I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1120 Water Cloud Palace

On the lake in the imperial garden, there are layers of lotus leaves.

There are wooden covered bridges on it, which rise from all directions and connect to the central lake pavilion.

The water surface is clear and round, the koi carp is moving, and the winding corridors are fragrant with lotus.

Lin Fei, Ji Yaoguang, Cai Beiyu, Ye Wudi, Yinzi, and Yin Pianliu were all in the pavilion.

Yinzi is not only a qualified licking dog, but also a reliable sister - she gave Yin Pianlu a chance to show off her singing voice in front of Lin Fei.

Yin Pianlai played the piano with plain hands, and the sound of the piano was tinkling like flowing water.Singing in a soft voice, ethereal and distant, Rao even Lin Fei nodded slightly, expressing his praise for her singing.

Stealing half a day's leisure in Fusheng is also a kind of pleasure.

After all, no one knows how long such a leisurely time can last.When Yin Pianle's song ended, even Lin Fei laughed and joked, saying that I am the one who will fight Lin Yuan, why are you all more nervous than me?

During the chat, Ye Wudi couldn't help but asked about the story of this junior.

Lin Fei was silent for a while, and finally sighed softly, and said, "The first time I saw Lin Yuan, he was only 12 years old, but he was already in the late stage of foundation establishment."

The opening sentence shocked everyone.

Even if the earth's spiritual energy is at its most prosperous and enters the glorious stage of the cultivation world, it cannot get rid of the fact that it is in a lower plane.Not to mention being compared with the highest plane, the Great Desolate Continent, even higher planes such as the Immortal World, the Demon World, and the Heavenly Demon World have aura concentration far greater than that of Earth.

The most terrible thing is that Lin Fei also added: "And he has mastered the complete basic knowledge of cultivation in less than a year. Living in a wild village, the cultivation resources are extremely poor."

Ye Wudi was quite surprised, and asked: "He didn't master the basic knowledge of practice before, which means that there is no corresponding inheritance in the wild village, so how can he master the basic knowledge of practice?"

He had an absurd and bold guess, but he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, he perfected it himself." Lin Fei's voice fell, and everyone's faces were no longer shocked, but terrified.

Just like mortals fear monsters!

Lin Fei was also quite embarrassed by this memory, and continued to talk with emotion.

Lin Yuan, who was only 12 years old at the time, was already a seasoned monk in Lin Fei's eyes.Although he didn't practice advanced skills and didn't have a magic weapon that was carefully sacrificed, he had the perseverance and calmness that flowers in the greenhouse didn't have.

I'm afraid that people of the same age in the Cultivation Sect will be terrified by the vicious and desperate aura of Shang Lin Yuan, and they will lose their inch, and they will lose if they don't fight.

But the young man also knelt without hesitation, knocking his head three times.

At that time, Lin Yuan was overjoyed and took Lin Fei back to the village to bid farewell to the people.

From Lin Fei's point of view, it seemed that the child was promising, and he was eager to go home and tell his family as soon as possible.

This was indeed the case. Hearing of Lin Fei's identity, the whole village was shocked.It can be seen that they all have a deep relationship with Lin Yuan, and many old people even cried, thanking Lin Fei for his efforts.

The village head also repeatedly told Lin Yuan that he must understand the etiquette, listen to the master's words, and practice hard.

As the saying goes, if one person attains enlightenment, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

Lin Yuan recognized Lin Fei as his master, and the people in the village also benefited.A large number of pills such as spiritual stones, Qi gathering pills, foundation building pills, etc., piled up like a mountain on the square where the villagers practiced martial arts, as if they were free of money.

Everyone was shocked, even Lin Yuan was no exception.

Many people even feel that it is too expensive, and they dare not accept it at all.For them, this is naturally an unimaginably exaggerated resource, I'm afraid many people dare not even dream about it.

But for Lin Fei, these resources are not worth a second look: "Take it, I have as many of these resources as I want."

This is not an exaggeration.

At that time, Lin Fei's stature was already comparable to that of the multiverse, and there were countless planes of the universe in his body.With just one thought, countless elixir were gathered and refined, and they became pills in an instant.

This is also the main reason why Ji Yaoguang became the Immortal Emperor in only 2000 years in his previous life.

Of course, Ye Wudi, Lin Yuan, Qinglian Yaodi and others are also beneficiaries.In the battle of the multiverse, he and Liu Dao's powerful men were like a cloud, and they could not do without their respective cultivation.

It has its own universe, no longer ask for it from this multiverse, no longer subject to the law of heaven!

As long as his talent and character are recognized by Lin Fei or Ye Daoran, it means the strong rise of this monk.

And Lin Yuan is the existence they admire the most, not one of them!

After leaving the village, Lin Yuan asked Lin Fei if he could take him to Shuiyun Palace. He wanted to see someone.

Lin Fei did not directly agree, but instead asked: "If you can't mention that you are my apprentice, and you can only show the realm of the fifth level of Qi training, are you still willing to go?"

Lin Fei is a well-known strict teacher, he didn't want Lin Yuan to rely on his status to enjoy everything, and then become arrogant and domineering, not enterprising - he has seen this kind of thing too much, and there are many such things among his disciples.

"Anyway, my master is the Ten Thousand Saints, and I don't need to practice to get treatment that countless strong people can't even imagine!"

"No matter how hard you practice, you can't catch up with Tianzun. Why do you have to work so hard?"

There are not a few people who have such thoughts, and there are also some monks who are directly addicted to pleasure, and have since neglected their practice and become eclipsed.

For example, a lustful person is accompanied by beautiful women every day, singing and singing every night, hugging left and right.How much time and thought does he have, willing to retreat in austerity, wholeheartedly follow the long and distant path of practice, and fight against the catastrophe?

What's more, among all kinds of pleasure and greed, a heart demon secretly arises, the Taoist heart is not strong, and the future is self-destructed.

And so on, to name a few.

No matter how outstanding Lin Yuan was, he was still just a 12-year-old kid. Lin Fei didn't want him to be complacent.Instead, I wanted him to see how cruel the world would be to him if he didn't have enough strength.

Lin Yuan hesitated for a while, finally nodded and said, "Yes."

He hoped that Song Wei could like him, but he didn't want it just because of his talent, who he learned from, and how promising he was in the future.

Young people's liking is always so pure, and young people always hope that everything will not be mixed with any realistic factors.

Part of Lin Yuan's cultivation was sealed, so he just went to the foot of the mountain gate of Shuiyun Palace.Lin Fei stood on the top of the palace on the mountain, basking in the wind and watching everything, but no one noticed his existence.

Without any suspense, he was angrily reprimanded by the disciples guarding the mountain.He even arrested Lin Yuan and handed it over to Zhao Zheng.

Zhao Zheng was surprised that Lin Yuan's cultivation base was not advancing but retreating, and then he thought that he was injured in the wild jungle, and he might even be a disabled person, no matter how difficult it is to improve his cultivation base.

Not only did he have someone beat Lin Yuan up, but he even told him a cruel news: "The palace lord betrothed Song Wei to me, get out, and never see her again!"

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