I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1113 The Demon Emperor in the Dreamland of Absolute Beginning

Lin Yuan modified his life factor, turned into a demon, and ascended from the Eastern Wilderness Demon Realm.

Went to a higher plane, the Sky Demon Realm.

His arrival made the entire Heavenly Demon Realm tremble and frightened, even a Demon Emperor was alarmed by it.

"Extremely strong!"

"What a terrifying demonic energy, could it be the Seven Nights Demon Lord?!"

"How did he come to the Sky Demon Realm?"

Amidst the uproar and panic of the crowd, there was a great sense of existence.

The evil spirit is overwhelming, the strong wind is raging, and the icy killing intent makes the world chill, and the vegetation dies and withers.

It was a tall woman, dressed in a black gauze dress, with a beautiful and cold appearance.The skirt fluttered slightly in the wind, revealing a smooth calf as white as jade.

Demon Emperor Qinglian, Su Qinglian.

All kinds of visions appeared around her, including the sky splitting demon tearing the sky, the triangular bull demon screaming and moving rivers and mountains, causing mountains to collapse and rivers to flow backwards.There are also thousands of miles of blue lakes, boundless blue lotus leaves in the sky, undulating in the wind, like surging waves, full of majestic life energy.

"Not bad, just entered the late stage of the Demon Emperor." Lin Yuan smiled lightly, as if the senior was praising the younger.

Wan Yao was in an uproar!

"How dare you dare to be rude to Demon Emperor Qinglian!"

"What is his background? Could it be that he is a strong man in the later stage of the Devil Emperor?"

"Such a strong person, what do you want to do in the demon world?"

What's interesting is that the Empress Qinglian in the late stage of the Jidao is like facing a big enemy, and the demon emperor's aura is fully revealed.But Lin Yuan, who had just entered the extreme way, was extremely calm and did not react at all.

Empress Qinglian frowned slightly, it was hard to believe that the strange devil emperor in front of her gave her a faint sense of danger.

How can this be?

You must know that the opponent is only at the early stage of the extreme path, but you are about to achieve the late stage of the extreme path!

"Friend Daoist, I don't know who you are, but you seem to have crossed the line." Empress Qinglian forcibly suppressed all thoughts, and only looked at Lin Yuan coldly, her warning was quite obvious.

"I came here this time only to send a great fortune to the Heavenly Demon Realm." Lin Yuan smiled and said, "The All Saints are in the Great Desolate Continent, and I have a way to go to the Great Desolate Continent through the Four Great Jedi."

"Kill him, and we will share the fortune equally."


His voice was like thunder, shocking the audience, everyone's expressions changed, and the pot exploded in an instant, and their spiritual thoughts boiled.

"Go to the Great Desolate Continent and kill the Ten Thousand Saints?!"

"Too arrogant!"

"Is there a more absurd joke in the world than this?"

"Ridiculous!" Empress Qinglian also sneered, "Not to mention the fantasy of your delusion to kill Tianzun, even if you go to the Great Desolate Continent—"

Her pupils contracted sharply, her voice stopped abruptly, she seemed to think of something, and she lost her voice: "You are the existence that confronts Wan Sheng Tianzun?!"

Lin Yuan nodded slightly: "Exactly."

The group of monsters didn't know it, so they obviously didn't have enough levels to perceive the scene that shocked all multi-dimensional extreme powerhouses.

"Please leave the Sky Demon Realm!" Empress Qinglian resolutely refused, and even had an undisguised killing intent.

"Oh? Why?" Lin Yuan was slightly surprised and asked with great interest.

"I have participated in the battle of multiverses, and I belong to the former department of Tianzun." In Empress Qinglian's slender hands, there was a cyan radiance flowing, and a blooming lotus shrouded the haze, and she held it in her palm.

"What a pity." Lin Yuan sighed softly, his face full of regret, "It seems that Qinglian Demon Emperor will be expelled from the world from now on."


