I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1085 Final Victory

At this time, Feng Hechu was so beautiful, her graceful and soft body was tightly attached to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei could even feel the warm and fragrant nephrite in his bosom, as well as the faint fragrance lingering in his nose.

Not only that, Lin Fei even spoke to her in an ambiguous manner, as if you and my lover were whispering in the ear, infatuated and lingering.

But contrary to this intimate gesture, the two words he uttered seemed extremely cruel.

It is this kind of contrast that gave Feng Hechu an unimaginable sense of fear. Lin Fei in front of him is like a multiverse Tianzihao devil playing with people's hearts...

"If I knew today, why bother?" The cold and playful smile on Lin Fei's face disappeared in an instant, and his hands suddenly exerted force.


In an instant, the wind, water and fire surged wildly, retraining chaos.

Feng Hechu's head instantly shattered and exploded, turning into nothingness in the chaos.The light of the primordial spirit is also rapidly weakening, entering the countdown to death.

"Lin Fei!" She let out a scream and roar like a madman, completely tearing up all the disguise, "Don't forget that you didn't prove the ultimate cultivation by yourself! You and I are so close, I am not afraid that I will die with you ?!"

Lin Fei didn't say a word, he was indifferent and cold, as if he was watching an ant, without the slightest emotion.

And this look deeply hurt Feng Hechu and completely irritated her.

At the beginning, Feng He thought of how he bowed his knees in front of Lin Fei in the past. When he wanted to serve him but was rejected, he also looked like this... At that time, the guilt, anxiety, and fear that were seen through the ambition in his heart turned out to be here. I have never forgotten it now, and it is even so clear that it all comes to my mind.

"No, it shouldn't be like this!"

"At that time, I was just a golden fairy, but he was a strong man in the inner universe! But now I am a very strong man, and you are just a golden fairy! You should kneel down to me, surrender to me, and offer everything to your queen! !"

"I am the Phoenix Emperor, I shouldn't die so uselessly!"

It was like a volcano in Feng Hechu's chest erupted completely.

"Death!" She yelled violently, and the primordial spirit burst into brilliant brilliance instantly, as if a round of scorching sun was refined and stored in it.

It was so brilliant that it even illuminated the entire Primordial Continent.

But facing the threat of Feng Hechu's self-destruction of the primordial spirit, Lin Fei was able to appear so calm and indifferent before, naturally there is a reason for it.

Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art!

Yuqing is supremely saved and sealed the heavenly seal!

The two terrifying extreme seals were knocked off with a bang, and there were six reincarnation scrolls blessed, all of them gathered in one place.

The radiant brilliance that shines on the heavens and the earth has been sealed for life.

"Impossible!" Feng Hechu screamed and completely collapsed, "I am a very strong man, how could you seal the self-destructive power of the extreme way!"

"Even if you achieve the Ultimate Dao, an ant is still an ant after all." A look of disgust flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, "You have never attained the Great Luo Dao Fruit, so I'm afraid that your Extreme Dao state is a coincidence?"

"The tree of life is gone, presumably it helped you enter the ultimate path."

Feng Hechu's primordial spirit trembled.

She naturally knew what Da Luo meant.

Vastness encompasses everything in the universe, including time, space, matter, and energy.With reference to the northern battlefield of the demon world, the battlefield between the nameless demon god and the Seven Nights Demon Lord, one can understand a thing or two.

The two sat cross-legged in the void, facing each other far away.It seems to be safe and sound, but in fact the most dangerous and terrifying confrontation is going on.The Boundless Dao field covers the two of them, and the rules of time and space, life and death, mass and energy are all messed up in it, and they are constantly modified by the two.

Seven Nights Demon Lord performed the "Heaven Slashing and Drawing Sword Technique", and the nameless demon god didn't even need to dodge, and the terrifying sword was deflected only by the dislocation of time and space.This is the two people's mastery of many Dao principles, the embodiment of Daluo Daoguo.

Sublimation of the golden nature, complete fusion with the primordial spirit, this is the ultimate way, and it is the symbol of the strong in the Immortal Emperor Realm.

And the peerless arrogance who can step into the realm of the extreme by himself can be called the rare brilliance of the multiverse, and they can all achieve Daluo Daoguo.

As for the foreign things that can help monks step into the ultimate path, there are not none, but there are very few.For example, the authority of the emperor, the water of the beginning, and the tree of life after the sublimation of the extreme way.

It's a pity that Zixiao Shenlei is a cruel test and temper on the road of practice. How can it be perfect if it makes up for its own shortcomings and makes up for it by tricks?

Fenghe broke into the realm of immortal emperor for the first time, although she has mastered extremely terrifying power, and even has the supernatural power of life and death phoenix fire, but... she has not been able to prove the good fortune of the universe.

"Human...Human Sovereign...Person—" Feng Hechu's divine thoughts were intermittent, and the light of the primordial spirit was already weak and dim.If you don't figure out the last question, I'm afraid you will die with endless unwillingness.

"You want to ask, does the Emperor's status have Daluo Daoguo?" Lin Fei pressed her soul with one hand, condescendingly, and said lightly.

"Exactly... Exactly!" Feng Hechu's spiritual thoughts were hoarse and extremely eager.

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and showed the cold and cruel smile before.

Such a familiar scene made Feng Hechu go crazy immediately, almost crying: "No...don't...please!"

I'm going to die, just want to know such an insignificant question, what about you? !

However, Lin Fei was unmoved, and still whispered like a devil: "No comment."

In fact, the Emperor's power imitated the good fortune of Da Luo, which was regarded as the realm of pseudo Da Luo.


Feng Hechu's primordial spirit finally exploded. Under the layers of seals and in the chaotic lotus pond, the power of destroying the world can only bloom a small gorgeous firework.

It was another rain of crystal flowers, a sad elegy, filling the space between heaven and earth.

In an instant, the vast and desolate land, and the countless creatures of all races, were all shaken by it.

"Oh my god, the Phoenix Emperor is dead too!"

"It's over, everything is over! Our Ten Thousand Races Alliance finally produced two extreme powerhouses, and they both perished within a quarter of an hour!"

"What should we do? Will the human race kill us all? I don't want to die!"


The endless oppression and fear almost crushed all the creatures of all races in the prehistoric area.

But in Zhenbei City, there was a strange and fanatical atmosphere.

Even the monks who wished for them to die tens of millions of times could not avoid the fall of the extreme powerhouses, and wept for it.

As a result, many monks in Zhenbei City cried and laughed, and there was a roar, cheers, and applause, and the scene was extremely paradoxical.

"Win! We won!"

"Human beings will eventually be the masters of the Great Desolate Continent!"

"Kill! You must kill all races to vent your hatred!"

"Drink and drink! Damn it, it's good to be alive! I'm happy, today the entire restaurant is free of charge until you eat and drink all!"

There are countless monks looking forward to it, staring at the sky with eyes full of tears.

Waiting for the triumphant figure of Lin Fei.

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