Faced with Han Qiling's life-threatening blow, Lin Fei didn't move a muscle.

Only a pair of chaotic eyes stared at the incomplete primordial spirit coldly and indifferently.

Han Qiling's last primordial spirit flickered like a candle in the wind, rapidly withering.

But it is already in the extreme state, even if there is only a little gleam of fireflies left in the primordial spirit, the moment it explodes is enough to level the universe and clear the universe!

"Feng Hechu, if you can survive, take good care of the Qilin family for me!" Han Qiling let out a long cry, which made the stars tremble, and the firefly-sized primordial spirit approached Lin Fei's eyebrows, as if the plan to burn jade and stone together was about to be achieved .

But at this moment, the last gleam of light disappeared.

It took less than a moment for a generation of immortal emperors to attain the ultimate position.It's too late to shine on the heavens and engrave his own brilliance, and the prosperous era that belongs to him has not yet begun, but it has already ended...

There was only a sigh, echoing in the sky: "Zhen... I am not reconciled!"

At this moment, a rain of holy and ethereal flowers fell on the entire prehistoric continent.The petals are crystal clear, like a dream.There is also a misty and sad elegy, like weeping and complaining, echoing faintly.

The world is filled with endless sadness and desolation. Hundreds of millions of living beings from different races all shed tears, uncontrollably gushing from the bottom of their hearts.Among them, the Qilin clan was the most, and some Qilin clan members even wailed, heartbroken, and passed out.

In a daze, the prehistoric peoples seemed to see a round of ethereal and majestic stars.Just by looking at it, one has a kind of mysterious intuition, able to know the existence that represents Han Qiling.The star that illuminates the sky and the earth exploded at this moment, turning into thousands of rays of light and sinking into the universe...

"The ancestor is dead!"

"No! Patriarch is already a very strong man, how could he die!"

"It's over... It's over! The last hope is Phoenix. If she also perishes, then..."

Not only the Qilin clan, but most of the creatures in the Wan clan felt deep fear, almost overwhelming them.

Then the human race must rise again.Think about the actions of all races in the past 3000 years, what kind of anger will usher in?

Correspondingly, it is naturally a family carnival of prehistoric humans.

"Han Qiling is dead!"

"Hahaha, happy, happy! It's a big deal!"

"I'm afraid that if you look at the entire multiverse, it is also the shortest-lived extreme powerhouse? Haha, it deserves it! What about the extreme powerhouse? If you meet the Ten Thousand Saints, isn't it a dead end?"

And in the battlefield.

With the demise of Han Qiling, the flame of hope ignited in Feng Hechu's heart was also extinguished in an instant, leaving only cold despair.

The memory of kneeling in front of Lin Fei and trembling, the humbleness of taking out the phoenix marrow and offering it to Lin Fei, all came to mind at this moment, and they couldn't get rid of it.

Feng Hechu once wanted to ask for mercy, but immediately felt humiliated and ridiculous by such a thought.

I am already an extremely powerful person, yet I want to ask for mercy? !

It would be fine if begging for mercy was useful, but it was obviously impossible.

Only fight to the death.

"Kill!" Feng Hechu yelled violently, one hundred and eight thousand swords shot out, and the phoenix's fire of life and death surged violently.

Lin Fei's face was stern, and he activated the Wanhua Lingjue. His whole body was shrouded in brilliant white light, and he pointed at the terrifyingly hard Yujian with his palm.


There were deafening metal trills one after another, and the blazing sword energy attached to the Phoenix Feather Immortal Sword dissipated under the white aura.The Phoenix Feather Immortal Sword, which was powerful enough to cut through the world, was broken, bent, and shaken away one after another.

At this moment, Lin Fei's figure had already turned into an afterimage, approaching the extreme.There are fist shadows and palm winds all around, sweeping with vigor.

The Phoenix Feather Immortal Sword condensed with divine fire was really extraordinary, even Lin Fei's palms were numb and painful from the shock.But while flashing and moving, he unexpectedly broke through the barrier of death storm, using his hand as a blade, he slashed down like a sky knife, and directly took Feng Hechu's head.

Feng Hechu's eyes were about to burst, and it was extremely difficult to avoid being suppressed by the projection of the sun and the moon. Even if he burned his blood, he could barely avoid the vital points.


Lin Fei's palm fingers were like an indestructible sharp sky knife, and directly cut off half of her head!At this moment, half of that beautiful cheek has been shaved off, almost like a fairy turning into a yaksha.

The most frightening thing was the endless stream of myriad spiritual power, which was eroding away at her Lingtai primordial spirit, trying to turn it into nothingness.

"Ah!" Feng Hechu uttered a shrill scream, and the chains of divine fire order emerged around the Lingtai, clanging and resounding.The phoenix life and death fire burst out from the primordial spirit, trying its best to heal the wound.

"It's over." Lin Fei's cold voice sounded like a doomsday sentence.

Under one palm, yin and yang are born together, and the six paths rotate.


The sky trembled, and all directions trembled.In the crisp "click" sound, the chains of order were broken one by one, and the fire of life and death of the Phoenix was suppressed.Under layers of mighty power, Feng Hechu deeply felt the fear of death.

Lin Fei's indifferent face in front of her was so hideous and terrifying to her, like the most terrifying thing in the entire multiverse.

"Lin—no, Tianzun, listen to me!" Feng Hechu was extremely flustered, and the voice of his spiritual thoughts was sharp, even crying, "I was also threatened and bewitched by Ye Lingyu, so I stood on the opposite side of the human race!"

The names have completely changed.

From "Lin Fei" to "Tianzun", from "Zhen" to "Concubine".

The strength in Lin Fei's hand slightly relaxed by two points, revealing a look of ridicule: "Oh? So, after Ye Lingyu's death, you still persisted with me, and you were also forced by the general situation?"

"Yes!" Feng Hechu had a sad face, as if he had been wronged by the heavens, and crystal tears flowed from his beautiful eyes, "If I don't obey the general trend of the Ten Thousand Clans Alliance, it doesn't matter if I die, what about the entire Phoenix Clan? We have to consider it for the whole family!"

"The concubine was forced to do so, so she made such a bad move just now!"

The character beauty who is usually so glamorous and arrogant, is crying like pear blossoms and raining at this moment. It really touches people's hearts, and I feel pity for it.

Lin Fei didn't say a word, but sneered in his heart, as if to say, "Please continue your performance."

Like a drowning man grasping for a life-saving straw, Feng Hechu frantically grabbed Lin Fei's palm and placed it on his majestic and soft chest.

She looked at Lin Fei with humble eyes that were almost begging, and said in a trembling voice: "Tianzun, I am your maidservant! I have served you to bathe and change clothes, washed your feet and warmed your bed, even if you want to try it on a whim." As for the dragon liver and phoenix marrow, I don’t hesitate to dig out the phoenix marrow and offer it myself!"

"You... can you really do it?"

Tears welled up in her eyes, and her eyes were shining with anticipation, as if she looked at Lin Fei with so much sincerity.

Lin Fei smiled.

It's just that this smile is so cold and cruel, it makes Feng Hechu's heart tremble suddenly.

Facing her question, Lin Fei put his lips close to her ear, and uttered two words in a devilish voice:

"I can."

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