I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1088 You don't really think you are strong, do you?

Demon Realm, Northern Battlefield.

At this time, the soldiers of both sides have temporarily ceased fighting and are in the stage of confrontation and repair.

Both sides have a magnificent lineup. At a glance, there are many soldiers and rigorous military appearances. Each and every phalanx is densely packed, stretching towards the sky like a tide.

A strong man is like a cloud, immovable like a mountain, standing firm like a deep mountain.Although standing still, there is also a restrained and majestic majesty.

All the mountains were destroyed, the earth burned in the fire, and the ashes of the calamity flew all over the sky.Billowing dark clouds enveloped the sky, and in the pitch-black world, those burning flames were the only light source.

An extremely depressing atmosphere enveloped the military formations of both sides silently.

This tragic battle lasted for too long, and both sides suffered extremely tragic casualties.

The Seven Nights Demon Lord's decision was correct, and the cannon fodder of the vast demon race that he brought with him became an excellent supplement.If adult men from the entire demon world hadn't been transferred to the battlefield, they wouldn't have been able to reclaim an endless supply of spirit stones while fighting.

Even if it weren't for their existence, a generation of Heavenly Demon Yong Yehou would have almost fallen.At the beginning, he spared no effort to separate the avatar of the condensed flesh and blood soul, and let it rush to the city of Eternal Night, intending to kill Lin Fei and avenge Ye Ming.

Never thought that not only failed to get rid of Lin Fei, but also put himself in danger.Li Ba, who was originally an evenly matched opponent, took advantage of his weakened state and immediately launched a stormy offensive, fighting for three days and three nights without stopping, almost beheading a generation of demons.

Fortunately, the monks under Yong Yehou's command came here, and at the cost of a large number of lives, they covered Yong Yehou's retreat to the formation and got a respite.

He alone devoured more than 3000 million demon cannon fodder.

Sometimes, the superiors of the same race may not be more benevolent than those of other races.

"Master Hou, let's lead the soldiers to charge again!" A general in the realm of Heavenly Demon wiped his lips with the back of his hand, and his hand was immediately covered with blood.When he spoke, his voice trembled a little, and his blood was shaking.

"Yes, Lord Hou!" Another demon general said decisively, "We have gained the advantage, and the enemy is definitely not our opponent! As long as we defeat the enemy, we can help the demon break the balance and kill the enemy with all our strength." Destroy that Nameless Demon God!"

"Nameless Demon God?" Yong Yehou murmured, looking at the distant sky.

The two figures sitting cross-legged facing each other remained motionless, as if they were going to sit until the sea was dry and the stone was rotten, and the world was old.

"No, that's not some nameless demon god." Yong Yehou seemed to have black flames burning in his eyes, and said in a cold voice, "How can the hero who has been able to confront the Seven Nights Demon Lord be an unknown person? "

Who is the Lord of the Seven Nights?

That is the grandson of the Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara!

It was so strange that a devil emperor popped up in the wild and far north.And this devil emperor can compete undefeatedly with the Seven Nights Demon Lord...

If it wasn't for that existence that had already perished, Yong Yehou would even suspect him.

"Master Hou!" The Heavenly Demon Warlord spoke anxiously, urging him to make a decision as soon as possible.

"Okay." Yong Yehou was about to tell the other Demon Hous to lead the soldiers to charge together, but suddenly there was a loud bang, and the world trembled for a moment.

At this moment, he looked at the distant sky, his pupils shrank sharply, and his face showed a look of horror.


A cloud of blood splattered, and the Seven Nights Demon Lord staggered, almost falling from the sky.

"Demon Monarch!" Countless demon soldiers exclaimed in surprise, all of them changed their faces.

Correspondingly, it was the surprise of this group of northern rebels.

Li Ba immediately laughed wildly, and even yelled loudly to Yongyehou from a long distance: "Yongyehou, what am I talking about? You are so capable, why don't you surrender early, lest the Seven Nights Demon Lord be defeated, You have no place to die!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely speak well in front of the Nameless Demon Lord, and try to get you to work under my command!"

Yong Yehou didn't have time to pay attention to his words, his heart was shaking violently, extremely uneasy and panicky.

"Impossible!" Seven Nights Demon Lord coughed up blood, and looked at the ghost on the opposite side, "How could the lonely king lose?!"

The crown of hair on his head was shattered, and a bundle of long silver-white hair immediately spread out in the wind, smooth as satin, dancing wildly in the strong wind.

The Seven Nights Demon Lord has sword eyebrows and star eyes, a tall and straight figure, and has the majestic spirit of a monarch.But at this moment, that handsome and heroic face was filled with endless anger, and there was no longer the usual coldness and indifference.

As the grandson of the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, he received his favor even more, his blood was sublimated and returned to his ancestors, and half of the blood of the original darkness flowed...

Seven Nights Demon Lord couldn't figure out how he could lose to the nameless Demon God in front of him in the battle of the same realm!

He even began to express his appreciation and praise to the enemy with a high and strong attitude.At one point, he felt emotional, saying that it was a pity that such a hero met him and was doomed to fall.

But as time went by, Seven Nights Demon Lord could not calm down more and more.The strength of the opponent made him unbelievable, and he couldn't tell the winner for a long time.

This also aroused the unruly nature of the Seven Nights Demon Lord, insisting on defeating the opponent to prove his way.

But he never expected that in the confrontation of all kinds of Taoism, he was the one who fell into the disadvantage.

"You don't really think you're strong, do you?" The nameless demon god was distorted, shrouded in demonic energy, and said lightly, "Your defeat is inevitable, why should you be so surprised?"

"Stop being presumptuous!" Seven Nights Demon Lord shouted angrily, and drew his sword.

Except for the Nameless Demon Lord, no one present could capture the trajectory of the sword, and even couldn't see his movement of drawing the sword.


There was only a sound of the sword sound, and the monstrous original dark sword energy came out like a hundred-foot-long mad dragon, devouring and annihilating the void.

Time, space, and matter and energy are completely reduced to nothingness within the scope of the original darkness.

This blow was far more powerful than before, and even completely annihilated the extreme field set by the nameless demon king.

Yong Yehou instantly lifted his spirits and showed a sneer.

In his opinion, even if the Seven Nights Demon Lord loses in the Dao competition, performing Yuan Dark Kuanglong Slash at this moment will surely turn the tide of defeat!

However, something that surprised Yong Yehou happened at this moment.

Under the clenched fist of the Nameless Demon God, the sky was shrouded in three completely different visions.

The highest point is the Immortal World, with majestic and continuous mountains, among which the Immortal Palace emerges in the clouds and mist.There are also fairies dancing swords, white cranes coiling around, flying springs like waterfalls, and spirit beasts such as Bai Ze roaming among them;

In the middle is the human world, where there are deserts with lonely smoke, stars and wild fields, and the Yellow River flows into the sea;

The lowest level is the demon world, dark and shadowy, with volcanoes, abysses, magma, swamps, poor and savage villages;

And with the punch of the nameless demon god, the vision of the three worlds shattered in an instant!

Only a punch without beginning and without end hit the original dark sword energy.

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