I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1096 The great devil Lin Fei is here, run!

In the garden of the villa, Bai Zhan is practicing "Golden Scale Dragon Yuan Jue".With a punch, the strong wind surged violently, there was a burst of dragon chant, and the phantom of a golden dragon enveloped itself.

"Wrong." A calm male voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Who?!" Bai Zhan's pupils shrank slightly, and he turned around like lightning, his eyes were sharp.

But he saw a man in white with extremely long black hair sitting leisurely on a stone bench with his legs crossed.

Bai Zhan's heart trembled, he didn't even know when this person appeared.

"Double pupils, holy bones...the sages of heaven, unfortunately, they are all foreign objects, not belonging to him." Lin Yuan sighed softly, and shook his head in disappointment, "Is this my junior brother?"

Bai Zhan's expression changed, he forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked tentatively, "Heavenly Demon God Lord?"

Seeing Lin Yuan nod his head slightly, Bai Zhan actually took a deep breath, his eyes were burning, and he took a step forward: "Brother, please enlighten me!"

Lin Yuan smiled with great interest: "Interesting, you are not afraid of me?"

Bai Zhan shook his head, and said directly: "Brother, if I have the intention to kill, I'm already dead. Even for senior brother, destroying the entire earth is just a matter of thought, right?"

Lin Yuan didn't answer, but stood up slowly: "One move."

Obviously agreed to Bai Zhan's invitation.

"Okay!" Bai Zhan responded readily.

boom -

Immortal astral guards burst out from his body, his double pupils burst out with radiant light, and the four images, five elements and eight trigrams runes emerged from the sacred bones, guarding all directions around him.

Bai Zhan didn't hold back the slightest, he stretched out his hand and patted it with a powerful palm.

In front of him suddenly appeared a real-like illusory cliff, covered with jagged golden dragon scales, and the mighty might of the dragon was turbulent.

The wall of Longyuan.

This is Bai Zhan's current state when he first entered the human realm.

Persistence and even crazy perseverance in practice, the massive resources left by Lin Fei before he left, the double pupil sacred bone, and his own not-so-common talent... All these factors are added together, and the current cultivation level is not enough. strange.

And Lin Yuan didn't break his promise, he only showed the same level of cultivation as Bai Zhan, and he slapped it with the same palm.


An invisible terrifying repulsive force, even ignoring the wall of Longyuan, the four images, five elements and eight trigrams runes, and even Bai Zhan's body protection fairy, did not touch it, but slapped Bai Zhan heavily.


Like a kite with a broken string, Bai Zhan vomited blood and flew backwards, crashing into the wall with a loud bang.The rocks clanged and fell, and the smoke and dust scattered in all directions.

And the majestic Longyuan Wall slammed into Lin Yuan with a loud noise, leaving a human-shaped hole in vain.

Lin Yuan didn't even blink his eyelids, and the wall of Longyuan exploded behind him, turning into golden light particles and dissipating.

Instead of relying on the strength of his physical body, he let the energy around him vibrate at a strange frequency, completely destroying the structure of the Longyuan Wall.

"What is this?!" Bai Zhan coughed up blood, his face was full of shock, full of unparalleled longing.

Whether it's that palm or the means to easily dissolve the Longyuan Wall, it's already beyond his imagination.

"Into the subtleties." Lin Yuan said lightly, his body shape was already illusory and distorted, dissipating in place like smoke.

Bai Zhan's heart was surging, recalling the blow just now, he couldn't control himself for a long time.

But regarding the incident of Lin Yuan's arrival, he had no fear or panic at all.

Even if he didn't know it, before Lin Yuan came to the world, he announced to the entire demon world: not to go to the earth, and those who disobeyed the order will destroy the nine races.

Lin Yuan did not return to the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, but went to the Eastern Desolation Demon Realm and entered the Ten Thousand Demon Palace.

Here, there are the Wanlong Chain, Poling Purple Bamboo, and Wanzhutu, three broken pieces of the Extreme Dao Emperor Armament.

Lin Yuan will use them and the materials of Xuantian Demon Sword to practice Zhu Xian again.


In the prehistoric continent, the vast East China Sea stretches as far as the eye can see.


On the surface of the clear blue sea, the waves are churning.

Lin Fei frowned slightly as he looked at the blurred silhouette of the other shore at the end of his vision.

Whether it's a space channel, shrinking the ground to an inch, flying at extreme speed, or using the power of the emperor to go to the place where the sun and the moon shine, there is still no way to get close to the land on the other side.

That blurred outline is always at the end of the field of vision, never far away, let alone approaching.

Lin Fei knew that this was a strange law belonging to the Heavenly Capital on the other side, as if it wanted to separate it from the entire Great Desolate Continent.No outside creatures are allowed to enter, and no creatures inside are allowed to go out.

But Lingyu came out of it, which shows that this is no longer an unshakable iron rule.

Lin Fei's heart moved slightly, changing the life factor.Use the chaotic body to evolve the form of the spirit race, and let the emperor's power be silenced, and step out again.


A white avenue of light unfolded under his feet in an instant, turning into a bridge to connect to the other shore.

This time, Lin Fei approached the Heavenly Capital on the other side, narrowing his eyes slightly.

This place is shrouded in all kinds of laws of heaven, like fences, chains, and cages, trapping the entire other side of the sky.

Only one chain broke, leaving a gap.

Interestingly, none of this was visible when he was not evolving into an Eldar life form.

"It seems that this is the exit for Lingyu to escape." Lin Fei wanted to pass through without any hesitation.

However, he was greatly hindered, as if the entire Heavenly City on the other side, and even the entire world were rejecting him, wanting him to retreat.

Lin Fei used the Wanhua Lingjue, almost turning it into a gorgeous horse training.

And at the moment when he used the Wanhua Lingjue, the resistance was much smaller, allowing him to break through.

In front of Lin Fei, it was already a brand new world.

There were bright red Bana flowers all over the place, up to waist height, densely packed and bright red, filling his entire field of vision.

They meander and undulate in the wind like a sea of ​​red waves.

The air is filled with a strange and fragrant floral fragrance, which contains extremely terrifying spiritual influence.But for Lin Fei's current cultivation, it can be completely ignored.

Of course, for the Celestial Cultivator, this is a great test.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, realizing that the Emperor's authority had expired.

That's right, it just didn't work.

No matter what, it can't show the slightest power here.

Lin Fei cast the mantra of clearing the heart, and the golden light emerged from the depths of the primordial spirit, and chains of order were unfolded, protecting the primordial spirit to death.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly discovered that in the field of flowers on the other side, there was actually a group of strange beings surrounding the field of flowers on the other side that looked like tall trees in the middle.

Among them, there is a Bianhua flower soaring into the sky, it is difficult to estimate its height.

The creatures were fleshless, eerie reptile sculptures made of crystal, all the size of trucks.It has eight feet attached to the ground, its back is covered with spikes, and on both sides grow strange structures that look like fins and wings. There is also a tail that looks like thorny vines, but has a crystal-like texture.

And the moment they saw Lin Fei, their leader screamed: "Run, the big devil is coming!"

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