I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1086 Heavenly Court rebuilt, all races kneel down

Lin Fei is in charge of the power of the emperor, and with a single thought, he can reach all places illuminated by the sun and the moon.

He took a step forward, and his figure had already appeared at the head of Zhenbei City.

"Welcome to the triumphant return of Tianzun!" Cai Beiyu's eyes were full of tears, and even if he wanted to kneel on one knee to salute, Lin Fei held him back.

"Welcome to the triumphant return of Tianzun!" Countless monks shouted in order, like a landslide and tsunami, deafening and majestic.

Lin Fei looked around and saw a large area of ​​Wu Yaya kneeling down.

Even Ye Wudi and Cai Beipeng, the ancestor of Kunpeng, also knelt on one knee, cupped their fists and raised them above their heads.

"Get up." After such a big victory, Lin Fei couldn't see any joy on his face, and even felt a little cold. He closed his eyes with a heavy emotion, and his sense of consciousness swept across the city.

When all the monks in the city got up and Lin Fei opened his eyes again, it seemed that there was no wave in the ancient well, but there was an indelible coldness hidden deep in his eyes.

Although this battle was won in the end, Zhenbeicheng's sacrifice...was too tragic.

A total of more than 64 people died, all of whom were monks of human immortality and above!

Among them were too many faces that Lin Fei was familiar with.

Shu Zimo, Qingqiu, Xiangling Yin Chenglin, Zhao Yu, the two golden immortals of the Kunpeng Alliance...

You Yue was the only Lantern Envoy who followed Lin Fei from the Demon Realm.

Cai Beiyu clicked a sea of ​​consciousness mark, allowing Lin Fei to see the bitter battle between Zhenbei City and the Ten Thousand Races Alliance.

Even now, the residents of the city still feel sympathy when recalling this battle, and they are shocked and full of emotion when they are afraid.

They even thought it was incredible, they didn't expect to be able to complete the final reversal.

As for Shu Zimo...the countless residents in the city only let out a long sigh, no matter how hard it is to be dissatisfied with him.

Indeed, Shu Zimo's behavior is cruel and cold-blooded, he even refused to save his biological father, and bears all kinds of infamy.But as he said, it's all about the bigger picture.At the last moment, he even sacrificed himself for the overall situation.

You must be very unwilling to see the final victory until your death, right?

And Qingqiu... After the news of her past experience was revealed, she was treated coldly for a time, and her life was not satisfactory.But it was the "cousin" in the eyes of those people who stepped forward and formed a part of the human wall with an insignificant body, dissipating into thousands of light particles.

Do those residents who have criticized her verbally and verbally abused her feel guilty?

Yin Chenglin and Zhao Yu, probably want to see the human race rebuild its glory at the moment of death, right?

There are also Xiangling's group of lantern envoys who have been miserable for half their lives, loyal and hard-working, hoping that one day they can follow Lin Fei to rise up, but they collapsed halfway...

"All the relatives of the victims will be treated kindly. You Yue and Ye Wudi, I will leave this matter to you, and you don't need to ask me how to carry it out." Lin Fei put his thoughts to the back of his mind and regained his usual calm.

"After the posthumous title, Shu Zimo is the Marquis of Beicheng."

"Qingqiu, Xiangling, Zhao Yu... are the imperial wives."

"Yin Chenglin is the general who suppresses the barbarians."

"All races under the Kunpeng Alliance, such as bloodthirsty mad sharks and Xuanyin jellyfish, are listed as allies and are protected by the heavens. In addition, the Eighty Nine Xuanbing Land and the Lingxiao Bagua Mountain will be separated. The Golden Immortal who died in the clan war should be given to the Golden Immortal Xuanhuang Ship of his race, which will be delivered in the future..."

"All victims are martyrs, and their descendants receive preferential treatment from the descendants of martyrs..."

"The above is the emperor's jade order, telling the universe."

Lin Fei's voice was powerful and powerful.

One decision after another came out of his mouth, which made the whole town of Zhenbei excited.There are countless monks in the Kunpeng Alliance with tears in their eyes and excited.

During the Battle of the North Sea, too many members of the Kunpeng Alliance felt cold, thinking that Cai Beiyu had made an extremely stupid decision.It's just that due to reality, I have to grit my teeth and follow, I only feel that the future is uncertain, and it is probably over.

Who would have thought that there would be such glory at this moment? !

Lin Fei is in charge of the power of the Human Emperor and is about to rebuild the Heavenly Court. They all have the merit of being a dragon!

Think about it—

In the future, their clansmen will be able to enjoy the treatment of the original prehistoric human clan, go to Yunxiao Alchemy Immortal Palace to practice and study, and even hear the preaching of Wansheng Tianzun;

It can be divided into eight or nine Xuanbing land, Lingxiao Bagua Mountain, and 33 Chongtian output;

Be able to go to the world of mortals, broaden your horizons, and learn from the essence of many planes and different civilizations;

Not only did he avoid being bloodbathed like other strong races, but he jumped up and walked into glory with the human race!

"What? Do you still think I'm going my own way and ruining the entire Kunpeng Alliance?" Cai Beiyu smiled slightly and looked at Cai Beipeng.

The old face of the latter blushed slightly, coughed dryly and said, "My sister has a long-term vision, I feel ashamed."

When Cai Beiyu heard this, he shook his head slightly and smiled lightly.

It's not a long-term vision...

From the moment she disobeyed Ye Lingyu's projection, she never thought that she would survive.

But Tianzun... can always create miracles.Or, he himself is the miracle itself?

"Although it broke the backbone of the Wanzu and made them unable to stand up again, but..." Lin Fei's eyes were filled with a deep chill, "This matter is not over yet."

"The ancestral lands of those powerful clans will belong to my Heavenly Court from now on!"

A storm of regime change will surely spread across the entire Primordial Continent with the force of a prairie fire!

The Human Emperor's Jade Order shook the universe and spread to every corner of the Great Desolate Continent.Strongly announced the rise of the human race, and plunged the ten thousand race into a great crisis.

Zhenbei City rose again, and returned to its place in an instant, repressing the space-time rift.

At the same time, many former powerful clans also dispatched a group of the strongest clans at present, rushing towards Zhenbei City in a hurry.

But this time it was not for war.

Instead, surrender.

Among the ancestral lands of the major races, large-scale migrations have begun.But what's interesting is that none of the resources left in the ancestral land were ever taken away.There are even a large number of monks' own resources, which are left in the ancestral formation and stored in different categories.

Some races were even more ruthless, simply imprisoning a large number of clansmen in the ancestral land, and leaving behind the jade slips of spiritual thoughts.It listed the crimes of these tribesmen, saying that they were allowed to be dealt with by Tianzun, and hoped to appease their anger.

In the Jade Slips, they are extremely humble, keeping their posture extremely low, saying in a pleading tone that there are good and bad people in the tribe, some people have never done anything that hurts human beings, and I hope Tianzun will not kill them all.

On this day, on the entire prehistoric continent, countless human beings who hid in the gutter like mice all saw the light of day again at this moment;

On this day, monks from all directions headed towards Zhenbei City, and were about to plead guilty and surrender;

On this day, a brand-new gate was built in the ancestral land of the immortals and demons, and two large characters of "Heavenly Court" were written on it.

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