lin Fei tried his best to suppress the murderous intent towards Wanzu, trying to soften his voice, but it still seemed so dignified and deep.

Cai Beiyu shook his head vigorously, tightly hugging Lin Fei's naked and bruised upper body.

Before she could say anything, she heard thousands of thunderous bangs, and it was astonishing that the divine light of sin was scattered, and it was shot out, piercing through the space, creating countless void cracks.

"Let's go back to the city. This Golden Immortal of Ten Thousand Races—" Lin Fei took a deep breath, and turned to look at the menacing enemy Ruyun.

"I'm on my own."

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