Lin Fei could even clearly feel that this mountain seemed to be alive, conveying an intuitive desire.

Longing for life, flesh and blood, and soul.

What's more interesting is that this desire is only aimed at the creatures of the other side of the sky.

"If you want to climb a mountain? Then use your life to do it!" Basically, that's what it means.

Lin Fei suddenly realized why the Zerg race was so motivating.

The dark brown soil soaked with blood along the way, wings, carapace, tentacles and other residues also supported his conjecture.

Obviously, the Zerg race went crazy for the special Dao Spiritual Root on the top of the mountain, and directly used members of the same race as cannon fodder.

For the native creatures of the other side of the sky, this place is like an evil and terrifying place of sacrifice. If they want to get something, they must pay the price.

And what the Zerg lack most is probably cannon fodder.

As long as there is enough energy and time, the female insect can produce a steady stream of Zerg legions.

Lin Fei didn't know what a painful price the Zerg had paid for the Seventh Marquis walking halfway up the mountain, but this did not affect him from enjoying the benefits.

He walked on the safe road opened by the Zerg, and he didn't even forget to say a word, quite dissatisfied: "It's still so far from the top of the mountain, can you be any more useless?"

This sentence was so lethal that Marquis Qi Wu was so angry that his orifices burst into smoke and burst on the spot. He wanted to tear Lin Fei into pieces and swallow him!

Didn't the queen say that our race is the most terrible predator of all diversity?

Look at what this guy is doing...I'm so fucking suspicious of it!

"Damn, is this thing really a human?!"

"Snatched our luck halfway, and still think that we didn't sacrifice enough and didn't pave the way for you? What's the matter, do you want us to die directly, so that you can go all the way to the top of the mountain?"

Facing their out-of-control roars, Lin Fei didn't turn his head back, and just responded lightly: "That's right, that's what I meant."

Marquis Qiwu couldn't bear it anymore, and continued to swear.But he could only look at his back, powerless and furious.

With the safe path opened up by the Zerg, Lin Fei soon came to the halfway up the mountain, where the Qiwuhou was before.

But Qi Wuhou, who was furious before, sneered at this moment, and looked at Lin Fei with grievous resentment.

"Keep going, why did you stop?!"

"Aren't you that good? Rush to the top of the mountain if you have the ability!"

"What, are you afraid? Don't dare to move?"

"Hehe, it's too late to regret it now. I advise you to swallow the queen's eggs and cooperate with us to conspire with the great spirit root."

"One more step forward, and it will be beyond redemption!"

Facing Qi Wuhou's sarcastic voice, Lin Fei only uttered two words in a cold voice: "Noisy!"

As soon as the voice fell, he took a step forward.


Lin Fei suddenly felt extremely terrifying pressure, as if he was carrying half the weight of the vast universe plane on his back.Not only that, but there is also invisible and strange energy, which is trying to erode his body and soul.

Lin Fei smiled, and deeply realized why the other side couldn't obtain the spiritual root of the Great Dao on the top of the mountain.

It's too ridiculous.

As an outsider, he still felt so oppressed.Then if the local creatures came here, wouldn't they directly feel the weight of an entire cosmic plane on their body, and their body and spirit would be wiped out on the spot?

Not to mention Qi Wuhou, even if their queen forcibly breaks in here, there is only one dead end.

Marquis Qiwu stared at Lin Fei firmly, his expression changed slightly at this moment.

Lin Fei not only withstood the great pressure that day, but his body was still as tall and straight as a bamboo, his back was never bent, his knees were never bent, and he forcibly withstood it!

Marquis Qiwu was still not reconciled, he just wanted to see the scene of him drinking hatred: "I see how long you can last!"


When Lin Fei took a step forward, a deep hole appeared directly under his feet, causing the entire mountain to tremble and shake.

Even his calf sank under the rock formation, buried in the crook of his leg.

And when Lin Fei pulled his legs and took another step, the damaged rock formation healed instantly.

The sky on the other side is like an indestructible forbidden land, and all kinds of heaven and earth are unimaginable.And the land containing great fortune is even more extraordinary.

Every step Lin Fei took was as heavy as a million pounds.The terrifying roar sounded like thunder. If they hadn't been trapped in the Taiji Diagram, a large number of Zerg members would have been shocked to death on the spot and exploded into blood mist.

But he never stopped, let alone turned around and left, but approached the mountain resolutely and resolutely.

The Seven Marquis Wu were still waiting to see his jokes with cold eyes at first, but soon they couldn't laugh anymore, they were all shocked in their hearts and couldn't calm down.

Because Lin Fei is getting closer and closer to the spiritual root of the Great Dao on the top of the mountain!

A horrified thought flashed into Qi Wuhou's mind in an instant.

He won't... just take away the spiritual root of the Great Dao, right? !

And the moment he set foot within a radius of [-] meters around the spiritual root of the Great Dao, the pressure Lin Fei was under suddenly increased.

This is completely oppression that does not give way to survival!

Lin Fei had no doubts that even the Second Emperor of Dongtian could only choose to stay away.Not to mention breaking through, even stopping for a while would be life-threatening!

With Lin Fei's keen sense, he can even clearly feel that the danger ahead is still increasing gradually.

But...he is not Donghuang Taiyi, nor is he Tianhuangjun.

It's Wansheng Tianzun, Lin Fei.

A sharp look flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, his face was stern, and he moved forward again resolutely.


At this moment, not only was the invisible suppression fierce and decisive, it seemed to crush him into powder.Even the erosive energy went berserk, causing his body to show signs of aging, with slight wrinkles appearing, and two or three strands of crystal black hair turned gray.

"Lin Fei, come back quickly, don't lose your life in vain!"

"That's right, we can cooperate to help you obtain the Great Spiritual Root!"

Seeing this scene, Marquis Qiwu, who was an enemy, became impatient, as if he cared about Lin Fei so much.

In fact, he just wanted to control Lin Fei, so he used it as a tool to collect medicine for himself.

"I'm enough alone." Lin Fei sneered, his whole body was violently boiling, washing all his limbs and bones.In an instant, the slightest wrinkles dissipated, the white hairs turned black, and the whole person was filled with incomparable majestic power, and moved forward again.

Forcibly, Qi Wuhou looked stupid.

Some were terrified, some were stunned, and even Marquis Wu murmured in a dazed, dreamlike way: "I'm so stupid..."

What the hell is this!

He is definitely an extremely strong man pretending to be a golden fairy!

Yes, definitely so!

Eighty steps, fifty steps, thirty steps...

The distance between Lin Fei and the spiritual root of the Great Dao is getting closer and closer.

As he advances, oppression and erosion also increase dramatically.

At this moment, Qi Wuhou was terrified, and his soul was trembling, feeling the great terror from instinct.

"Extreme power!"

"It's over, he's dead!"

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