I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1106 The Arcane Path

Lin Fei didn't respond, but looked at the only Spirit King who remained silent and stood still in the void, and asked with a half-smile, "What about you?"

King Ling opened his mouth to speak, but turned to look at his subordinates.

She can clearly feel the shame, unwillingness, anger, and... desire for freedom of the clansmen.

Yes, who wants to be sealed forever?Eternal life, endless torment.On the contrary, those creatures with a short lifespan of only a few decades can get relief as soon as possible when encountering such a thing.

Despite all the reluctance, the Spirit King lowered his noble head and knelt down on one knee: "All the spirit races in the other side of the sky, offer the deepest loyalty to the Ten Thousand Saints."

The audience completely exploded!

The three innate races all chose to surrender to Lin Fei and beg for mercy!

"Big devil...ah no, Wansheng Tianzun, our Crystal Race is also willing to surrender!"

"And our Arcane Clan!"


For a while, the audience was full of spiritual thoughts, and monks from different races were all scrambling to avoid being sealed forever.

But Lin Fei was unmoved, and only looked at it coldly.

The so-called loyalty of these creatures doesn't even need to be questioned - they are all "twenty-five boys".Once there is a chance, the stabbing in the back will definitely come very quickly and ruthlessly, without even hesitation.

not to mention......

"A group of ants don't really think they are of any value to me, do they?" Lin Fei's faint voice made the audience suddenly die silent, and all the sounds of divine thoughts stopped abruptly.

After his words fell, Dang Li slapped Feng Tian Seal with his palm.


Amidst the screams of the three kings, they were suppressed again, and they couldn't escape Lin Fei's palm at all.

Deep despair, and the fear of the long torment ahead, almost suffocated them.

Lin Fei didn't care what all of them thought, but devoured and refined the sixth Dao Fruit.

In an instant, the Zixiao Shenlei, which had never appeared in the other side of the sky, suddenly rolled and swept the sky.


The purple sea of ​​thunder submerged everything in it.

But the strange thing is that there is not any golden fairy who can accompany Lin Fei through the tribulation.

The destructive Zixiao Divine Thunder couldn't touch all the golden immortals present at all.When it touches them, it is like an illusory thunder that directly penetrates through them.

It seemed to be so powerful that it frightened many golden immortals, but it did not cause the slightest harm to them.

Even the three kings of the innate race failed to usher in their own thunder calamity!


With a radius of one hundred thousand miles, it has already turned into a purple sea of ​​thunder.Mountains and lakes, plains and hills, trees and rocks, everything was smashed and annihilated.Time and space are shattered, matter and energy are gone, and the dark and deep void has been filled and submerged by hundreds of feet of thunder and sea waves.

But in the sea of ​​thunder, everything seemed so weird.

Not only the native creatures have not been attacked by thunder, but even the three capitals are intact.

Bathed in the majestic thunder, Lin Fei stared at this scene with awe-inspiring eyes, and felt more and more the strangeness of the heavenly capital on the other side.

All the creatures present were already scared to death, but after realizing this scene, they were also surprised.

Even they themselves don't understand why this happens!


The sea of ​​purple thunder went berserk, and the blazing electric lights exploded like hundreds of feet of water waves, condensing various figures in the air.

Lin Fei's pupils narrowed slightly, and he stared deeply at the shocking scene in front of him.

In addition to spirits, worms, and dragons, the condensed figure of Thunder also includes crystal tribes, arcane tribes, hundred-armed snake spiders, and nine-eyed star spirits...

They are all images of the native races of the other side of the sky!

Lin Fei knew in his heart that in this purple sky thunder calamity, the phantom of the immortal emperor will be manifested, and as part of the thunder calamity, the passers-by will be tested.

But... that's all for the three races of spirit insects and dragons. Where did the other races get the immortal emperor?

This matter itself reveals an extremely weird atmosphere!

"Your race has ever produced extreme powerhouses?!" Lin Fei's face was cold, and his whole body exuded a monstrous killing intent, which made all the monks present tremble.

However, the subtle emotional fluctuations he felt were all shocking, puzzled, and bewildered.

"My family has produced extreme powerhouses? Why didn't I know?" The crystal patriarch was stunned on the spot, and then showed a sudden look, "Could it be in another plane of the multiverse?"

Lin Fei smashed a phantom of a crystal fairy emperor, looked at him with a sneer and said, "Except for the three clans of spirit insects and dragons, your other races have never existed in any plane!"

Amidst the turbulent thunder, the atmosphere in the entire Heavenly Capital on the other side was extremely strange for a while.Amidst the uproar, the whole audience had exploded, discussing the incomprehensible scene in front of them.

At the same time, Lin Fei's pupils shrank slightly, and he realized that something was even more wrong and even subverted his cognition!

That Thunder Phantom of the Arcane Clan suddenly displayed a method completely different from that of self-cultivation!

It is similar to the magic he created by mistake, but it has an essential sublimation.From the point of view of the energy circulation system, this special practice system did not open up the sea of ​​qi, but made a big fuss about the sea of ​​consciousness.

With Lin Fei's venomous gaze, he even saw through their alternative path to becoming immortals - from the depths of the sea of ​​self-consciousness, a little light of the soul blooms, completes the process of anti-entropy, and obtains self-certification and eternal sublimation.

Even though Lin Fei has lived for [-] million years, he has never seen such a method of cultivation!

The other side of the sky, and these grotesque races... how many secrets are still buried?

In order to find out this completely different cultivation system, Lin Fei did not directly defeat this phantom, but fought with him and let him display all kinds of supernatural powers.

Soon, he was keenly aware that when the Thunder Phantom of the Arcane Clan casts supernatural powers, it must build a complex rune structure in the sea of ​​consciousness.

As the rune structure is formed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then according to specific strange spells and gestures, special energy in the sea of ​​consciousness can be provided, and magical powers can be displayed.

From the beginning to the present, he has shown several different methods successively.

One is shields, including energy shields, space folding shields, and time warping shields.Even the most outrageous is the conceptual shield - invincible.

Unless this concept can be broken by Da Luo's fortune, it means literally: invincible.

Even if it was only for one second, even if tens of thousands of golden immortals besieged him during the period, or if there were thousands or eight hundred immortal emperors like Feng Hechu who hadn't made up their minds, they wouldn't be able to hurt him a single hair!

The second is mantra, which covers a wide range.Being able to summon strange and alien life forms from the void is like a monster living in the void, powerful and ferocious; being able to achieve mass-energy conversion is nothing to say, and it can be done with cultivation.

His spells are already similar to Daluo Daoguo, covering time and space, material energy, life and death, and are extremely powerful.

Lin Fei's complexion became more and more icy, and he gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

This multivariate has a complete, huge and systematic practice system, which is enough to lead to the ultimate path.

But he didn't know it!

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