I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1080 The Dark History of the Phoenix Emperor

Not only the prehistoric sun, but also a full moon like a silver plate is clearly visible in the sky.

The sky seems to be completely cut, half of the day, the brilliant golden sun shines all over the world, domineering and majestic; half of the night, the bright silver light is as clear as water, peaceful and peaceful.

The sun and the moon are in the sky.

And it is not the manifestation of visions, but the real manifestation of the power of the prehistoric sun and moon, yin and yang!

Such a shocking and spectacular scene even made the entire Great Desolate Continent clearly visible, causing a sensation and a major earthquake again.

This is destined to be an extraordinary day, and the creatures of the prehistoric and desolate races have been subjected to huge mental shocks repeatedly, and it is impossible to keep calm.

First, the blood rained all over the world, followed by two extremely powerful men ascending to the throne, and now the sun and the moon are flying into the sky!

Damn, this prehistoric rhythm is about to have a big event!

Needless to say, Zhenbeicheng was naturally excited to the extreme.Originally thought that it would be impossible to escape the annihilation of the entire army and the extinction of the human race and the Kunpeng clan, but Lin Fei did not expect that Lin Fei successfully merged the human emperor's status!

At this moment, Lin Fei intercepted the projection of the prehistoric sun and moon, and circled and danced around him.

The red flames that came from a torrential river came towards him, but dissipated in the sun and moon in an instant, turning into nothingness.

"Human Emperor?!" Feng Hechu's expression changed, and he exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't mess yourself up!" Han Qiling yelled, "If he himself has attained the Supreme Path, you and I will not be his opponent together, there is no doubt about it. But this is not his own power, it is just It’s all about relying on the throne of the emperor!”

The name and taboo of the extreme powerhouse is recognized and unique by the Heavenly Dao, and cannot be replaced.For example, Donghuang can only refer to Taiyi.Even if he dies, no one can take the title of Eastern Emperor.

That is the embodiment of the Tao and fruit that he himself has proved, and the word Jidao is heavy enough to crush the eternal blue sky, so it is naturally not the same.

But...the Human Sovereign has a different personality, after all, it is not a Dao fruit obtained through practice, but a special foreign object.

It is a person and it is also an authority.But from the point of view of being able to inherit abdication, it is a bit similar to a soldier talisman or a jade seal passed on to a country.As long as you master it in the true sense, you will gain the corresponding power—even if this power does not belong to yourself, but belongs to the human emperor.

in short.

Lin Fei himself does not have the extreme realm, he is only using the power of the emperor's authority.

For Feng Hechu and Han Qiling, this is already great news.

Otherwise...the two of them dare to compete with Lin Fei?

What's the matter, with such confidence, is it possible that he is the Second Emperor of the East Heaven?

"It's more than enough to kill you two bastards." Lin Fei said lightly, surrounded by projections of the sun and the moon, guarded by 99 dragon auras of the emperor's way, and the majesty of the emperor and heaven collapsed the eternal sky, as if the heaven and earth could not bear the weight.

Whether it is the creatures of all races or the prehistoric humans, they are all nervous and restless.Even if he didn't see this scene with his own eyes, it's not difficult to guess that there must be a fierce battle between the two great immortal emperors, the Human Sovereign and the Wanzu.

A battle that decides the fate of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance and mankind!

"Presumptuous!" Feng Hechu yelled in a cold voice, "A mere ant in the realm of the Golden Immortal, but relying on the status of the emperor, dare to disrespect me?"

"Interesting." Lin Fei smiled instead of anger, and sneered, "When you served the deity to bathe and wash your feet, why didn't you look so arrogant? The villain's success is probably what you are like."


Lin Fei broke the news again, and the city of Zhenbei was like thunder.

Han Zhenbei was also stunned again, looking at Feng Hechu with an extremely wonderful expression.

The latter was almost suffocated for a while, with an extremely ugly expression on his beautiful face.

Lin Fei really didn't save Feng Hechu face at all, he just swept his sleeves away, and the scene at that time immediately appeared on the sky.

It was in the imperial garden with a grand sky, luxuriant flowers and plants, overflowing with fragrance and the fragrance of birds and flowers. Lin Fei lay comfortably on the chair, folded his hands together, closed his eyes and meditated.

Behind him, there is a golden fairy, a heavenly female, with picturesque eyebrows and tender eyes, who rubs his shoulders and massages him, and recites the self-created formula in a soft voice.Lin Fei seemed to be asleep, but he opened his mouth from time to time, making corrections to his content and sublimating it again.

Every time she opened her mouth, the female Jinxian's face showed a look of surprise, with a sense of sudden enlightenment, as if to say, "Why didn't I think of it?"

Of course, that's not the point.

The key point is that Fenghechu is holding a smooth snow-white jade basin, in which there is warm rain and jade dew, and there are various fairy medicine petals.Then she gently knelt down in front of Lin Fei and washed his feet...

The picture flashes away, followed by a new scene.

It was Feng Hechu who made many fairies in the heaven retreat and entered the warm spiritual spring that belonged to Lin Fei.

In the white steaming mist, Feng Hechu slowly shed his wings, gradually revealing his smooth body.


Amidst the sound of water, the slender white and smooth jade legs stepped into the spiritual spring, slowly moving closer to Lin Fei.

That naked body was tightly attached to Lin Fei's back.

But when he heard a bang, the sky was full of water and flying swords, Feng Hechu was actually shaken away, and he exclaimed.Lin Fei still turned his back to her, without turning his head, and said calmly: "It's okay to serve in the bath and change clothes, but you can't go beyond the rules."

It was obvious that she knew what she was thinking, and although she didn't like it, she didn't bother to care about it.

After all... there are too many people with such thoughts.

Although it is not realistic to see the water mist, but the hazy, looming picture is even more overwhelming.

Long Shuai's nose bleeds on the spot.


"It's too exciting, is this the life of the strong?!"

"Damn it... I never dreamed that I could see the scene of the extreme powerhouse without clothes!"

"I'll go, is there anything else? I haven't seen enough!"

A man howled like a wolf: "Tianzun rejected Fenghuang! Don't, that's Fenghuang!"

Ji Yaoguang also put his hand on his forehead, feeling very complicated for a time.However, it can be considered that it is not surprising how romantic Lin Fei was before meeting Empress Yaoguang.

Even without anything happening with Feng Hechu, it already let her breathe a sigh of relief...

In addition, Cai Beiyu was quietly relieved to see Feng Hechu being shaken away.

"Presumptuous!" Feng Hechu became furious from embarrassment, and he was so angry that he waved his palm to wipe out all the "witnesses" in Zhenbei City, killing them with one hand.

"A mere maidservant, you are not allowed to behave wildly here!" Lin Fei's eyes froze, and he uttered the word Tianyin in an instant: "Get up!"


At this moment, Lin Fei and the two extremely powerful men rose through the air, as if they were taken out of the sky by an invisible force field.

This is the throne of the emperor.

With the heavenly constitution in his mouth, he commands the universe and speaks out the law!

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