Without the slightest sign, he had already decided to strike, extremely ruthless.

"Presumptuous!" Empress Qinglian was frightened and angry, and attacked forcefully.

After a moment.

Lin Yuan held a beautiful woman's head in his hand, and he couldn't close his eyes until he died, his face was full of shock and fear.

This head turned into a brilliant lotus flower the size of a washbasin in his palm, gradually withered and withered, turned into powder and fluttered.

"I just wanted to find two allies, so why be so foolish and loyal?" Lin Yuan shook his head helplessly and sighed regretfully.

As an ally, the Demon Emperor Qinglian has a lot of fighting power, but being swallowed up by herself... can only take away less than [-]%, and the rest will be dispersed and belong to the multi-dimensional way of heaven.

The demon emperor fell, and the heaven and the earth mourned together.

The elegy is desolate and mournful, the sky is crystal clear like lotus petals carved from jade, and countless big monsters are terrified, kneeling down and worshiping.

"I'm Lin Yuan, you can call me Heavenly Demon Lord." Lin Yuan said lightly, looking down at the embarrassed and humble appearance of the group of monsters, "From now on, I will be your master."

"Besides... is there only such a strong man in your Heavenly Demon Realm?"

Even if there was a monster Jinxian, he quickly responded: "Returning to the gods, there is also a demon emperor of ten thousand beasts! It's just that he took the risk a month and a half ago and chose to ascend to the prehistoric continent in order to find good luck!"

Lin Yuan was speechless for a while, and finally only uttered two words: "Idiot."

Eighty percent of this guy is already trapped in the Jedi, and he can't go to the Great Desolate Continent at all.

Even this is not bad, at least Lin Yan may go to the same Jedi to find him and bring him to the Primordial Continent.

In the worst case, of course, this Ten Thousand Beast Demon Emperor made a mistake and actually went to the Great Desolate Continent.

There is only one dead end waiting for him.


The dreamland of Taichu in the extreme west.

Wanshou Yaodi Meng Chengfeng suddenly woke up from his dream, already breaking out in a cold sweat.

Thinking of the previous dream, he still couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of fear.

That long dream... is too real!

In the dream, he escaped from the Dreamland of Absolute Beginning after a hard struggle, and then arrived at the Great Desolate Continent.There, the heavenly court collapsed, and there were thousands of races, but the strongest was just a golden fairy.

As an extreme powerhouse, Meng Chengfeng swept all directions and flattened the world in a dream.He plundered fortune wantonly, and he never let go of even the other side of the sky, and his cultivation base steadily increased.

Afterwards, the Ten Thousand Saints came to the Great Desolate Continent, but only in the Immortal Realm, he was crushed to death with one finger!At that time, Meng Chengfeng was so excited that his whole body was trembling, and there was only one feeling—cool!Too cool to breathe!It's so cool that I'm going crazy!

After crushing Lin Fei to death, Meng Chengfeng took away the creation of chaos in his dream and broke through to the realm of the inner universe in one fell swoop.Then he beat the Six Paths of Reincarnation Demon Lord in the late stage of Jidao, and dominated the entire multiverse.

Cai Beiyu, the ancestor of Kunpeng, the empress of Yaoguang, Feng Hechu, the ancestor of Phoenix...all of them were tampered with memories and influenced their minds, and they were brought into the harem. They were gentle and considerate, happy day and night.

All the insect emperors, dragon masters, and dragon emperors are all his younger brothers, kneeling at his feet and trembling.

Such a beautiful dream, but lurking the most terrifying danger.

It was too real, too perfect, so that Meng Chengfeng fell into it and almost couldn't wake up.

"It's a pity that it's just a dream!" He sighed, the gap between reality and dream was so great that it was hard to accept for a while.

But right after, Meng Chengfeng's eyes lit up and he became excited again.

The Great Desolate Continent is already in sight, will dreams come true?

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