I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1103 So What About Strong Enemies Like Clouds?

Du Jinhao thought he had a plan, and sneered sarcastically: "Lin Fei, you are too arrogant! You could have easily sealed us, but you didn't take us seriously and let us go. It's a pity, now I regret it. That's too late."

"The ants in your eyes that can be crushed to death with one finger have driven you into a desperate situation, but you still have nothing to do with me—"

Du Jinhao showed an excited smile and said provocatively, "How are you, are you angry? Hahaha!"

Lin Fei just glanced at him, and said lightly: "Why don't you think about it, this is exactly what I want to see?"

His voice fell, and there was an uproar from all directions.


"Could it be that he thinks that he can still be an enemy to all of us? Extremely arrogant!"

"Things who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, still think that they are the inner universe powerhouse back then?"

At the same time, in the three capitals, there were three figures of strong men who soared into the sky, exuding endless coercion, and worshiped by all.

The Zerg Queen took human form, an eerie smooth purple complexion.He was completely naked, but covered with a strange black substance.The material is very special, both like carapace and flesh and blood.She is about 1.8 meters tall, with long black hair wriggling like thousands of worms, and she opened her mouth to reveal ferocious sharp teeth, which is quite terrifying.

And there is a pair of wings behind her, without feathers, like indestructible black fairy gold, shining with cold and sharp light.

The king of the spirit clan is also a woman, shrouded in brilliant aura, the whole person is extremely illusory, not like a real existence.

And the Dragon King of the Starry Sky turned into a human form, a majestic middle-aged man.There are two golden horns growing on his head, and within a pair of apocalyptic golden pupils, the scene of the collapse of the galaxy emerges.

Lin Fei felt very clearly that the three of them were infinitely close to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.In terms of such a deep precipitation, the outside world has already broken through the Zixiao Thunder Tribulation and proved to be the ultimate.

The Zerg Queen was the most straightforward, and directly gave the order: "Charge!"

She can't just sit back and watch Lin Fei achieve the ultimate goal, even if the sacrifice of the vast Zerg tribe clears the way, she must let the coalition forces kill the top of the mountain and win it in one fell swoop!


In an instant, countless bugs screamed and roared, heading towards Lin Fei on the top of the mountain.The scene was extremely spectacular. From the sky to the ground, there were all black and tide-like Zerg, charging bravely without fear of death.

There is even more weird mind control power, controlling the members of the major races coming from all directions.

These creatures who originally wanted to wait and see for a while lost their minds in an instant, and their faces were full of fanaticism.

"For the Queen!"

Creatures from all major races roared in unison, like the most craziest and devout believers, joining the Zerg suicide army and rushing towards the mountain.

From the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountain, nothing happened along the way.Countless Death Squads are coming menacingly, like a tide, and the members of the Death Squads in the distance seem to meet the sky, forming a long black line.

The momentum is like a rainbow, and the Gang Qi is blazing.The violent attack rhythm made the ground tremble, conveying a suffocating sense of coercion.

And after stepping halfway up the mountain, it was an extremely tragic death.

Without any warning, it was as if they had stepped into a death penalty zone, and a row of monks were directly blasted into blood mist, dying extremely simply.

But even so, the creatures behind did not flinch in the slightest.At the cost of their lives, push forward firmly and quickly, all the way to the top of the mountain.

Seeing such a tragic scene, the Dragon King of the Starry Sky just snorted coldly: "Here it comes again, the mind control of the Zerg."

But Ling Wang didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

Facing the offensive of the Tiandu coalition forces on the other side, Lin Fei didn't even bat an eyelid.Sitting cross-legged under the shade of the Nine Holy Spirit Root tree like an old monk in meditation, he continued refining the fifth Dao Fruit.

Lin Fei clearly realized that this spiritual root of the Nine Sages Dao is more than enough to break through to the extreme state.If the first dao fruit was not used to restore the original injury, devouring and refining five dao fruits would be enough.

In the current situation, six Dao Fruits are needed.

Just when Lin Fei completely devoured and refined the fifth Dao Fruit, the road to the top of the mountain had already been opened by the tragic sacrifices of the various races.


Without the slightest hesitation, the golden immortals from all directions moved together to kill Lin Fei, and the three kings were also among them.


Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of lightning in his eyes, which was extremely fierce.The chaotic lotus pond erupted in an instant, and the big waves rushed to all directions.

And his figure rose into the sky in an instant, passing by like a phantom ghost, and took away the remaining four Dao fruits.

The entire spiritual root of the Nine Saints Great Way completely withered at this moment, forming a storm of ashes in the strong wind.

The sky on the other side lives in a remote corner, but there are nearly a hundred golden immortals.There are nearly [-] golden immortals in the three major innate life races alone, which is extremely terrifying.

No matter how you look at it, Lin Fei has absolutely no chance of winning.

The Spirit King came rushing like a flying fairy, using the Wanhua Lingjue, forcibly tearing a passage in the chaotic waves.

Inborn spirits, everything is transformed, spirit race!

The Zerg Queen was even more ferocious, her palm instantly deformed into a blade, cutting off the golden lotus in one blow.He opened his mouth as if to devour the universe, and actually sucked in a wave of chaos. Although his whole body was trembling and oozing strange blood, it was not a serious problem.

Devour the stars, all kinds of predators, Zerg!

When the Dragon King of the Starry Sky slapped it down with his palm, it became a galaxy, and the stars in it were shining brightly.Beat the chaotic waves powerfully, without touching your body at all, and move forward domineeringly like a king without hindrance.

Look down on the heavens, put the domineering kingship above all things, the dragon clan in the starry sky!

Not only the three kings, but also the Marquis Wu and the generals under their command lined up to attack, showing extremely terrifying strength.

But even so, they felt a shock and were deeply shocked by Lin Fei's strength - even if the other party only showed the tip of the iceberg, it was enough to show the seriousness of the problem.

Because Lin Fei didn't concentrate the mighty power of the chaotic lotus pond to target a certain golden immortal, but to fight against hundreds of golden immortals present at the same time!

Everyone present was strong with venomous eyes, everyone could tell that as long as Lin Fei was willing, with one blow...the Golden Immortal would surely fall!

Even the three kings will definitely not be able to survive!


A golden fairy of the crystal family was hit by the chaotic waves, and his whole body was covered with cracks in an instant. He let out a miserable scream, and spit out a large mouthful of crystal particles, which dispersed into a crystal mist of light.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

Rows of gorgeous golden light pierced through the air, piercing through the figures of the two Zerg Wuhous, and blood spattered.


With a slap of Lin Fei's palm, the body of another arcane golden fairy was shattered, and Tuliu Yuanshen fled screaming.

"Understood?" He was surrounded, but looked coldly at the powerful enemies in all directions, "If it weren't for this heavenly capital on the other side, none of you would have survived."

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