I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1081 A little surprise

In the extremely high part of the sky, one can see bright and bright stars, all of which are projections from the major planes.

This is the battlefield of the three emperor-level powerhouses.

"Lin Fei, thinking of our old relationship, I can still forgive you." Han Qiling looked cold, as if he was in control of everything, "You end it yourself, and I will let human beings and Kunpeng live together!"

At the beginning of Fenghe's resentment for Lin Fei's previous humiliation in public, he sneered even more: "If you kneel down and surrender to me, and kiss my toes, the emperor can also show mercy and forgive humans and Kunpeng!"

Those unbearable black histories were made public, making Feng Hechu's eyes almost spit fire.It is really hard to swallow this breath without severely belittling Lin Fei, elevating himself, and washing away the humiliation of the past.

"Two dog servants who used to kneel at my feet and wag their tails and beg for mercy, once they became powerful, they don't even know their last names?" Lin Fei stepped into the void and stared at the two in front of him indifferently.

"Don't make mistakes!" Han Qiling sternly yelled, the sound of the Tao was roaring, deafening, and had a strong spiritual influence, "This is the last kindness of me and Fenghuang! If you continue to be obsessed, after you fall, human beings and Kunpeng The clan will be wiped out!"

"It caused the destruction of the two clans, can you bear the responsibility for this crime?!"

Lin Fei sneered, and said sarcastically, "I will return the same words to you. Hurry up and kill yourself, so that Phoenix and Qilin will not be expelled from the prehistoric world!"


After the words fell, he took the lead in launching the offensive.

The Heavenly Demon dances wildly!

The 99 royal dragons are burning like dragons of hundreds of feet, covering the sky and covering the earth.They let out a dragon roar, shaking the stars, and rushed towards Han Qiling and Feng Hechu mightily.

The two strong men who had just entered the extreme way showed their supernatural powers, defusing the terrifying power on the spot.Not only that, but at this moment, he showed extreme power and blatantly launched a counterattack at Lin Fei.

"Time back!" Han Qiling shouted violently, urging the power of the sun.

Space is Yang and time is Yin.

At this time, what Han Qiling used was the ultimate law of time domain.

Layers upon layers of profound light cast on Lin Fei's body, causing him to fall back in time.

He intends to change Lin Fei's state and push it back to the moment when he failed to fully integrate the human emperor.

At that time, wouldn't it be at the mercy of others?

"The solitary yin does not grow, and the solitary yang does not grow. After so many years, you still haven't grown." Lin Fei shook his head and swept his hands in the void.


Lin Fei moved a yang fish between his fingers, and with his five fingers together like a beak, a brilliant white light filled the sky and covered the earth.

The power of the sun surged out, unexpectedly absorbing layers of the profound light of the sun to the side, condensing into a picture of Taiji.

In a flash of hands, not only did Han Qiling's ultimate move be resolved, but he even took it as his own!

At this moment, Han Qiling's face showed a look of horror, and his heart was shaken, as if a huge wave had been set off.

And Feng Hechu's mouthful of life and death phoenix fire was also completely blocked by the Taiji diagram.With a turn of the Taiji Diagram, all life and death phoenix fires are drawn onto it.

This fire is not the same as idleness, Feng Hechu's ninth nirvana, and he has attained the ultimate sublimation, and his comprehension of the way of life and death has reached its peak.In one thought of hers, such a divine fire is enough to show two completely different effects.

Under the phoenix fire of life and death, thousands of seriously injured and dying people can burst into infinite vitality. Not only can their injuries be healed, but they can even be reborn from the ashes and achieve further good fortune.As long as it is not completely destroyed, the physical body, soul, and even the golden nature will return to integrity!

Even on the plane of science and technology, this is the true sense of bringing the dead back to life.For example, in a battlefield where corpses are strewn across the field, in fact, the soldiers who died on both sides died physically, which does not mean the death of souls.

In such a situation, Feng Hechu only needs one thought, and thousands of dead bodies can be reborn from the flames.

Of course, the phoenix fire of life and death can not only bring life, but also death.Even a weak spark is enough to make a half-step extreme powerhouse perish on the spot, and the body dies and the dao disappears.Physical body, primordial spirit, golden nature, everything will cease to exist.

It can even be said that this is already a terrorist method of "reversing the effect for the cause".

If you want you to live, you will live, if you want you to die, you will die!

This is where Feng Hechu is domineering as an extreme powerhouse, and the queen's majesty is fully revealed.

Such a terrifying flame even instantly ignited the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram and burned it up.

But Lin Fei didn't even blink his eyelids, he just waved his hand, and let the blazing Tai Chi totem go to a higher place.


The Taiji map exploded in an extremely distant place, and endless red clouds bloomed, dyeing the sky red.

Lin Fei frowned slightly.

Seeing this scene, Feng Hechu narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly, and a playful smile appeared on his delicate and pretty face: "Could it be that you are afraid?"

Lin Fei gave her a sympathetic look, shook his head and said, "No, it's just a bit of a surprise."

"Don't get me wrong, I mean... you guys are weaker than I thought."

Hearing his words, the faces of the two extremely strong men suddenly changed, they both shouted angrily, and launched a lore at him in an instant.

All of a sudden, the life and death flames of the phoenix surged and burned the sky with majestic momentum.

Han Qiling even used the power of Taiyin to control time, causing an extremely terrifying offensive.

For example, the phoenix fire of life and death seems to only burn Lin Fei for one second, but in fact, the time flow has been tampered with, and it has already burned Lin Fei for two seconds;

Another example, hindered by the chaotic lotus pond and the imperial dragon aura, Lie Yan took two seconds to break through and touch Lin Fei, but it only took one second;

Or it only took one second for Lin Fei to make a move, but two seconds had actually passed...

This is an extremely terrifying method, unpredictable and bizarre.Anyone who observed this scene from the sidelines would definitely be horrified.

"Ding!" Lin Fei spit out the word Tianyin, which made the void tremble.The projection of the sun and the moon rises in the sky, freezing the time and space, blocking Han Qiling's change of the flow of time.

Lin Fei became violent in an instant, making frequent killing moves.

He used Wanhua Lingjue to dissipate the oncoming flames, and slashed down with his hand as a knife.

A brilliant and icy white light suddenly appeared, and Han Qiling's pupils contracted sharply. He suddenly found that he was too close to Lin Fei, and he was unable to change his own time flow due to the influence of the sun and the moon's projection.

In the blink of an eye, Han Qiling had no choice but to avoid his vitals.


Blood splattered, and one of his arms was severed!

"Phoenix Emperor, save me!" Han Qiling quickly retreated and shouted violently.

In an instant, the phoenix fire of life and death enveloped it.

Han Qiling's broken left arm was reborn in an instant, intact.

"Lin Fei, with me here, you can't kill us at all!"

"But what about you? How long can you use the power of the Emperor with the cultivation of a golden immortal?"

"Even if you are consumed, we can consume you to death here!"

Feng Hechu let out a long howl, bringing thousands of clouds of fire to kill Lin Fei.

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