I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1121 A Hosta

To Lin Yuan, this news was like a bolt from the blue.

It turns out that although Zhao Zheng is a disciple of three generations, he is the disciple with the highest cultivation talent in the current Shuiyun Palace besides Song Wei.

As for the question that Song Wei is only 11 years old... the baby can be a parent, so what's wrong with talking about marriage at the age of 11?You must know that in that era, it was common to get married and have children at the age of fourteen or fifteen.

Lin Yuan was not reconciled, and shouted Song Wei's name, which angered Zhao Zheng even more, and beat him up again.But this movement just happened to startle Song Wei.

She not only scolded Zhao Zheng to stop, but also said that she disagreed with the marriage and wanted to refuse the matter to the Palace Master.

Zhao Zheng looked ugly, but due to Song Wei's status, he had to let Lin Yuan go.

Even Lin Fei didn't expect that he would complete a divine assist.

After all, Song Wei was a little girl with a kind heart and a pure heart, so she took Lin Yuan directly to her residence to get medicine.

This was Lin Yuan's first time entering a women's boudoir, and he was a little nervous.When Song Wei made him lie on the bed, his face turned red even more.

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing at it, thinking that you look like this, are you really the same person as when you fought against Bai Jiao?

Although he felt that this was a bit of a bad taste, he still watched this scene with great interest.

Seeing Lin Yuan's shy look, Song Wei laughed with a "puchi": "What are you afraid of? Am I some kind of beast that will eat you?"

"Hey, how did you come to Shuiyun Palace? The road is so dangerous, aren't you afraid?"

Lin Yuan didn't speak.

Because he promised Lin Fei, he couldn't say that he was his apprentice, so naturally he couldn't say that he brought him here.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Song Wei took out the externally applied plaster, and asked again: "Then you come to Shuiyun Palace to apprentice?"

Lin Yuan shook his head and said, "I'll come to see you."

Song Wei suddenly raised her head, her bright eyes widened, "Just for this?"

"En!" Lin Yuan nodded seriously.

"By the way, I brought you a gift!" He suddenly remembered something, and carefully took out the family heirloom given to him by the village head—a space ring that was severely worn and had a crack in it.

From it, Lin Yuan took out a bunch of dragon scales and an exceptionally tough dragon tendon!

Song Wei almost exclaimed, and with a light touch of her finger, she moved her face and said, "A flood dragon approaching the Golden Core Realm? Where did it come from?"

Lin Yuan said unnaturally: "There are often wild beasts fighting in the jungle. When I found this dragon, it was already dead. It was covered in wounds, as if it had lost too much blood."

His acting skills are a bit clumsy, but it is more than enough to deceive a pampered, innocent girl who is only eleven years old...

Song Wei knew how precious this thing was and was unwilling to accept it, but Lin Yuan insisted.

In the end, Song Wei still accepted the thing, after thinking about it, she also gave Lin Yuan a jade hairpin.

It was originally a magic weapon used by the Palace Master in the Golden Core Realm, but Song Wei was overjoyed when he joined the teacher's school and gave it to her directly.

"Don't think about it, this is not a token of love, but a gift between friends!" Song Wei saw that Lin Yuan was surprised but did not dare to accept it, so she said, "If you don't accept it, then I will... .so I--"

Song Wei was stunned.

I can't seem to handle him?

"I'll ignore you!" If women are indeed talented in certain aspects, Song Wei hugged her chest and let out a cold snort, turning her face away, as if she wanted it or not.

The little girl is angry, very cute.

Instead, Lin Yuan panicked and quickly accepted the hairpin, which made Song Wei smile.

Lin Fei also smiled for it, revealing an indistinct, fatherly smile.

What a fun two little guys.

Song Wei applied medicine to Lin Yuan. At first the latter was a little nervous, but gradually he got used to it and relaxed.

Song Wei was extremely curious about life in the wild jungle, so she asked about Lin Yuan's experience.

This is also understandable.

As the jewel in the palm of Shuiyun Palace, the palace owner holds it in his palm for fear of falling, holds it in his mouth for fear of melting, and rarely allows her to leave the mountain gate—just kidding, what if she is abducted by other sects?Or what should I do if I meet a crooked person and want to borrow such an older girl as a cauldron for two repairs?Or what should I do if I encounter some monster and swallow it directly?

Even if it is rare to go out once, it must be taken care of by a group of people just like the original trial.If Song Wei made a slight mistake, everyone would be punished extremely severely.

Over time, Song Wei yearned for and was full of curiosity about the world outside the mountain gate.

Lin Yuan then talked about his own experience, from being without father and mother, being taken back to the village in Jiulongyuan, to how everyone struggled to survive and huddled together to keep warm.At the age of six, it was the first time that he confronted wild guns, how frightened he was, but he had to bite the bullet and fight hard.

It is unimaginable for two people with completely different living environments to collide with each other.

Song Wei was completely immersed in his narration for a while, and she was shocked and moved when she heard Uncle Wang's arm was broken and Aunt Zhang's flesh was cut.Hearing that Lin Yuan was in danger again and again, he became nervous again, and even looked at him with admiration and awe.

six years old!

Obviously scared to death, Uncle Wang and the others told Lin Yuan to run quickly, but he gritted his teeth and charged forward, fighting with the ferocious beast!

Lin Yuan didn't notice that Song Wei looked at her with her chin in her hands, and her expression became more and more gentle.

And don't take your eyes off it.

Resolute and brave, emphasizing love and righteousness, innocent and shy, he is more hardworking than all his peers in the school, and he crosses the dangerous wild jungle just to see himself, and gives himself the incomparably precious dragon scales and dragon tendons... ...

After hearing about Er Niu's death, Song Wei felt sorry for him even more.

At similar ages, how can there be such a big gap between their circumstances?Is it because of his bad background and lack of cultivation talent?

Is it true that you are born inferior, and no matter how hard you work, you can't make up for it?

This is not fair.

Why should such a young man be buried like this, why should he live in a fearful environment, and be in danger of dying in the wild jungle at any time?

Song Wei took a deep breath and took his hand directly: "Yuan, come with me!"

At that moment, Lin Fei saw with his own eyes that the eyes of the future Heavenly Demon Lord suddenly widened and his whole body became stiff, as if his soul had been taken away.

Song Wei acted particularly righteous and kind, and directly dragged him to find the Palace Master.Firstly, he refused the marriage, and secondly, he asked the palace lord to take Lin Yuan under his family.

Lin Yuan felt uneasy and flustered, and quickly refused.

When the disciples on the road saw this scene, they were even more in an uproar. Zhao Zheng's face was ashen, and he was ready to kill.

Seeing such a big reaction from the crowd, Song Wei, who was emotional, came to her senses and let go of Lin Yuan's hand in a hurry.

But it was too late.

Palace Master Shuiyun was furious when he heard this.

"You barbarian, do you know who Song Wei is?!"

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