I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1117 That First Meeting

Meng Chengfeng, a generation of demon emperor, practiced painstakingly for 900 million years, before he died.

Everyone in the heavenly court was not surprised by the result of his fall.

But for the process of his defeat, everyone was quite confused, even though the rain of crystal flowers had fallen all over the sky, they still couldn't recover.

"That's... dead?"

"Late stage of the demon emperor? Was it blown up with one punch?"

"No matter how you look at it, Tianzun only needs one move to kill him!"

Many watermelon crowds still looked confused, thinking what's going on, I only took two bites of the melon in my hand, so it's over?

What about the Myriad Beast Demon Emperor? Can't you be more confident and let yourself watch the battle of the extreme powerhouse for a while?

No matter what everyone thinks, this battle has almost just begun, and it has already come to an end.

The entire Great Desolate Continent was shrouded in the hazy glow of Huayu, like a dream.There is also an elegy resounding through the heaven and earth, and it seems that there are thousands of beasts mourning and whimpering in harmony.

The cultivator from all races cried bitterly while cursing at Meng Chengfeng: I feel that you came to the prehistoric world just because you wanted to use your own life to make the whole world cry for your funeral?

An extremely strong man came with majestic momentum, causing the whole world to know of his arrival.As a result, he died suddenly in a very short time interval, which seemed ridiculous no matter how he thought about it.

However, when Lin Fei killed such a strong man, it was like killing a fly. He didn't care about it. He just shook his head and gave a two-word evaluation: "Idiot."

I have practiced to such a high level, is it not good to live?

The only remaining two demon emperors in the sky demon world were killed by the master and apprentice respectively.


The dreamland of Taichu in the extreme west.

There is a vast whiteness here, and there are thousands of picture fragments in the space, like 3D projections, covering the whole world, full of scenes of various beautiful dreams.

After Meng Chengfeng left, there should have been a dead silence here, but at this moment 37 monks appeared.

There are demons and demons, and among them, those with the lowest cultivation level are also in the early stage of Golden Immortal.

The leader is Lin Yuan.

Countless dream fragments rushed up, trying to devour everyone.Rao Yongyehou, a strong man at the peak of Jinxian, also felt dizzy in an instant, feeling that his eyelids were so heavy that he was about to fall asleep.


Lin Yuan's body erupted with endless majestic fresh air, which turned into a misty chaos.

A bright red, agate-like blood bead popped out, shaking the dream fragments in all directions, and the space-time axis of the Dao of Heaven was impressively manifested, covering everyone in it!

The 36 golden immortals woke up suddenly, feeling a burst of shock, and even broke out in cold sweat.Thinking of the drowsiness that he couldn't resist before, he was afraid for a while.Obviously, if Lin Yuan hadn't moved the time-space axis of the Dao of Heaven in this ditch, everyone would be trapped in it forever.

Looking around, I saw that all the dream fragments were blocked from this beam of light and could not be touched at all.And the crowd is still rising at a very high speed, the surrounding scene is extremely blurred, turning into fleeting afterimages and sweeping back to disappear without a trace.

The 36 golden immortals were surprised to find a detail at this moment, and they looked at each other in blank dismay, none of them dared to say anything.

Lin Yuan's white figure turned his back on everyone, trembling slightly?

Are you nervous?

Especially the Golden Immortal of the Sky Demon Realm, recalling the scene of Lin Yuan's forceful suppression of the Qinglian Demon Emperor, he simply didn't know what to say.

This kind of existence that can stand against the Ten Thousand Saints and easily kill the extremely strong across the border, is also nervous?

Lin Yuan remained silent, his thoughts running wild, thinking of all kinds of past.

It was discovered by humans in the wild village from Jiulongyuan and brought back to the village;

Then gradually grow up, follow the village chief to learn the rough and outdated knowledge of practice, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, absorb the aura of heaven and earth every day, complete the medicinal bath in the ancient medicinal cauldron, and exercise the body;

When I was seven years old, I accidentally injured the number one warrior in the village during a duel, shocking all the villagers.

Lin Yuan will never forget the surprise and hope that those familiar faces looked at him.

Aunt Zhang, who often asked herself to eat at her house, once bandaged the wound and gave herself a piece of meat with tears in her eyes when food was in short supply.She said that she had killed a beast, and there was no shortage of food at home, so that Lin Yuan didn't have to worry about her. The body of the beast had been handed over to the village chief, and it would be distributed to others soon.

So Xiao Linyuan, who was exercising his body and needed a lot of supplements, almost swallowed his tongue after roasting the meat.

It was only later that Lin Yuan found out that Aunt Zhang had cut off her own flesh.

This is Aunt Zhang, an ordinary woman in her 50s with mostly gray hair who is still practicing Qi. Her husband and child died in the belly of a ferocious beast, and she took care of Lin Yuan like her own child.

There is also Uncle Wang, a rough guy who Lin Yuan didn't like, who had a brain injury and was a little bit crazy.He was always full of foul language, messed up Lin Yuan's hair at every turn, smoked cigarettes rolled from leaves of unknown plants, and spit the smoke all over his body when he spoke.

Moreover, Uncle Wang is still very sloppy, with greasy hair, black marks all over his body, and it stinks.Every time he got close to Lin Yuan, the latter would hold his breath and run away.

But once the village was attacked, Lin Yuan almost died under the claws of a scarlet bird of prey, but it was Uncle Wang, who was the most disliked in the past, who saved him.

Uncle Wang almost died, and even though he survived in the end, he also broke an arm.

There is also Grandpa Liu, the village head. Every time he picks herbs or has other harvests, he will always leave them to Lin Yuan.The village head taught Lin Yuan how to practice and took care of him meticulously.Even when Lin Yuan was poisoned once, he was so anxious that he cried. Regardless of dissuasion, he led Uncle Wang and others to venture across the murderous jungle at night to find a witch doctor in a distant village.

During that adventure, the village chief's son died, and his daughter-in-law broke down and cried, scolding Lin Yuan for being a broom star and a scourge, and wanted him to pay for it.

Too much too much......

Those familiar faces are not relatives, but they are better than relatives.

And Lin Yuan was still a little kid at the age of seven, but became the most powerful person in the village, so he was excited when he saw these familiar faces.The elderly village chief couldn't help crying, but kept saying "yes" choked up.

Uncle Wang even hugged himself with one arm, laughed and said that Lin Yuan is promising, and our village is going to produce a big shot!

Lin Yuan knew that everyone had infinite expectations for him, and hoped that he could lead the village out of the predicament and stop living such a difficult life.

This heavy responsibility made Lin Yuan grit his teeth and practice desperately.

At the age of 11, Lin Yuan met Song Wei for the first time.

She is only ten years old, but she is a fairy seedling appointed by Shuiyun Palace, like a princess, surrounded by a group of well-dressed and extraordinary monks.

That was also the first time, the first time Lin Yuan felt inferior.

He lowered his head and looked at his animal leather shoes with a hole in them, showing his toes.

Suddenly want to cry.

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