As a strong man in the later stage of the demon emperor, Meng Chengfeng would not have the slightest fear of his life in the dream of the beginning.

It's just that even if it exists like this, it is difficult to escape from the dream.According to common sense, he should be trapped in a dream forever and never return to reality.

He himself didn't understand what happened to make him wake up.I just felt that at a moment not long ago, the dream world suddenly trembled.Even though it was just a slight fluctuation, it caused a flaw in the impeccable structure of the dream world, which was caught by Meng Chengfeng's keen sense of spirit.

After a hard struggle, he finally escaped.

If you have to use an analogy, dreams are like prisons controlled by high-tech programs.Because of a tiny bug in some unexpected program, the prisoners in it seized the opportunity to complete the escape.

This opportunity is the fine-tuning of the entire multiverse. The time went back for 3 minutes, which caused a logical contradiction in the dream of the beginning of the universe-Meng Chengfeng in the real world is naturally unable to perceive it; but in the virtual dream, his identity is inside. The powerful in the universe must be able to perceive such a terrifying change.

The frightening thing about the dream in the beginning of time lies in its reality, constructing an impeccable false world, and the purpose is naturally to trap the existence trapped in it.

Then the problem is coming.

In the dream, Meng Chengfeng was a strong man in the inner universe. According to the real simulation, he should be able to feel it.And if you notice it, you will find the clues, destroying the original intention of trapping it.

When there is a logical contradiction in the program, whether there are technicians to repair it in time will lead to the collapse of the stability of the entire dream world.

Meng Chengfeng didn't know that he was able to get out of trouble thanks to Lin Fei's huge commotion.


He brought the demon emperor Tianwei to the prehistoric continent!

Meng Chengfeng was really arrogant and boundless, causing the entire Great Desolate Continent to resound his celestial hymn, announcing his arrival to the entire Prehistoric Continent with a domineering posture like a king coming.

"The Great Desolate Continent, your emperor is here! I am the Demon Emperor of Ten Thousand Beasts, Meng Chengfeng!" His divine thoughts resounded like a thunderbolt, and even more like the sound of heaven, resounding in every corner of the Prehistoric Continent.

After the brief shock of countless creatures, their expressions were particularly strange.

Originally, the arrival of an extremely strong man was enough to make all races panic to the extreme. I don't know how many monks can't wait to kneel and lick like a dog.

But... now it's different.Not only were there no words of admiration or awe, but many monks showed sympathy and mourned for this extremely powerful man for two seconds.

Even these monks themselves didn't expect that they would have a day of sympathy for the extreme power...

Standing on the top of the mountain with his head held high, Meng Chengfeng held his hands behind his back, proudly waiting for the strong men of all races to pay homage to him, and offer all the precious resources on his own initiative.

Ten seconds passed.

20 seconds.

30 seconds......

A full minute passed, and there was still no sign of any monks coming, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

Meng Chengfeng's face became ugly, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he unfolded his spiritual consciousness covering a wide range.

But just at this moment, he frowned, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

With Meng Chengfeng's cultivation base, it is already enough to span countless billions of light-years, covering an entire cosmic plane.However, under the strong suppression of the Heaven and Earth Dao of the Great Desolate Continent, the coverage area is only about one-fifth of the entire highest plane!

And within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, he could even see some creatures not far away running away in fear.

"Hurry up and run! When that lord comes over to kill him, what if one accidentally wipes us out?"

"This evil pen! You didn't come before the rise of that lord, are you here to die now?"

"Come on, come on, and make such a big commotion, do you really think you didn't die fast enough?"

This is the truest thought in the hearts of those monks who fled desperately.

He didn't even dare to call him "Lin Fei" or "Wansheng Tianzun", so he avoided it as much as possible.

In the case of the same plane.

The extremely strong man must know what he says!

Their name taboo can also be regarded as a special taboo, once you think about or say their name taboo, you will be perceived by them.And as long as there is a slight disrespect in the fluctuation of spiritual sense when mentioning his name, there is a risk of annihilation on the spot.

For example, if someone sighs with emotion, "Eastern Emperor Taiyi is truly a peerless hero", then he must be fine; if someone sighs with emotion, "Taiyi is a piece of shit", then he explodes with a "boom" on the spot, turning into a gorgeous blood-colored firework. Not surprising.

At this time, Meng Chengfeng saw many monks fleeing in a hurry, so he showed a mocking sneer: "A group of ants, I don't bother to run over you, why should I be afraid of this?"

Obviously, he thought that the group of monks fled desperately because they were extremely afraid of him.

Little did he know that in the eyes of the ants in his eyes, Meng Chengfeng was the idiot who was about to die without knowing it.

Indeed, if Meng Chengfeng had come earlier, he would have ruled the world, sweeping all directions and unifying the prehistoric world would be easy and comfortable.

But now...

Half of his body was buried in the ground, and death was basically a certainty.

At the same time, the expressions of everyone in the Great Desolation Central Heavenly Court were equally wonderful.

"Then let's start with the first clan!" Meng Chengfeng's eyes shone with anticipation, he checked the ranking list of the Heavenly Dao, and was instantly stunned.

Human race?

What are you kidding?After Ye Wudi fell, didn't the ten thousand races take advantage of the situation to attack and completely overthrow the Heavenly Court?

"It doesn't matter, let's level the central heaven first!" Meng Chengfeng showed a cruel and cruel smile, planning to slaughter the biggest fat sheep in his eyes first.


A ray of golden light spreads out, like the emperor of heaven is traveling all over the world, the emperor of the extreme way is mighty.Thousands of auspicious colors hang down, and the majestic, barbaric hymn of immortality, like the sacrifice of thousands of orcs in the wild tribe, is magnificent and makes the world tremble.

Wherever it passed, countless monks from thousands of races were dumbfounded and dumbfounded on the spot!

Meng Chengfeng showed contempt on his face, thinking that the ants only had this knowledge, but a ray of extreme aura scared them all into stupidity.

After he left, these ten thousand monks looked at each other, and after a short silence, they exploded.

"He seems to be...going to the Great Desolate Central Heavenly Court?"

"I'm shocked! Is there really someone who is not afraid of the Ten Thousand Saints?"

"I asked my wife to go out and wait to enjoy the flower rain. Damn, the flower rain can only be seen by the fallen of the extreme powerhouse, why not make her cry romantically?!"

But in the Great Desolate Central Heavenly Court, the scene was even more bizarre.

"Tianzun said that the demon emperor will come soon! Now there is a good show!"

"Porridge with melon seeds and peanuts, beer and mineral water!"

"My lady, come out quickly, I'm ready to watch Huayu and listen to a little song!"

Like the Chinese New Year, the atmosphere in the heavenly court is extremely warm.

It's just that I don't know what kind of wonderful expression Meng Chengfeng will have when he sees such a situation?

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