It is true that it is impossible for Lin Fei to massacre in the other side of the sky.

But all the Golden Immortals present had already seen the horror of his seal of heaven.Under a seal rune, even the Zerg Queen was not spared and was brutally suppressed.

What about the thousands of Daotian seals?

Just thinking about it, all the golden immortals present felt their scalps go numb.

Even if Lin Fei could only seal them for a while, that would be enough—everyone could see that he only needed to swallow one more Dao Fruit, and he would usher in the Zixiao Thunder Tribulation.

If the seal of the Golden Immortal can still be broken, then the seal of the extremely strong man... I am afraid that they will never be able to escape from the predicament, and can only experience endless torture in eternal life, and death is an unfathomable relief... ..

Facing the big change in the attitude of the group of golden fairies, Lin Fei just asked indifferently: "Don't you think it's too late to beg for mercy now?"

"Not good!" The faces of all the golden fairies changed instantly.

boom -

Thousands of Heaven Seals were shot out with a bang, bursting out with a majestic momentum, causing the jade-colored clear light to rippling between the sky and the earth.One golden fairy after another was tragically sealed, and was frozen in the void by the seal of the sky, unable to move at all, shaped like clay sculptures and wood carvings.

The thousand hands beside Lin Fei folded together like a fan, calmly held up a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram, and suppressed it on the spot.


Except for Jinxian, all the monks rushing from all races were suppressed, forming a completely still picture, which was extremely strange.

"Du Jinhao, you bloody bastard, you killed us!"

"Are you satisfied now? We are all sealed, and when Lin Fei proves the ultimate way, we will not be able to move a single step for eternity!"

"It's not enough to kill you a thousand times!"

Facing the anger of the many golden immortals, Du Jinhao gave it all up and fought back directly: "Can you blame me? What kind of good things are you? If it weren't for your greed, how could the current situation be happening?"

The crystal patriarch was so angry that he always felt that the crystal nucleus in his body was about to explode: "Presumptuous! How dare you talk back, you bastard?"

Du Jinhao also broke the can and smashed it, and directly cursed: "You old bastard! I just talk back, what can you do to me?"

"Not only you, but also the Xiantian Lingwang, who acts so noble all day long, pretending to be a ghost, I really want to rape you a thousand times, to see how you cry and call Dad, just thinking about it makes me happy !"


The audience was stunned and erupted.No one could have imagined that Du Jinhao would be so arrogant that he dared to disrespect King Ling.

King Ling's beautiful eyes were as cold as a layer of frost, and his soul trembled.If she hadn't been sealed, she might tear Du Jinhao into pieces with her divine power and her gaze.

The Zerg Queen laughed out loud under such circumstances, and teased: "King Ling, it seems that you have no prestige today. A mere ant in the early stage of the Golden Immortal doesn't even think about it. You put it in your eyes."

It never occurred to her that these words were purely provocative.Du Jinhao was like a troll who was not afraid of death, and directly turned his finger on the Zerg Queen: "And you, you are not human, you are like a freak! Damn, I can't even figure it out, how could you Is it possible to live like this?"

"The whole sky is full of bugs, even a hundred thousand ground evil pigs can't be born without you! Your deformed descendants have polluted the whole sky, but anyone who is a bit ashamed should commit suicide long ago to benefit the sky!"

The audience exploded once again, and many golden immortals of the Zerg couldn't wait to smash him to ashes, and directly launched a scolding war.

At the same time, Star Dragon King suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Du Jinhao, who is not afraid of boiling water, is like a poisonous snake, spraying out the venom: "You dead loach! I've been annoyed at you for a long time, why are you staring at me? Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Believe it or not to dig out your eyeballs to refine medicine? By the way, your dragon tendon should be used as a whip, it should be used to beat your skin to pieces, please let me harvest you as a mount!"

Du Jinhao scolded more and more vigorously, his emotions gradually became agitated, and he seemed to be fighting with all the heroes, which directly angered all the bosses present.

"Do you have the ability to kill me? I've been sealed anyway, what can you do to me?!" Du Jinhao was so mad that he said contemptuously, "The three great innate beings, who were scolded bloody, It can't even hurt a single hair of mine!"

All the golden fairies collectively exploded.

Even Lin Fei looked sideways at him, thinking that this fellow was too underwhelming.

So he swept his sleeves away, and directly unsealed the seals of the three kings of Linglongworm and Du Jinhao: "I'll give you a chance to solve it by yourself."

After the momentary astonishment of the three kings, they all showed sinister and dangerous smiles, and slowly approached Du Jinhao.

"You want to fuck me, don't you?"

"I'm deformed, can I live better than Disha pig?"

"I'm a loach, right?"

When Du Jinhao saw this scene, he immediately changed color in fright—it really changed color, his crystal-like figure turned pale.

Trembling all over, he knelt down with a "plop", kowtowed and cried, "I'm just joking, adults, don't take it seriously!"

But as soon as his words fell, Ling Wang pointed like a sword and slashed fiercely.

"Ah, my legs!" Du Jinhao screamed like a pig butchered with all eight of his legs cut off.

Immediately after the Dragon King stepped down, his head exploded into countless crystalline powders with a "bang".


The Zerg queen popped out sharp metal nails, pierced his body directly, and dug out the crystal nucleus amidst the latter's screams and cries.All the surrounding mesh pipes connected like blood vessels were also cut and torn.

"Big Demon King, please, save me!" Du Jinhao's anxious thoughts came from his crystal nucleus, knowing that there is only one person who can save him at the moment, he is already jumping over the wall in a hurry.

"Didn't you say that you have pushed me into a desperate situation, and that I have nothing to do with you?" Lin Fei showed a playful smile, and responded with his very familiar words: "How are you, are you angry?"

At this moment, Du Jinhao collapsed.


With a crisp sound, his crystal nucleus was crushed by the Zerg queen, and he swallowed it in one gulp.

"Deserve it!" Many golden immortals sent out their spiritual thoughts to relieve their hatred, which was really pleasing to the hearts of the people.

Seeing that Lin Fei was about to cast the seal again, the aloof and mighty Dragon King of the Starry Sky knelt down without hesitation, and kowtowed: "Long Xing wishes to surrender forever, and only asks the Heavenly Lord for forgiveness! "

The audience was in an uproar and was shocked.

The Zerg Queen's complexion changed, flashing a lot of struggling and tangled colors, and finally knelt down, putting one hand on her chest: "Anasi greets the master!"

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