I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1099 Is this just a little rotten fish and rotten shrimp?

"Take it!" Jinjia Wuhou neighed, commanding the Zerg army to launch a full-scale attack.

After initially getting acquainted with Lin Fei's terrifying strength, this time he had no reservations at all, and he was not worried at all about taking the other party's life inadvertently.

However, before the Zerg could show their might, Lin Fei had already made the move this time.


On the top of the sky, a grand Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram covers the entire battlefield, pressing down in the air.

The Dao Yun field in many Zerg phalanxes trembled, and thousands of insects neighed, trying their best to fight back against this Tai Chi diagram, trying to get rid of the fate of being suppressed.

Fierce dragons, frost shock waves, corrosive innate emptiness, and invisible space-cutting blades raged all over the sky, attacking from the ground to the sky.There are also tens of thousands of death squads, jumping up like grasshoppers, and crashing into the Tai Chi diagram without fear of death.

For a moment, the universe trembled, and nine majestic mountains like dragons collapsed into dust and dust.The Tai Chi diagram is even more colorful, covered with frosty flames, making "chi chi" sounds under the terrifying corrosiveness, and emitting white smoke.

Countless self-demolition bugs exploded, and clusters of bright fireworks bloomed on them.Thousands of flowers are shining brightly.

But all in vain.

The Taiji Diagram trembled and rotated, dispelling all kinds of power, and fell with the force of crushing the eternal blue sky.

In an instant, except for Marquis Qiwu, all the Zerg races present were suppressed.Like a still picture, it freezes and cannot move anymore.


"This is impossible!"

At this moment, Qi Wuhou was all trembling, unable to accept what he saw, and looked at Lin Fei in horror.They deeply realized that they still seriously underestimated Lin Fei.

He is not extremely strong, but he suppressed the Zerg army with only one move!

It is also in the Golden Immortal Realm, how could the gap be so large?

"Starry Sky Zerg, that's all." Lin Fei Shiran landed on the Taiji Diagram, and said lightly, "If it weren't for this heavenly capital on the other side, you would have been wiped out."

"Arrogance!" Jin Jia Wuhou's eyes spewed fire, turning into two blazing blazing blades.


The flaming blade sliced ​​through the void, making it hard to find as if it had penetrated through it all.Leaving aside the rushing process in the middle, he actually appeared an inch in front of Lin Fei and pierced towards his eyes.

The sharp edge of the blade almost hit Lin Fei's eyeballs, but the latter didn't even blink his eyelids.

The space in front of him twisted strangely, even the flaming blade was twisted and disappeared in place.

You don't even need to use Chaos Eye.


The solid carapace of Marquis Wu in the golden armor was pierced through life and death, splashing a pool of blood, which evaporated again under the terrifying high temperature.Not only that, the flesh and blood inside was burning even more, and even the golden armor near the wound was scorched black.

He immediately let out a shrill and terrifying neigh, shaking the clouds in the sky.

The Marquis Wu were shocked, and the Frost Titan Hou immediately swung his hammer-shaped forelimbs the size of a millstone to take a picture.A ball of deep-cold black ice emerged, and when it touched the wound, it immediately made a "chi chi" sound, and a large white mist filled the air, stopping the fire.

"Let's attack together!"

"Yes, take the opportunity to rescue our army!"

Under Lin Fei's terrifying power, Qi Wuhou couldn't care less, and each showed his magical powers and killed them.

In an instant, an energy storm raged.

The seven golden immortals are all extraordinary, just saying that they come from the Zerg in the starry sky is enough to explain their horror.

With seven enemies and one, no matter how you look at it, it is a crushing situation, and even a careless one may kill the enemy.

But this is not the case.

Lin Fei's body was full of immortal light, burning like a divine furnace.His eyes were indifferent and cold, as if he were an ant, and he just waved his fist.


Amidst a muffled sound, the blazing shields of Jinjia Wuhou exploded.Even the carapace, whose toughness was comparable to that of the Golden Immortal Supreme Treasure, was pierced through, leaving behind a fist shadow the size of a millstone, piercing back and forth!

Facing the spiritual control of Marquis Wu, Lin Fei's soul is filled with golden light, like a sea of ​​golden light bursting out, illuminating the heavens and the universe!

"Ah!!" Marquis Wu of the Mind let out a shrill scream, and the huge head, which was much larger than the body, cracked open like porcelain, and strange purple blood oozes from it.

Under the blow of the phase space, the space around Lin Fei was shattered and cut into countless particles, like hundreds of millions of dust.However, such mighty power was greatly hindered and could not be applied to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's face remained unchanged, he just stretched out a palm and pressed forward.

"Heaven and earth return."

The space around him that was shattered into particles actually reorganized and healed at this moment.On the contrary, it was the shattered space, the terrifying power that penetrated deeply into the void, and poured it back.


This is a terrifying torrent of death, the space it passes through is shattered and turned into countless particles.Even the void, where no material energy exists, bears enormous destructive power.

Xianghou, who is the most adept at the laws of space, was destroyed by his own power at this moment, completely turning into particles, and annihilated together with the space fragments!

Lin Fei had one against seven, but he hung the Zerg Wuhou and beat him, almost rubbing against the ground...

After a short confrontation, the seven Zerg Wuhous were all flesh and blood, missing arms and legs.They were all sealed and fell on the Taiji diagram in a mess.

Lin Fei stepped on the head of the Frost Titan Hou, and folded his hands casually in front of his chest.Under the terrified gazes of all the Marquis Wu, he shook his head and said flatly, "Just this bit of rotten fish and rotten shrimp is not enough for me to have a good time."

The seven Marquis Wu collapsed in an instant, with the urge to scold his mother.

Damn, what is rotten fish and rotten shrimp?We are golden immortals, or golden immortals from the starry sky Zerg, can we have some basic respect!

What else is "just like that"?You treat the golden fairy as a Chinese cabbage, and I will give you a dozen every now and then?

What's the matter, Jinxian can still line up and form an army to kill you?

The seven Marquis Wu didn't know that Lin Fei had really done this kind of thing.The terrifying number of Golden Immortals in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races was killed like rotten fish and shrimps in front of him.

Qi Wuhou struggled with all his strength, but was shocked to find that the double seal imposed by Lin Fei was far beyond imagination.Even as the starry sky Zerg, it is difficult for them to break through for a while.

Lin Fei ignored them and walked straight towards the towering mountain peak.

Here, there is extremely terrible suppression.

Unable to approach the top of the mountain by flying in the sky, space passages, etc., one can only walk up one step at a time.

Moreover, the entire mountain is filled with special energy fields, which are extremely corrosive and destructive to the physical body, soul, and even gold nature.

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