I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1116 Demon Emperor late stage, vulnerable to one blow

There was a dead silence in the audience, shrouded in shocking emotions.

Everyone knew that Lin Fei was very strong, but he really didn't have a clear idea of ​​how strong he was.

It wasn't until I saw him confronting the extreme powerhouse with my own eyes that I deeply realized the outrageousness of it!

Across the difference between the realms of the two extreme levels, making it difficult for the opponent to parry with an understatement?

Ye Wudi also greeted the gazes of Qi Shushua. He was actually stunned by the sudden praise. He could only touch his nose and said in embarrassment: "Actually, it's nothing. The current Tianzun asks for advice, and should be able to take over Tianmie's offensive, and survive the injury."

The audience was in an uproar, many people looked at Ye Wudi with admiration, even Cai Beiyu was in awe!

After a long period of time, almost everyone knew that Lin Fei had mastered the "Rakshasa Magical Skill" through word of mouth from the Demon Clan Lantern Envoys and Shui Lanxing people.

Four Jue, Two Overlords, One Extinction.

Ye Wudi actually said that he could withstand Lin Fei's blow from heaven!Even if you will be seriously injured, even if you have the advantage of two extreme realms, this is amazing enough!

Obviously, Ye Wudi has never been the kind of person who exaggerates.

In the late stage of the Ji Dao, he is indeed the most powerful person whose brilliance shines on the heavens.But even in the same realm, there are differences between superior and inferior.

If he is also in the late stage of the extreme path, Ye Wudi is obviously stronger than Meng Chengfeng by a large margin, worthy of competing with Haotian!

"Too modest, can this be called nothing?"

"As expected of Tianzun's favorite student, he is really a famous teacher and a great disciple!"

"The Emperor Honghuang's life is really extraordinary, much better than that wild demon emperor who appeared out of nowhere!"

Meng Chengfeng was suddenly hit by an indiscriminate disaster, his eyes widened immediately, and he had the urge to scold his mother.

no!You praised him, why did you still belittle me?

Also, what is a wild demon emperor?

This world is too crazy, why do ants dare to point and point at the extreme powerhouse? !

Meng Chengfeng gritted his teeth and cursed angrily in his heart: "It's really a bully!"

He really wanted to slap all these ants who offended the majesty of the extreme way to death, but he was deeply afraid of Lin Fei's invisible deterrence, so he could only lower his posture and humbly beg for mercy again: "Heavenly Lord, please forgive me! The return of the Sixth Demon Lord In the near future, I am afraid that the multi-dimensional battle is about to start, and you also need extreme powers under your command?!"

"I am willing to fight for Tianzun in Duoyuan, against the strong from all walks of life, and die without complaint!"

At this moment, Meng Chengfeng resented that there were no contracts, oaths, curses and other means to restrain the extreme powerhouse.How can one be bound by these things when one's own essence has been sublimated and accomplished?

But without the constraints of these things, Meng Chengfeng couldn't strengthen his persuasive power, so he could only bite the bullet and make the last attempt.

Lin Fei was expressionless and unmoved.

He knew what kind of guy Meng Chengfeng was, and if he really wanted to take him to participate in the multi-dimensional battle, he was afraid that when he fought against Liu Dao, this guy would immediately surrender when he saw something was wrong, and instead stab him in the back...


In the horrified eyes of everyone, the sky fell.

No, that's not the sky falling, but the endless thunder of the Nine Heavens.Thousands of miles away, boundless as far as the eye can see, it looks like the entire sky has collapsed and fallen down.

The vast divine thunder turned into a tornado, pouring all of it into Lin Fei's body, covering him in majestic and blazing thunder.

The earth roared and trembled even more, and there were shrill and mournful sounds, from which endless pure negative energy gushed out, like the coming of the Nine Serenity Hell, icy cold and chilling.

Two different forces collided in Lin Fei's body, and then all tremblingly transmitted to his arm.

With a punch, the six reincarnation diagrams were shattered.

Six Destroyers Thunderbolt Underworld King!

"No!" Meng Chengfeng's eyes were about to split open, and he let out a terrified scream, his whole body was violently boiling.

Visions of thousands of ferocious beasts appeared around him, completely submerging it.There is even more gangster energy soaring into the sky, and thousands of monsters howling angrily,

Meng Chengfeng's body changed horribly, revealing a strange original shape as if assembled by thousands of beasts.On his chest, there are the heads of many monsters, such as bloodthirsty wolf, golden lion, eye-catching white-fronted black tiger, flood dragon, triangular bull demon...

Without exception, these murderers all showed extremely painful and distorted expressions, and uttered howling divine thoughts, which was creepy.

"Pure Land of Heavenly Demon!"

Accompanied by his hissing and roaring, the sun and the moon trembled and swayed, and the clear light flickered indefinitely, and even traces of it cracked in the sound of "clicking".

Behind Meng Chengfeng, there is a real and illusory world emerging!Among them, the evil spirit is soaring to the sky, and thousands of monsters are rampant, exuding an endless tragic evil spirit.

Countless monks were shocked and secretly frightened.

Although he can't be compared with Ye Wudi's box body, but... he is the arrogance of the late stage of the ultimate path after all!

That side of the world is vast and boundless, in which there are blood-red raptors flying high in the sky, shaking the clouds for thousands of miles.There is also a centipede that is covered in gold and looks like it was cast from fairy gold. It is a hundred meters long. When crawling, its legs and feet passed tens of thousands of catties of boulders, which shattered into powder.

Such a heavenly demon pure land suddenly crashed into the Thunderbolt Mingkongba.


A large world was destroyed at extreme speed. With the advancement of the power of thunder and darkness, mountains collapsed, rivers evaporated, and thousands of monsters fled in fear!

The Thunder Psychic Overlord swept everything with a destructive force, even if it was only hit by a ray of light, the ferocious monsters would instantly turn into ashes!

Under the shocking eyes of the audience, the Heavenly Demon Pure Land was completely destroyed.Not only that, but Meng Chengfeng's chest was pierced and shattered, leaving a transparent hole from front to back.

"Pfft!" Meng Chengfeng spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was completely paralyzed.Half of it was extremely gloomy and cold, even the primordial spirit was almost frozen; half of it was scorched black, with lightning crackling and jumping, and he completely lost consciousness.

He could only watch helplessly as Lin Fei stretched out a palm and pressed it on his shoulder.


With a crisp sound, Meng Chengfeng's bones broke, and all his magnificent cultivation was swallowed up.

"No!" he exclaimed, "I have practiced penance for seventy-nine million years, you can't take away my good fortune!"

"Lin Fei, I want to die with you!"

Lin Fei didn't even bother to blink his eyelids, so he said impatiently: "Stop yelling and barking there, can you blow yourself up that you don't have any points in your heart?"

Meng Chengfeng's eyes widened instantly, and he fell into the most terrified and helpless despair.

16777216 runes completely locked his primordial spirit and sea of ​​energy.

It was quite difficult for Lin Fei to deal with two demon emperors of the same realm, but it was the injury caused by Ye Daoran's peak blow, which was the result of Ye Daoran's reversal of the general situation of life and death, and forced him to live for a moment longer. It is a miracle that he survived.Although the extreme state is still retained, the state can be said to have fallen into the abyss.

And Zhu Qingfeng is comparable to Zhenwu Emperor in the same situation, and Qingcao Jianzun is even stronger!

And now...

"Native chicken and tile dog, vulnerable to a single blow." Lin Fei sneered, holding the head of Meng Chengfeng, a strong late demon emperor, and looking up at the sky.

The rain of flowers is crystal clear, floating all over the sky.

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