On a branch, the leaves are shaped like plantains, flowing with holy golden light, and bearing a Dao Fruit the size of a baby's fist, shaped like an ancient golden clock.There are ancient and clumsy patterns on it, with complicated patterns, like flowers, birds, fish and insects.Slightly fluttering in the breeze, there is a long bell, which makes people feel calm, quiet and peaceful;

On the other branch, the leaf shape of the sage tree resembles a loquat, filled with moon-white brilliance, bearing a silver-white Dao fruit in the shape of a vase.As if there is life, breathing out the rays of the sun, full of majestic life energy;

On another branch, black leaves bloomed in all directions like thorns, densely packed together, like a forest of sharp swords, with fierce murderous aura, and a Dao fruit like a small black metal sword was formed.Layers of black sharp awns overlap and wrap around them, full of violent killing intent.

In addition, there are Dao fruits in the shape of small tripods, gourds, mirrors, small pagodas, jade umbrellas, etc., all of which reveal profound Dao rhymes, which are extremely extraordinary.

Such a towering ancient tree only bears nine Dao fruits, each of which is the essence, which makes people jealous.

There is no doubt that these Dao fruits are already mature, otherwise the Zerg would not be so mobilizing and mobilizing their troops, and they would not hesitate to pay a huge price to seize them.

However, the arrival of Lin Fei, an unexpected guest, completely broke all their plans.

Marquis Qiwu was so jealous that he was almost crazy, but he could only watch helplessly as Lin Fei snatched the dao fruit that looked like an ancient clock.


With a crisp sound, Lin Fei plucked the dao fruit from the tree.That incomparably luxuriant branch withered in an instant, turned into golden powder and withered and drifted away in the wind.


Jin Zhong Daoguo trembled and made a deafening bell ringing sound, trying to escape Lin Fei's palm, but it was in vain.He bit it down with a "click", and his mouth was immediately filled with the sweet and fruity aroma.

The majestic life energy and the sacred power of the avenue immediately rushed towards Lin Fei's limbs and bones.

He swallowed the whole Dao fruit in two or three mouthfuls, only to feel that the pores all over his body were stretched, and a little bit of golden light bloomed.Bathed in it, as if about to ascend to the sky.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged on the spot, silently refining the monstrous and turbulent medicinal power, and there was a long bell ringing in his body, and his figure was shrouded in the phantom of an ancient golden bell.

Accompanied by the rapid refining of the medicinal effect of the Dao fruit, there was a "crackling" sound of bones exploding all over him.Not only the damaged bones are healing, but even the wrinkles all over the body are dissipating, the gray hair turns black inch by inch, the exhausted and decaying blood seems to be reborn, and the body is gradually full.

This is only an external manifestation of the physical body, but it is enough to show that the situation of Lin Fei's injury to the source is improving rapidly.

Qi Wuhou looked at this scene, his eyes were tearing apart.

"The speed at which he refines the medicinal effect... is it too exaggerated?!"

"You call that an exaggeration? I'd rather call him outrageous!"

Under their horrified gaze, Lin Fei's physical body has already recovered.No longer the old and twilight appearance before, he has regained his youth again, his body is shining with brilliance, full of unparalleled strength, and full of energy.

Without hesitation, Lin Fei took off the second Dao Fruit.As before, the moment the Dao Fruit left the tree, the branch it was on immediately withered and turned into flying ash.

As he swallowed the fifth Dao Fruit, Marquis Qi Wu could clearly feel that Lin Fei's sense of coercion was getting stronger and stronger, and his golden nature was showing a tendency to change qualitatively.

"Who will stop him!"

"We can't let him break through to the extreme realm, otherwise, even if the entire Heaven of the Other Side joins forces, we won't be able to control him anymore!"

"Is it so easy to not control him? Even if he can't kill us and seal us all up, who can break free? We will soon become eternal prisoners!"

No matter how anxious the Zerg Seven Marquis were, they had to accept a cruel reality - they were trapped here, and they failed to pass on the news. No one could stop Lin Fei.

But this is not the case. Fate seems to be favoring innate creatures.


The space was pierced by a terrifying force, and in the pitch-black void, a majestic and terrifying blood-colored capital suddenly descended.There are nine floors of grand palaces, exuding unparalleled coercion.

Such a majestic city has a flesh-like texture.There are even bulges like blood vessels and meridians on it, which are as thick as buckets at every turn, densely covered everywhere, beating vigorously like a pulse.


The boundless, black tide-like Zerg clings to every corner of this mighty city.They hooted and neighed, gathered into an incomparable shock wave, and rushed towards the Qiwuhou camp.

The sharp and shrill neighing sound immediately exploded the space with a radius of thousands of miles.The Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram trembled, black and white qi gushed out, and it collapsed in an instant.



Marquis Qiwu was overjoyed, and immediately cooperated with this mighty force to break through the seal with a thunderous bang.

Not only that, amidst the turbulence of the universe, another capital city descended from the sky.

Different from the spooky Zerg capital shrouded in blood mist, this majestic city is built like hundreds of millions of catties of white marble, beautiful and beautiful, like a dangerous place in a fantasy world.The nine-story palace is located in it, and every two palaces are connected by 99 layers of white jade steps.

In front of the palace, there were rows of slender figures in white gauze skirts and veils.There are both men and women, and they are shrouded in gorgeous aura.

Mysterious, dreamy, revealing a lofty meaning beyond the dust.

Obviously, it is the capital of the Xiantian Spirit Race.

Lin Fei had a panoramic view of everything, and even showed a sneer.

These two clans have arrived, how can the starry sky dragon clan remain silent?

Sure enough, the moment he had such a thought, he felt another sense of coercion.

There were even thousands of dragons roaring, and terrifying phantoms that shattered the stars, sun, and moon emerged in the sky, which had a great spiritual impact.

The capital city of the Dragon Clan in the starry sky stared at a night scene impressively, and the stars in it were as bright as diamonds.There are a total of 360 five-week days, embedded in the sky, sprinkled with mottled stars.

The strange suppression of the Heavenly Capital on the other side has made the coverage of the spiritual consciousness of the local creatures extremely small. It stands to reason that there is no way to find Lin Fei so quickly.

There is no doubt that someone must have informed.

Lin Fei had a half-smile, and looked deeply at the entrance of the Spirit Clan's capital. It was the group of crystal clansmen he had met in the flower field on the other side.

"Master Lin, you guessed it right, I betrayed you!" Du Jinhao laughed, although he had no eyebrows, he also had a kind of joyful expression, "The three innate races have promised, and they will give me great benefits!"

In the area covered by Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness, he could even see the gathering of powerhouses from all directions, converging towards this place in a mighty way.

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