Carnival was the main theme of Zhenbeicheng that day.

As the sun sets, everything in the city is covered with a warm orange light.

The whole city was buzzing with people, and it was in full swing.The air is filled with the smell of all kinds of food, and even more mellow wine aroma, lingering and lingering.

But Lin Fei, who is the new emperor, is not in the city.He is "visiting" the ancestral lands of the major powerful clans, and will further expand the results of victory.If you think about it with your toes, you can know that those races who participated in the siege and suppression of Zhenbei City are bound to face catastrophe.

The city lord's mansion is also preparing a banquet, and there will be a joyous gathering.

As a cook, Long Shuai felt that this was the pinnacle of his career.Just seeing those ingredients, he could hardly breathe, feeling like he was living in a dream, trembling with excitement.

Dragon liver, phoenix marrow, wings of phoenix and golden crow, tail of nine-tailed fox...

There is even a huge strip in it, which is as thick as a millstone and more than ten meters long.

"What is this?" Long Shuai felt ashamed, feeling that he was too inexperienced to recognize what kind of food it was.

What a bad cook I am!

The one who helped him cut these ingredients was a female Jinxian of the Kunpeng tribe.It is a great honor for Jinxian to help the cook.But this is something that can't be helped. With Long Shuai's cultivation strength, even the corpses of these prehistoric beasts can't be hurt by him.

Not to mention cutting ingredients from it, cooking and cooking.

When the female Jinxian heard this, she said expressionlessly, "Tiger whip."

Naturally, it is the stuff of the Xuanhu clan.

Long Shuai's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the tiger whip as if he had seen a ghost: "I'll go, isn't this too fierce?!"

As a man, he suddenly showed a smile that men can understand: "Hey, how good is this thing?"

The female golden fairy didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Long Shuai consciously made a slip of the tongue, immediately gave a coy smile, touched his nose, and continued cooking.

Just cooking a dinner, but the kitchen is full of light and life is transpiring.Phantoms such as phoenixes, real dragons, and unicorns appeared from time to time, making roaring sounds, and the scene was extremely astonishing.

Long Shuai just wanted to taste the fire, but the majestic life energy almost tore through his body.He was screaming, his whole body was hot, and he opened his mouth to spurt out a burst of flames, even the blood from his mouth and nose evaporated in an instant.

If it wasn't for the female golden fairy to dissipate the life essence in his body, I'm afraid that Long Shuai would die from a thinly sliced ​​piece of phoenix meat.

A series of delicacies were served on the table.

What are stewed fairy mushrooms with phoenix, fighting between dragons and tigers, dragon liver and phoenix marrow, unicorn sashimi, golden crow wings with honey sauce, spicy phoenix wings, spicy dragon head, braised black tiger palm......

The specifications of this table dish are extremely exaggerated, it is simply a recipe of Wanzumei.

It's just that there are too few people who get together.

The seven Golden Immortals of the Kunpeng Clan, Ye Wudi, Ji Yaoguang, Yin Zi, and You Yue are all the people at the table.

Shu Zimo, Xiang Ling and the others were gone.

Except for the Seven Great Golden Immortals, after eating a meal, everyone's life energy is violent, their pores are dilated, and the energy that is difficult to refine is released.The rays of the sun are dense, as if they are going to soar collectively.

As a chef, Long Shuai can naturally enjoy such a gluttonous feast, but he doesn't share the same table with everyone.Despite everyone's invitation, he still abides by the etiquette rules and only eats in his own room, not sitting with these "high-level people".

Ji Yaoguang can also let him go—maybe he can relax a bit without having dinner with the "leader" and don't have to be so restrained.

During the dinner, Ji Yaoguang looked at Cai Beiyu from time to time, which made everyone feel a little bit guilty: Maybe they regarded her as a rival in love and felt a sense of crisis?

Cai Beiyu was calm and composed, and even smiled at her.

On the contrary, Ji Yaoguang's pretty face flushed slightly, and she turned her gaze away.

The atmosphere was a little delicate for a while.

At this time, Lin Fei had already arrived at the ancestral land of Phoenix.

Under the warm sunset light, in the endless plane tree forest.The tall sycamore trees shone like purple clouds, swaying in the wind like a sea of ​​leaves.

Half of the phoenixes here have migrated away, but none of the resources have been taken away.Zixia Linghuo veins are intact, and the sycamore trees are still thriving.

Even in the Phoenix Nest Palace where Feng Hechu once lived, all kinds of rare resources are piled up in different categories.Weapons such as knives, guns, swords and halberds, armor such as feathers, armor and heart mirrors, special magic weapons such as mirror fans, bells and tripods, and fairy mines...

Lin Fei was not polite, and directly swept the sleeve away.A ray of light flashed, and the resources in the entire palace were collected by him into the space ring.

With one step, his figure was already in prison.

Ironically, the Central Prison belonging to the Phoenix Clan holds more than 1000 Phoenixes.At the entrance, there is a scroll of jade slips, which records all the crimes of Phoenix.

Tens of thousands of human beings are easily killed by these phoenixes.


Lin Fei's expression was cold as he paced along the corridor of the prison.

The sound of footsteps was very light, but it made countless phoenixes feel heartbroken, and endless fear spread throughout the prison.


Lin Fei snapped his fingers.


Raging flames ignited from more than 1000 phoenixes, and the screams of the phoenixes were intertwined.

This flame is extremely grotesque and terrifying, rising from their hearts and primordial spirits.

Extremely ironic.

The Phoenix family actually died under the flames, and the primordial spirits were all annihilated.And that flesh... exudes a smell of barbecue.

After leaving the prison, Lin Fei still held a roasted wing in his hand, which was steaming hot with seasonings such as honey and chili powder on it.

Lin Fei gnawed on the wind wings, his eyes turned.


The majestic and majestic gate, condensed from the void in an instant, stood at the entrance of the ancestral land of the Feng clan.

No, it has since been renamed.

It is the Zixia sycamore forest owned by the heaven.

Originally, these things should be handed over to the Seven Golden Immortals under his command, but Lin Fei gave them other tasks.

One is to rely on Jinxian's powerful information processing ability to understand the sea to implement post-war affairs in the city.For example, treating the relatives of more than 64 dead people generously is an outrageous process for Ye Wudi and You Yue, and they don't know when it will be done.

The second is to get the affairs in the city to be dealt with, and rely on the many trophies captured, such as the Zixia Wu wooden boat, the nine-day volley map and other spiritual treasures, to pick up the prehistoric humans scattered all over the world and resettle them.

The ancestral lands of these strong clans, as well as the major territories, are important resettlement places.

The human race is no longer a bereaved dog, it's time to stand up and call the shots!

Not only is the battle in the Great Desolate Continent over, but the extreme battle in the Demon Realm has also gradually come to an end.

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