I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1097 Encountering the Star Zerg Again

The Great Demon King can only represent one person in this other world.

That is Lin Fei.

A group of strange monsters were screaming in fright, and they were frightened out of their wits, and ran away into the distance.

This scene was so absurd that even Lin Fei was speechless for a while.

As for?Am I that scary?

Didn't it just hang and beat the ancestors of all races in the entire Biantiandu, which aroused the wrath of Heaven, and almost destroyed everything in the entire multiverse?

He didn't really start a killing spree, so how could he be so afraid?

"Fixed." Lin Fei spit out a word, and all the monsters with their eight legs sticking to the ground turned into afterimages and fled away, their movements were frozen in an instant.

"It's reasonable, you look so weird, it's good not to scare others." Lin Fei retorted casually, and all the monsters hurriedly begged for mercy with their spiritual thoughts, begging Lin Fei to let them go.

This is a special life form that only exists in the other side of the world. Their physical body materials are extremely strange and special, and they can't find the same ones even after searching the entire multiverse.

There is no sea of ​​air in its body, but there is a diamond-shaped crystal nucleus. Based on the surprise of energy storage, its energy circulation system is also completely different from that of human beings.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, there is no soul, and the destruction of the body means absolute death.

Their race names are extremely peculiar, and even though they don't understand the language, they can still perceive their name through their divine thoughts—they will never express their race to any life at any time, any place.

When Lin Fei first came to the Heavenly Capital on the other side, he complained about this strange family name.I always feel that their ancestors' brains are a little abnormal, which is why they took such absurd and funny clan names.

The key point is that this race has a special custom, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the bad taste of its ancestors: in order to show respect for their tribe, when foreigners call someone of this tribe, they must add the full prefix of the race name.

At that time, Lin Fei had just arrived, and the arrogant senior officials of the clan not only wanted to rob him, but also made such a request.Lin Fei was also straightforward, without a word of nonsense, he directly hung them up and beat them.

A group of monsters were beaten so loudly that they even moved the ancestors out.At that time, the Paradise was completely isolated from the outside world. This ancestor didn't know Lin Fei's reputation as a shocker in the entire multiverse, let alone how difficult it was for the outside world to enter the Paradise. It was just the rarest accident.

So the ancestor threatened and reprimanded Lin Fei, telling him to abide by this unquestionable rule since ancient times, otherwise Yun Yun would be punished in some way.

Then... the ancestor was also rubbed against the ground by Lin Fei, and all eight legs were broken. Immediately, he yelled and corrected: "Wrong, wrong, sorry! This shit rule must be abolished!"

I completely forgot how sacred I made this rule at the beginning, saying that it was a belief, a custom, a pride of a clan's existence, and a proof of being recognized by other races...

Lin Fei said that their clan names were too troublesome.

The ancestor immediately uttered a word firmly: "Change!"

Lin Fei said, there are a group of scum in your race who don't have eyes.

The ancestor didn't say anything else, he simply killed the high-level executives and their subordinates who tried to rob Lin Fei - outsiders killing the local residents of the other side of Tiandu would arouse the wrath of heaven.But their cannibalism has always been unlimited.

Since then, this strange race was forcibly renamed by Lin Fei and changed to "Crystal Race".

"Are there any extremely powerful people in the other side of the sky?" Lin Fei went straight to the point and asked the most crucial information.

The leader of this Crystal Clan team has a Golden Immortal cultivation base. When he heard his question, he immediately said: "Not sure!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei frowned.

The leader replied: "3000 years ago, my answer was definitely not. You also know that in this other side of the sky, even the three clans of insects, spirits and dragons have no possibility of attaining the extreme way."

"But in the past 3000 years, all kinds of oppression in the Tiandu on the other side have become smaller, and there is also a slight possibility of achieving the ultimate way. Now the three kings are retreating in their respective Tiandu, and I don't know what the situation is."

Lin Fei immediately understood, swept his sleeves, and the invisible confinement disappeared in an instant.

His figure flashed, and he was at the end of the vision of all the crystal clansmen.

When Lin Fei went away, the golden fairy of the crystal tribe named Du Jinhao had a calculating light in his pupils. He tried his best to suppress his excitement and said, "Spread the news of his arrival immediately, and prepare to hunt and capture him alive!"

The faces of all the subordinates suddenly changed, and some members of the clan hurriedly dissuaded him: "General, this is absolutely impossible! Even if the golden immortals from the entire Heavenly Capital on the other side join forces, they won't be able to hurt him even a single hair!"


Du Jinhao swung his knife-sharp crystal forelimbs and split a huge boulder weighing [-] jin on the ground. He said with a sneer, "He's useless, he's just a golden fairy."

The audience was in an uproar, and then became excited.


Good fortune can be found everywhere in the other side of the sky, but it is extremely difficult for local creatures to obtain.

All kinds of rich resources have great resistance and rejection to the creatures in them, and even the rules of heaven and earth are suppressing the creatures in the heavenly capital.Let them only be jealous of Baoshan, but not reach out to touch it.

Most of those who have the courage to try to seize the good fortune will end up dead.

This is a great torture.

For an outsider like Lin Fei, although there are dangers and oppression in some places of fortune, they are not as strong as the local creatures.

It's no wonder that the entire prehistoric people are full of endless longing, yearning and longing for this other world.

For outsiders, this place is simply paradise.

Not long after Lin Fei traveled all the way, he had already dug up two fields of medicine with thousands of elixir plants.Even the fairy medicine, there are nearly a hundred plants.

It was simple and easy for him to obtain all these, but the many bones and remains near the elixir profoundly explained what a miserable price the local creatures had paid for the resources.

And even such a tragic sacrifice, it only made the medicine field lose dozens of insignificant elixir.

It is precisely because of such weird rules of heaven and earth that when Lin Fei first came to Tiandu, many races wanted to control him and take risks to gather medicine for their respective races.

Of course, the result was that the ancestors of all races were pressed and rubbed on the ground, and they were tortured to death one by one, begging for mercy and apologizing one after another.

According to previous memories, Lin Fei came to a place that contained the spiritual root of the Great Dao.

Nine mountains, each like a dragon, guard the middle peak.

What surprised Lin Fei was that there were densely packed infinite creatures here.

All are Zerg.

There are even seven strong golden immortals who have already reached the halfway up the mountain.

The moment they saw Lin Fei, they all hissed with excitement to the point of madness.

"catch him!"

"Plant insect eggs in his body and let him collect medicine for us!"

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