I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1074 The two emperors of Dongtian, complement each other

Lin Fei stretched out his hands and held them in the air.


If Zhenbei City breaks through the bounded monstrous beast, the human emperor's sun and moon array is bright and resplendent, smashing the layers of seals imposed on it.It rises from the ground, and large pieces of mud, sand and stones fall from the four edges like quicksand waterfalls.

Now that the power of the Human Sovereign is in Lin Fei's hands, even if it is not fully integrated, it is enough to command the Sun Moon Human Sovereign Formation.

In a flash of light, all the monks who survived the battle in Zhenbei City were sent back to the city by Lin Fei at this moment.

And the slight gap created by such actions also gave Wanzu Jinxian an excellent opportunity.


The boundless mighty power of the Golden Immortal instantly overwhelmed Lin Fei.

The joint attack of so many golden immortals is simply a terrifying gesture to destroy this prehistoric continent.

Almost in an instant, the Royal Dragon Qi around Lin Fei was defeated.All the flesh and blood were torn apart, and even the immortal bones were broken and shattered with a cracking sound.

But under the horrified gazes of many golden immortals, his severely injured body is recovering rapidly, broken bones are connected, and flesh and blood are reborn!

Ye Lingyu once boasted that she was immortal, and thought that even Lin Fei would not be able to kill her because of the existence of the Emperor's authority.

The authority of the emperor, after all, is an existence at the extreme level.

Get its protection, unless it is a blow at the same extreme level, you will be healed from a huge injury-of course, if you are directly killed by an instant, then there is really nothing at all.

At this time, the city of Zhenbei City was already crowded with people, densely packed.Even every roof was crowded with people, and countless residents looked forward to this battle nervously.

Seeing that Lin Fei was hit by a joint attack earlier, I don't know how many people's hearts were tugged.Seeing that his injuries healed quickly, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Many people were surprised to find that they were covered in cold sweats and were quite frightened.

Ji Yaoguang and Cai Beiyu stood side by side, both of them pressed their palms on the edge of the city wall, with nervous expressions on their faces.

And Ye Wudi punched down heavily, his hands were bleeding and he didn't seem to notice anything, he shouted emotionally: "Okay!"

Yinzi simply raised a big flag, waving it frantically left and right like a fanatical fan, with red eyes, he yelled without hesitation: "Master, come on, kill their mother!"

In the arena, the golden immortals of all races were still attacking together, besieging and killing Lin Fei from all directions.All kinds of killing skills are fully displayed, and thousands of visions are presented.

Lin Fei slapped it down with his palm, and a diagram of the Six Destroyers of Yin and Yang appeared, and violently blasted a piece of golden immortals away;

As soon as the eyes turned, the golden fairy's protective body spirit treasure was annihilated, and the body's protective celestial body evaporated. If the two emperors of Dongtian hadn't joined forces to resist, I'm afraid there would be another casualty on the spot;

Lin Fei was obviously the target of being besieged and killed by many golden fairies, but it seemed that he was rubbing their heads against the ground, opening and closing, sweeping in all directions.On the contrary, the Golden Immortal of the Ten Thousand Races was frightened every step of the way, fearing that if there was a slight mistake in coordination, some comrades in arms would perish!

Not only that, after Lin Fei repelled the attacking Golden Immortal with seven steps from the Heavenly Demon, he even soared up into the air, using the Supreme Clear Heavenly Yuling Jue, and stretched out with a palm.


The metal trill of thousands of swords and swords suddenly resounded between the sky and the earth, followed by the emergence of thousands of void fissures.

Astonishingly, it was the Heavenly Sin who had been scattered, and at this moment broke through the void again and shot forward.The sword intent filled every inch of space, raging invisible like a storm, and the allied forces of all races screamed and wailed in an instant, causing countless deaths and injuries.

"Crack!" Lin Fei firmly held the dragon's back of the Heavenly Sin in his hand, and instantly swallowed a hundred feet of black sword light, and with a single slash, it seemed to split the world vertically from it, with terrifying power and power.

There are also thousands of scattered weapons, circling and turning into a black light wheel, slashing and killing in all directions fiercely.

Like a wheat field, the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races were sliced ​​by the howling light wheel and exploded into a large cloud of blood mist.


"Run away!"

"Mom! The ancestors are too busy to take care of themselves, they can't save us anymore!"

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races no longer had the slightest will to fight, and each showed their supernatural powers, fleeing desperately.For a moment, the situation in the field was extremely shocking, as if thousands of meteors shot out in different directions.

For a moment, there was a landslide and tsunami-like applause and cheers in Zhenbei City, and they were so elated that they were extremely happy.There was even an old man who took off his clothes and ran wildly, laughing and shouting like crazy: "It's cool! I'm so fucking cool, it's even better than having sex with the most beautiful woman in the world ten times! Haha Ha ha!"

Just laughing and laughing, tears flowed down my face.

"Tai Yi!" In the Ten Thousand Races Golden Immortal camp, Di Jun suddenly showed determination and shouted violently.

"I know——Lin Fei, take care!"

"Originally, I wanted to fight with you in an upright manner, but this time it seems to be impossible! See my move clearly, remember it clearly! When you return to the Immortal Emperor, you and I will fight fairly. This move will definitely take your life !"

"this is--"

"Heavenly way!"

In the roar, Taiyi turned into light.

No, he has already left the Primordial Continent.

This is the embryonic form of a ray of harmony!


At this moment, Taiyi turned into an indescribable existence.Even the Golden Immortals present were horrified, they couldn't see through the illusory with their divine perception, and knew Tai Yi's state at the moment.

Distorted, chaotic, and grotesque, it even made all the golden fairies present feel dizzy and nauseated.

Lin Fei's overwhelming ultimate move couldn't be distorted when he got close to Tai Yi, and it dissipated in an extremely absurd manner.After leaving his side, the fragments of Heavenly Sin appeared strangely again, cutting open the void!

"The method of raising the latitude of scientific and technological civilization?!" Jin Xian, who had been to the world of mortals, said in a moment of shock.

"No, it's not the method of raising weft! The so-called raising weft of technological civilization, I can break it with a slap! Although the nature is similar, the level of Donghuang's hand is much higher. This is the raising weft of the Dao level!"

It is also the sublimation of the latitude, and the means displayed by the technological civilization are simply ridiculous to the golden immortals of all races.Indeed, these roads are indeed remarkable, but the achievements of technological civilization are too powerful.

When the Golden Immortal touches the Dao, it can be destroyed and erased with a single thought.

But Taiyi's way of combining emptiness and heaven is different.

In short, same thing, different levels.It's like fire, a small flame sparked by a match, whether it's temperature or size, can it compare with the stars?In the same way, can the dim light of the firefly compete with the bright moon?

Following Donghuang Taiyi's unreserved supernatural powers, Heavenly Emperor Jun also made a move.

He just flipped his hand down, and Lin Fei and the space around him underwent a terrifying change, turning into a thin layer like a piece of paper.

Time, space, matter and energy are all in it.

The Dao Realm of Absolute Beginning!

The two emperors of the East Heaven had no reservations, which made the Golden Immortals of all races terrified.

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