I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1098 Heaven's darling, congenital creature

All over the sky, like a raging tide created by a mountain torrent, almost endless bugs rushed towards Lin Fei in an instant.

These bugs come in all shapes and sizes.

In terms of size, the small ones are like silk threads or rice grains, and the big ones are as tall as skyscrapers.

In terms of shape, there are striped soft worms, beetles, and mosquitoes...

Not only on the ground, but also in the sky, the sky is covered with clouds, boundless, like a terrifying death storm.

"Spread out, long-range strike!"

With an order, the vast Zerg race avoided in an orderly and swift manner.A large number of golden beetles emerged from behind, and some even drilled out of the ground, causing the ground to tremble and shake.

Hundreds of thousands of golden-armored giant insects with a width of seven to eight meters and a length of six to seventy meters are all golden, as if poured from fairy gold.It looks like a centipede, but has no legs. It opens its mouth and spews out a fiery dragon.

The most frightening thing is that there is some kind of special field connection in their array.Similar to Daoyun Network, although its power is not as good, it also greatly increases their attack strength.

The Zerg race has always been united, fearless, numerous, ferocious and savage, which makes the endless races of the multiverse fear them, and talk about the insects.

For such "sea of ​​insects tactics", they have been brought to the extreme.


The blazing flames turned Lin Fei's surroundings into a fiery purgatory, and everything such as trees and boulders was instantly reduced to ashes.

However, Lin Fei didn't even blink his eyelids, and was bathed in the sea of ​​fire without any injuries.

But the Zerg's attack didn't stop there.

Almost at the same time, a weird camp that looked like a bug and a snake launched an attack.They lined up neatly in a square formation, there are tens of thousands of people, each one is as thick as a bucket and seven or eight meters long, and they opened their mouths in an instant to spit out the innate emptiness!

Thousands of innate emptiness qi, all of which contain extremely terrifying corrosiveness, are like countless meteors piercing the sky and attacking Lin Fei directly.

And similar to the golden armor firefly, the camps they listed also formed a strange dao rhyme field.

There is also a space phase insect camp, cutting and tearing the space around Lin Fei;

The Frost Titan camp released tens of thousands of frost shock waves to condense Lin Fei's primordial spirit and body together;

The mind controls the camp of brain worms, gathers thousands of mental shock waves, and attacks Lin Fei's primordial spirit and golden nature;

Many self-demolition camps were screaming and neighing, waiting for orders.At any time, they can brazenly transform into death squads, and tens of thousands will bounce towards Lin Fei, and the power of exploding together is not inferior to the heaven and earth black and yellow grenades......

Even many Zerg camps did not move, just because the king of the clan, Qi Wuhou, did not give orders.

The reason why the Seven Marquises did not give orders is also very simple - our offensive is too brutal and vigorous, Lin Fei is only the peak of Jinxian, what if he is killed?If the only outsider is killed, who will get the spiritual root of the Great Dao for us?

However, even if the starry sky Zerg has restrained, its power is still too vigorous.The saturated terrifying power was all concentrated within a hundred meters around Lin Fei and his body, and it simply ravaged that space to a horrible extent.

The space was cut into tens of thousands of tiny debris fragments;

It is also covered by raging fire and frost, and does not interfere with each other under the strange Daoyun field;

The void is chirping, twisting and smoking, and suffering unimaginable corrosion;

There are also thousands of zerg's shrill and sharp hissing sounds, even if they are all gathered within a radius of [-] meters, the mental fluctuations transmitted still make the densely packed worms twitch, and large pieces of worms flying in the air fall all over the sky like pouring rain... ....

But at the place that was brutally saturated with attacks, Lin Fei could not be seen at all, nor could he feel any breath of life.

Among the seven Wuhous, one Frost Wuhou immediately became angry and stared at Jinjia Wuhou: "This is your command? The other party is just a golden fairy. Isn't your exaggerated offensive killing him?"

Immediately afterwards, other Marquis Wu also looked at Marquis Jin Jia with a hostile expression.

"Yes! Now that Lin Fei is dead, how the hell will you explain to King Wu?!"

"I told you to change your hot temper a long time ago, but you just didn't listen, are you satisfied now? You made such a big mistake, killing you ten times is not enough to relieve your hatred!"

Facing the overwhelming anger of his companions, Marquis Jinjia was quite aggrieved, and angrily said: "How do I know he is so fragile?! He used to be a strong man in the inner universe, even if he is a golden immortal, he should be the strongest among them, right? "

Wuhou Bingshuang was almost blown up by him, and he slapped him on the spot: "Yes, that's right, he must be the strongest among the Golden Immortals! But even if he is the strongest among the Golden Immortals, he can Do you know how strong it is, it will definitely be able to withstand this round of offensive? You know shit!"

But when the seven golden immortals were arguing, there was a playful voice: "It's really interesting. I have seen many enemies who want me to die. Guys like you who want me to survive... are rare .”

The attack before was indeed terrifying, even the existences like Xian Taixuan and Mo Taixu would die in it.

There are countless planes in the multiverse, but there are only three innate races. One can imagine how terrifying they are.

But... the one who endured this attack was none other than Lin Fei.

The seven Zerg Golden Immortals were shocked immediately, turned around like lightning, and looked over in unison.

However, he saw the chaotic atmosphere around Lin Fei, and his figure was illusory and ethereal, as if he wanted to escape from this world.Withstood the previous round of offensive, unexpectedly unscathed!

"How is it possible?!" The seven Zerg Golden Immortals couldn't believe it, and exclaimed in surprise, even Jinjia Wuhou couldn't accept what he saw.

In his opinion, even if Lin Fei was the strongest Golden Immortal, if he survived this round of attack, he should be severely injured so that they could be captured alive.

But... what the hell is unscathed?

Are you sure this is not an immortal emperor, but a genuine golden immortal? !

But after a brief shock, the Seven Golden Immortals became excited again.

In any case, it is a great thing that Lin Fei, the best "tool man", is not dead!

"Lin Fei, you should know the strength of our starry sky Zerg!"

"I advise you to obey me honestly and swallow the eggs to get the spiritual root of the Nine Sacred Way!"

Lin Fei just put his hands behind his back, and asked indifferently: "If not, so what?"

Jin Jia Wuhou immediately snapped: "Don't bring yourself to perish! I can't guarantee that the next round of offensive will save your life!"

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and grasped it, and the surrounding space that was shattered into countless powders healed instantly.

Under the horrified eyes of the seven golden immortals, he looked towards the sky and sighed quietly: "I am also very distressed——"

"What if I can't hold back and kill you all?"


The Zerg in the audience were manic and restless, extremely angry.

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